ONAC of Huntington Ceremony a success
It is with great Pleasure that we bring to you this update regarding the recent Ceremony which was held by ONAC of Huntington over the weekend, as it's said to have been a Huge success which generated much good and positive medicine for all in attendance. The ceremony was held at one of ONAC Huntington's two ceremonial grounds which both are in the state of Utah.
It was with some sadness that members arrived to find Huntington's spiritual leader Jeff Gardner was unable to attend due to some personal family issues, but the sadness wouldn't last long before the tone would be set for the ceremonial purpose this weekend... Spiritual Rebirth and path refocus.

Johnny Angel, a long time member in amazing standing with ONAC of Huntington led the ceremonial services with another brother sundancer's assistance. Just over a dozen members of Oklevueha turned out for the ceremony including locals as well as members who came from church lodges from afar.
Astronomically speaking, this ceremony fell on no more perfect of a time as it's said that The Virgin in the sky (Virgo) again has given birth to the son (Jupiter) which is said to have last happened 7,000 years ago on the birth date of the physical Christ and many Christians fear as the marking of the official physical second coming of there Messiah. Obviously such a wonder didn't manifest before our eyes, but spiritually the sacredness of the symbology would not be overlooked by Oklevueha.
The first goal of the weekend was in the official dismantling of the previous lodge so that a new lodge could be officially blessed into establishment. This is a perfect initiation for such a sacred date spiritually and was accomplished with ease. To many's surprise, the new lodge was not constructed as a traditionally set Lakota lodge, no star, no tracks, just straight X's for the inipi and a common alter which was described as being "So that our brothers and sisters from other churches lodges and branches will feel welcomed and be inclined to come together for fellowship and to share our wisdom and sacrament medicines with one another and learn from one another in a good medicine way."
Oklevueha believes overall that among the most important of reasons for ceremony is to promote the Direct connection and communication between each individual and Great Creator. Huntington lodge highly encourage ALL to come together with them in future ceremonies and to "Listen and teach direct contact with Great Creator" and encourage all who partake with earth and water to come together accepting of one another on such common ground as before the Common Alter of ONAC of Huntington. If you are interested, or know someone who could really use a ceremony, we highly encourage you to network with ONAC of Huntington as they do go out of there way to cater to the needs of our members and are ready and willing to do all they can to bring good medicine ways into your daily lives.
"Don't forget it 'takes a tribe', and 'many hands make for light work'. Do not underestimate your place in the hoop, small or large as that place you hold may seem, all are equal. Safe travels all my relations. Aho!"
Please stay tuned for future updates on this and all other news and information encompassing the attention of Oklevueha. Go in a good way and make good medicine for our globe and all life upon her!