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San Diego celebrates European Colonization

Yes Ladies and gentlemen, you read the headline right, San Diego California is getting ready to celebrate the European Colonization of North America, specifically "The Discovery of San Diego" this last weekend, a festival they hold annually at the San Diego Bay in the southernest city of southern California.

For those of you whom aren't aware with this aspect of our nation's history, a man named Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo led the first European expedition to explore what is now known as the west coast of the United States. Cabrillo is said to have been a conquistador in his youth until he departed from the port of Navidad, Mexico, on June 27, 1542 to explore and conquer as Conquistadors were known to do.

Juan Cabrillo is said to have served in the army of famous conquistador Hernan Cortes in the terrible battles that went on between the Aztecs and the Spanish. It is said that Cabrillo fought in these battles as a captain of crossbowmen. After the defeat of the Aztecs, Cabrillo is said to have joined other Spanish military expeditions in what is today southern Mexico, Guatemala, and San Salvador. Eventually they say that Cabrillo settled in Guatemala and that there he received "encomiendas", long term leases for land uses such as gold mining and farming, along with the right to use forced Indian labor for these projects. It's said that the king of Spain granted encomiendas to Cabrillo as a reward for his services to the crown.

On the expedition that led him to San Diego, it is said that accompanying Cabrillo were a crew of sailors, soldiers, Indian and probably black slaves, merchants, a priest, livestock and provisions for two years. Cabrillo and his men remained out at sea for about a hundred and three days, which is when they arrived at what he described as being "a very good enclosed port," which he called "San Miguel" but is now known today as San Diego Bay. You gotta understand, back during these times, most of what's now known as the state of California was considered Mexico, and too, back then Mexico was considered "New Spain."

Historians believe that Cabrillo anchored his flagship, called the "San Salvador", which he built himself by the way, on Point Loma's east shore near what has since been declared Cabrillo National Monument in honor of his place in the cities history which President Woodrow Wilson dedicated to his honor in the year 1913. It's said that though Cabrillo later died during the expedition on January 3rd, 1543 due to complications from a shattered limb he sustained during a battle with some natives, that his crew pushed on with the mission, and possibly went as far north as Rogue River, Oregon before the harsh winter storms took there toll on both crew and rashions ultimately forcing them to head back to Mexico.

This is the news article which has sparked spiritual motivation for this articles focal issue... who the Native's" truly are of America.

The 53rd annual free event will go on from 11 a.m. through to about 4 p.m.on Saturday afternoon and is considered to be part of the cities celebration of "Fleet Week" which emphasis on the commemorating Cabrillo’s landing in San Diego on Sept. 28th, in the year 1542! The event is hosted annually at the Naval Base in Point Loma, California and includes an assortment of music, food, and all sorts of educational opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy and get involved with throughout the days event.

"Here is a quotation from there website about tomorrow's agenda: "SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 11:00 AM — 4:00 PM Cabrillo Festival at Naval Base Point Loma, south end of Rosecrans Street. FREE ADMISSION. There will be music, dancing, children’s activities and foods of Native Americans, Mexico, Portugal and Spain. The keynote speaker will be from Spain. You will view a display of Kumeyaay hunting and fishing artifacts and visit a 16th Century Spanish soldiers living history encampment. Re-enactment of Cabrillo’s landing on Ballast Point begins at 1:00 PM. The San Salvador galleon will be used." And too, here is there main website for the event for your convenience as well:

All of you whom find yourself in the area are Highly Encouraged to go check it all out and enjoy as you learn about our history and culture as the traditions of the Native American, Mexican, Portuguese and Spanish cultures that are part of the Age of Exploration is such an important aspect of our past still disregarded and used to separate our species to date. If you can make it, we ask for you to let us know what you think of it and too, that you consider sharing some photos and such too for a follow up article if your willing, oh, and Most Importantly of ALL... Please. eat an indian taco for us if you would please, thanks! We LOVE our indian tacos, especially followed by frybred strawberry shortcake, mmmmm Holay!

We know that emphasizing such an event will likely cause upset and offense to some, especially seeing it highlighted by a "Native American Church" and all, but ONAC KM feel it's actually "A perfect opportunity to address" one of the most dividing issues they say are Still Plaguing the minds of our fellow human being... "Racism." Now, contary to what you might initially think, we are NOT calling the city of San Diego Racist by Any Means, nor are we calling the people there or who willingly travel to attend such historic events as this. So many believe that it was Columbus that "Found" North America when in all reality he never sat foot upon North American soil in the 1490's, it was South America he "Found" when he crashed into it after having been lost in a storm at sea.

One of KM's very own personal elder council (RIP John Trudell, you Are missed) is quoted for having said "For 500 years we have resisted" when talking about the history of the tribes within the formation of the "United states of America" that is whats long said by tribal elders, especially those of the American Indian Movement (AIM) generation. Realistically though, ONAC KM finds ourselves Questioning the authencity of that claim. "Without thinking one day when John made that statement, I laughed and mumbled under my breath "Oh is That what they call it, I guess that's a matter of interpratation" recalls Sachem Hawkeye Graves, spiritual leader of ONAC KM. "As fast as I realized I'd said that out loud, I immediately turned to look at John to see if he'd heard me and too if he was upset if he had, but to my suprise, though he Had heard me, he wasn't mad... he just looked at me as if confused for a moment, and then said "Yeah I guess you're right there, we've gotten more idle than anything."

Though Graves insists she meant no Disrespect to Trudell nor to the tribes who've endured Beyond tragedy, instead she says she believes that the tribes need to become More heard and respected throughout the country and if anything says she feels that once they Realize how inactive they have become that it will hopefully fuel the fire they need to demand there liberation from the dictatorship of the federal government. "It is the same oppressor then as it is now, still re-enforcing the division between we the brother and sister human beings for the same reason then as now, to divide and continue to conquer and have authoritative position of power and control over us."

According to Graves, the original Native American "Church" was established to oppressor's standards in effort of preserving and protecting the culture and creed of our tribal brothers and sisters. Graves insists that the BIA was then trying to destroy and then erase the tribal history "In the same ways they still are trying to destroy and eliminate them today." What is surprising to most is when Graves explains that "The racism cards are put into play by our common oppressor (The government) But they do not Play the cards or the actual game directly themselves, instead they insist that WE play there game, and that the cards play both ways though, by both sides."

For 500 years... the tribes have become Idle.

This is a statement Graves often makes and too, often brings offensiveness by especially the AIM generation of our tribal relations. Again we emphasize that she says this meaning no Disrespect to the tribes but instead she hopes it will bring the awakening so desperately needed in effort of preserving their tribal cultures and creeds. "But in order to accomplish the fulfillment of prophecy, we must come together from the Bottom of the hoop and prove our right to be." graves explains that in order to accomplish the "One Tribe" we are to be, that "We all must embrace humility toward one another and especially so toward our elder relations." She says that before this can happen, the tribes must come to accept the reality being that they too are "taught to be racist towards the rest of us born here who aren't tribal."

According to Graves, her church "ONAC KM" is NOT an "Indian Church" but instead it is a church which is structured to shield and protect All of our members" and she says they do so "In America because this is where we are born and from." If anything, ONAC KM is becoming known as being more of a Civil rights based "church" than anything else as members say they are Proud to be ONAC KM members because the church "focuses on preserving all of Creator's creation."

"We are the poor white trash Americans that no one wants to claim as there own, we're not American Enough to "Belong" here according to the tribes, they say we belong sent back to Europe, but when you go to Europe they're just as quick to say "Damned American's - go Home!" Graves explains that "Only in America do people think "Indian" when the term "Native American" is used conversationally, everywhere else people think poor white trash when they hear or speak of "Native American's" Unless you say "American Indian", then they will all think tribes and feathers and indians... so where exactly Do we "belong?"

Graves says that the importance of Oklevueha in prophecy during these times is essential and that they're building the Rainbow Bridge so that we can all come together and reunite the torches in an honorable and good medicine way as Creator wishes and instructs. "All of the people of Turtle Island, especially those of us born here Do have a right to a cultural history and creed as American's and the reality is that without Oklevueha MOST of us wouldn't be respected as if we have one." Graves points to the NAC of North America who try to insist that they alone are the only ones with the right to have or be part of a Native American Church. "Look at the BIA's dictations of NAC for the last "500 years" as the tribes say they've been targeted and victimized in attempt to wipe them completely from the earth as if they've never been here. NAC is knowingly and intentionally continuing the attempted Genocide on all the tribes of North America, by following the oppressors dictations and requirements upon Their culture as well as there individual identities for heaven's sake!"

Over a million to almost Extinction in Under 500 years...

No one deny that the tribes were here "before the boat people came", and in fact Most alive here today would Agree that it was the boat people who were Completely out of line from the moment they got here. They should have honored the customs and traditions of the pre-existing inhabitants, and the things they did contrary To that is beyond Reprehensible, but Graves says that it wasn't the Indian's alone who suffered at the hands of those fate. "Reading and writing and arithmetic... taught to the TUNE of the Hickory Stick, have people Forgotten that song Already?" Though Graves is certain the "Boarding Schools" teaching to the Indian children were likely different in many aspects than what they were beating into the rest of our ancestors, though too graves says she's sure they were much more extreme in there abuses to the tribal children "But it was the same oppressor beating and force indoctrinating us all across the board, as it was them who were wanted extinct for the greed to be had that they didn't plunder."

We are all ONE Tribe according to Great Creator!

This is the bottom line message emphasized by the spiritual leaders of ONAC KM, and we Hope to help them spread the message so to help in the healing of our land and our people for the greater good of the whole of Creator's creation. Events like this We Feel is a way to finally give honor and homage to the cultures and Creed of ALL of our ancestors, tribal and non-tribal. "You get a chance to intermingle with people from other cultures and learn about them and there culture by experiencing and enjoying it first hand. Fellowship in an honorable and good medicine way is what Creator has instructed and remains waiting or us all to accomplish, this event right here is a good medicine step in the healing path, especially now as the son was just reborn in the sky as prophecized and so decided by Great Creator many moons ago would come to pass now in these the 7th sacred fire times."

And so again, one more time right quick before we close this article, we Highly Encourage you to go on down and enjoy the event and all the great many wonderful things it has to offer you, we're sure you won't be disappointed if ya do, and too, Share your stories, photos and memories with us about it and any other exciting things you're doing - this is YOUR newsroom guys! We want you heard as well as reflected and informed about that pertaining to us all!

As always, we thank you so much for joining with us and for your continued interest and support in what we're out here trying to do, accomplish and preserve as Oklevueha Native American Church. Please stay tuned for further updates.


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