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Two Churches busted in San Diego Not official ONAC churches!

We Humbly apologize profusely for our delay in addressing the concerns growing in the minds of many ONAC members regarding the recent news coverage reporting the raids on two churches in San Diego county, California that media report as being official Oklevueha Native American Churches.

We wanted to make sure that we had the pertinent documentation available within the article confirming the official position from ONAC before we publicly addressed the issue, and now that we have it, here we are, reporting as well as sharing it with all of you.

Basically the long story short of it is this, both of the chuches that were raided in San diego county, california are NOT validly operating Oklevueha Native American Churches contrary to what the media and apparently the owner has claimed.

Here is a link to the most recent article that has been brought to our attention addressing the matter:

And here are a few additional articles published by media reporting on the churches raids that have also been brought to our attention with concern and question:

And from the main come the second wave of media attention and coverage on it that then trickle on with link forwarding:

and too, as you can see it's wasted no time circulating social media as well:

And here is the official documentation we have been waiting for from the Mother Church of ONAC clearly stating their official position regarding the churches:

Again, we Humbly apologize for Not having publicly addressed this situation in more depth sooner, but as we said, we prefer to have as much pertinent evidence and information to include especially in regards to something as Serious as this. We didn't include the addressee enclosure mentioned but have it in case any are wondering whom all it was sent to.

Here is what we know of the two "churches" currently in legal question reflecting the ONAC name. First we have "ONAC Miramar Healing Center" which is the first of the two to get police attention, and then there is "ONAC Lakeside". ONAC Miramar was in fact authorized as an ONAC church branch but ONAC Lakeside never was. Also we know that the only function of ONAC Mirimar was in dispensing cannabis sacraments only, that they never held a formal ceremony or service of any kind nor did they deal with any other sacred sacrament substance. When encouraged to work on those issues, Tepper told ONAC that they would instead "Do our own thing" and assured that they no longer would reflect themselves publicly as being in association with ONAC, which obviously has turned out to be untrue.

So, as many of our members had already suspected, we are now able to confirm to you how it is that Tepper came to be in association with Oklevueha was via his association and friendship with none other than Matthew Scott Pappas, former civil rights attorney for Oklevueha until his mental breakdown and ultimate termination just over one year ago, one that has finally recently been admitted to by Pappas to himself and on official record. Pappas was found to be establishing illegitimate "churches" off of the ONAC name and then selling limbs off of those churches for an average of #100,000.00 a pop, not counting there tithing obligations due to him directly himself so long as they remained in operation.

Pappas is Also the one we have to thank for the "Sugarleaf Rasta Church" Disaster to spread throughout the state of California as if it were a smallpox virus! They too were pointed toward ONAC and ultimately were also caught selling illigimate churche but more conservatively between $10-$35,999.00 a pop plus the same tithing obligations so long as they operate. And shortly before learning of Teppers churches, we had just become aware of Pappas becoming puppeteer of another former ONAC member cast out of good standing Scott Bates and his handful of church creations and Also in that Pappas has and is continuing to establish even More churches with absolutely No connection or associationship to any other than he and his new "Team Pappas."

Despite knowing that Tepper's churches were Not protected as a valid ONAC and Assuring Oklevueha that they would immediately STOP operating as a public reflection of ONAC before that raid, Tepper did come to ONAC seeking protection but was ultimately Denied ass he had refused to conform to ONAC's standards of operation prior to having been busted. Tepper assured ONAC that he understood and respected ONAC's position and said that not only would he keep closed the Miramar location, but too that he would close down the ONAC Lakeside operation as well, saying that from there, Tepper was going to "Do our own thing." As far as Oklevueha was concerned, the situation was believed settled, so it came as a bit of a shock to find out that the Miramar location re-opened and continued to operate until ultimately Both places were raided and closed down by police.

So, now let's look at the Owner of these two churches, since he's now gotten our and the world's attention to he and Our churches. Though the media hasn't yet identified him, obviously Oklevueha can and are willing to. His name is Michael Tepper.

Mr. Tepper has been confirmed as a former attorney who Was licensed with the California State BAR to practice UNTIL `

when the BAR actually formally Disbarred him meaning that he can no longer legally practice law within the state of California.

The Next bit of information to come of Tepper while inquiring with ONAC came as no real surprise once you think about it, though too, just shock enough to wonder how many more pin-less grenades Pappas has planted within Oklevueha waiting to go off and cause more havoc.

So as you will see in the picture, Michael Tepper in fact Was a valid member of ONAC as of ay 18th 2016 which if you remember the timeline right was less than a month before Pappas began showing undeniable signs of a mental meltdown, but too, his legal license was already in jeopardy and ONAC was if anything to Pappas as a "GET RICH QUICK AND RETIRE COMFORTABLY" scheme, one he remains willing to share with those who can benefit he and his spurratic whims as they flucyuate from moment to passing moment.

Apparently from the looks of these "Church" operators popping up these daysvalidate their authencity off of ONAC, most of us are apparently going about this all wrong If we remember back to the leaders of Sugarleaf, the first Post Pappas trechery he sent us, they went out and got themselves a mercades benz so they could roll around bullying and intimidating ONAC members in style, and now from the loos and posts of Michael Tepper, it appears that it's Mercades Benz which church spiritual leaders are supposed to have and be driving around in.

So, what else is there to be known thus far of Michael Tepper, well, let's see. According to his own accounting on social media, he is the official "Director at Oklevueha Native American Church of Sacramental Healing." Tepper states that he "Studied JD in Law at University of Michigan" and that he also "Studied at Boston University" and that before that he "Went to James Madison High School." Tepper lists himself as being from" Brooklyn Ny" and that he currently "Lives in San Diego, California." Tepper states that he is also "Engaged" but doesn't list to whom.

Don't people think that if the goal of ONAC was to set up tax-free store fronts and exploit the hell out of our rights to hve and use sacraments we would have done it long before now for heaven's sake, you didn't see ONAC doing any such thing, including immediately After the win in Utah declaring we had the right to use All earth-based healing sacraments and began expanding into attempting to shield and use other sacred substances. You can ask ANY ONAC that was established back then whether or not it was ONAC's "Goal" to get rich quick off our rights as a respected church, and too, ask them what Tithing REQUIREMENT they had to Agree to in exchange for being entrusted with such a blessing as financially Priceless as it is so Obviously being proven to be worth - surely if they're Honest they will tell you NONE. Point to one ONAC Church Dispensary store estabished by ONAC Prior to all this BS that began it's sprouting near the end of 2015... you cannot because there never WAS one... so what does that Tell you about the true spirited Oklevueha Native American Church because it Should speak Volumes to your minds, Especially those who have question about our Honor and agenda here.

What you will see in Michael Tepper, as well as within Heidi Grossman, Charles "Eddy" Lepp, Matthew Scott Pappas and too, in Scott Bates are individual human beings who don't "Believe" in Any spiritual based "Religion" enough to Sincerely and Loyally HONORABLE commit themselves to Anything OTHER than the all mighty Dollar, which is their prerogative of Coarse and their free right to choose to do, BUT, when there blantent Disregard for others that are around them and whom are Inflicted by their actions whether intentionally or not, when they start having a negative impact on others such as these people all each have upon Oklevueha Native American Church be it individually and too collectively, THAT ladies and gentlemen is when Houston here, which is ONAC KM in this instance, is gonna be left having no choice but to declare we have a Problem needing Immediate attention and correction If we are to attempt to preserve the integrity of our people and our mission.

Please Know, that it doesn't make ONAC KM Favored by many, but that's ok, because we're not in this for popularity nor to make friends with wolves, we are here to fulfill the obligations and expectations set upon us from before even into Our spiritual leaders concept. ONAC KM do what we do because it is what is expected of us If we are to bring Honor to Great Creator and our ancestors, we do what we do because it is what's right and just, to honor respect and preserve all of Creators creation and to make Good Medicine for the whole of the web of life while we're here upon mother globe. We Are Kautantowit's Mecautea - Great Creator's Warrior Soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy, and in situations such as this, it is those reflecting upon ONAC in a bad medicine way that declare themselves in opposition with ONAC KM, not the other way around as we do Not go out Looking for shit, it finds us like an enevitable magnet when it comes to the attempted exploiting and victimization of our church, members, spiritual creed and our belioved sacred sacraments.

Having vented that rant, let's return to the focus of this article, Michael Tepper and his two claimed but non-ONAC's in San Diego County. He lists their physical address as being: 13313 Hwy 8 Business El Cajon, California for those of you in the area who might want to take a quick peek around, dar as we Know both Tepper's "churches" remain Closed as of now, but ya never know as We apparently didn't! Anyway, for any of you who have a question for him, such as media for example, there page lists their phone number as being: (619) 201-8434 and his personal email address as their church email contact, which is:

Please know that if Anyone reading this was an officially recorded member of either of Tepper's churches with the mother church in Utah, you WILL still be honored as a member of ONAC but will revert to reflect as being official members under the Mother Churches official roll as of the date that Tepper's two churches were officially disassociated from ONAC. You are welcomed to get an official replacement card that will reflect that, but it is not Mandatory that you do but merel an option if you so choose it's something you'd like to do.

So anyway, an interesting note is in the section where they are asked to state what they're "About" on their social media page, and this is there response to that question: "ONACSH.ORG was established to teach/heal and work with all peoples to find peace and tranquility while dealing with pain and addictions." From what we can see at least by scratching at this surface, we see no "place" designated for "Teaching" or even for healing for that mamtter, unless your idea of healing is walking into a store and buying sacrament medicine and then trotting off wherever, then by all Means these new Pappas churches are the new Fad and rightly so! If that's the case then perhaps Oklevueha and ONAC KM are obsolete then maybe? That's a scary concept, especially through the eyes of our many members world wide who need and depend on us to preserve their rights liberties and freedoms and shield them from oppressors oppression and unwarranted victimization.

Another Interesting point to be had off there "About" section is that they state: "Created in 2013" BUT when you LOOK at Tepper's Card it clearly notes that he was Not a member until 2016, so we are left with the question as to how it is that he then formed this church in 2013, three YEARS Before he himself was an official Member thereof for heaven's sake, we Cannot be the only ones seeing such confliction of statements... are we?! We saw the same mis-statements when it came to Sugarleaf too, whose also in this mi thanks to Matt Pappas attempting to string and puppeteer them into bring Shame onto ONAC, which ultimately isn't fully understood as Pappas himself also operates a Couple "ONAC Churches" he falsified to himself, not to mention other "Churches" he's additionally made since his melting down after having been caught selling fake ONAC's.

As always, we thank you for your interest and support and we Hope you will stay tuned for future updates on this and all things encompassing the attention of ONAC. Blessings to you all, go in a good way!


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