Sugarleaf Shooting suspect is church victim!
Wow, what a headline, right! But it's 100% completely TRUE and YOU need to know it!
For those of you who have been keeping up with the incident that took place at a Sugarleaf Rasta Church in Yuba County California August 1st, most already utter the suspicions as to WHY the days events at a "Church" could begin and so quickly turn into bloodshed and death. When it comes to money and people getting themselves ahead of the next guy, it's all too common of an excuse in our species to find the answer being "Money" but that's Exactly why all of this went on at there "Yuba Trees Farm" on this otherwise nice summer day. For those of you only just now learning of this, we will Briiefly give you a summary But know that you're encouraged to research into it for your own online as well as through our archives.
So it all began in September of 2016 when Heidi Grossman, the so called "Founder, CEO and minister" of Sugarleaf Rasta Church sought membership with Oklevueha (ONAC). She was believed of her sincerity and accepted as a member, but it wouldn't be enough to attain the goal of her personal agenda, to be declared the Queen of Cannabis. In December 2016, Grossman jumped onto the arm of an alleged cannabis VIP actviist who had just gotten released from frderal prison. You see, he too claims to be a minister, but as it turned out he had no credentials to prove it so ultimately he went to prison for pretty-much doing the same things the two would do once joined - VICTIMIZE our plant, people and communities throughout society.
February 28th of this year (2017), Grossman Begged for and ultimately was entrusted with a blessing as President of an ONAC branch, "Sugarleaf ONAC" which was to establish itself in Sacramento, California ONLY! Almost Instantly would this church begin to function WRONG as far as ONAC's standards were concerned. Very few people were ever added by them to there church roll, under a dozen in total, so when it came to ONAC's attention that they had licensed 6 churches that were NOT authorized as ONAC but listed as being ONAC, quickly reprimanding correction began being emphasized to them by their Mother church, correction they would refuse to honor.
Short after it would come out that they were actually selling church blessings, promising buyers "Bulletproof protection" from all law enforcement and free reign to do what they wanted with cannabis whether it be grow or sell it - WITHOUT having to respect any authority including that they wouldn't have to license themselves with the state or heed to any code dictations or other attempted interference by law enforcement officers (LEO's). Again they were instructed to immediately STOP and were again informed that all they had done was NOT authorized nor honored by ONAC. This is when they started hosting weekly church sales seminars they called "Lunch and Learn."
In addition to that, there were several other instances in which raised question over both Groossman and Lepp's Sincerity such as disrespecting the church and the tribal relationship which you can see for yourself in there "church photo album" on there social media. Formal action was finally initiated against them when they publicly declared themselves as being the RASTA ONAC which there of coarse is no such thing. They were told to retract that statement and instead Grossman declared herself National Director of ONAC's Rasta churches, again there is No such thing!
The straw to break ONAC KM's back was when they went out and leased a $20K Mercedes benz with the sole intent of showing off as they began physically Stalking ONAC church members. By July 30th that branch would be Dissolved and the pair Excommunicated from ONAC completely without Any room for reconsideration ever.
All were told that any flying a banner bought by Sugarleaf which states that the possessor is "Protected by ONAC" to Immediately take them down as they were invalid and only making the possessor a target for law enforcement but Grossman insisted to there members that they Disregard that instruction and leave the banners flying anyway. 3 days later the shooting happened under a banner saying all was protected by ONAC when the truth be told it's not.
Beings all the initial information about the incident came from the mouth's of Sugarleaf all media including us were a bit misinformed as to the facts of what was going on. Police were called by Grossman via 911 indicating some stranger had waundered onto the farm armed with a gun and was destroying there illegal cannabis garden they claimed was protected by ONAC as church sacrament garden for absolutely No known reason. Grossman painted it out to be so extreme that she insisted they come in "full gear" and bring the military in as backup.
After 2 police were shot and the suspect was killed, then it would be mumbled that they knew the suspect after all, but from there How they knew him or how he fit into this incident would intentionally become Blurred by Grossman and her so called church. At first they claimed him a church member, but then changed there tune saying he was Not a church member but instead was an employee of the churches farm. Next they would deny that saying that he was never associated to the church but instead happened along as a vagrant looking for work as a "Trimmigrant" (a cannabis trimmer). then they would return to not knowing the man at all. so which is it?

Mark Anthony Sanchez was a 34 year old resident of Gilroy, California when he was Hired by the Sugarleaf Rasta Church to be a Cultivator not a trimmer - a grower! This explains his very Detailed logs hand written documenting each and every plant he and the other workers each tended to throughout the course of each and every single day. Trimmers generally do not keep written track of when a plant is watered or fertilized with what how much or often - that is record logs only Growers keep, some people might not realize that but anyone in the cannabis game should.
So how do we get from Suspect to Victim?
The answer is in this incident that he is ultimately Both the suspect and the victim. he is the suspect because Sanchez did shoot the 2 police officers, but he's Also a victim of Sugarleaf Rasta Church, because he was assured that the work he would be doing on the farm was legal. Mark Sanchez is a very religious person who was led to Believe that he was doing "God's work" by cultivating the cannabis for the church to provide as sacrament and medicine to church members. If Sugarleaf was in fact a legitimate church who had attained such rights of exemption from "law" it would have been, but once Sanchez learned that Sugarleaf was NOT protected "By ONAC" as they claimed and assured he and the other workers they were, Sanchez realized he had been taken advantage of and wanted what he was owed by the church so he could return home to Gilroy with his family.
Instead of Sugarleaf making right on there debt to him, instead they chose the way that would keep the money in there pocket, at least in the moment, and instead called for police to come kill him, which ultimately they did due to Grossman's insistence of DRAMA filling the day's events. Once Grossman knew that Sanchez was deceased, she wasted no time smearing his character and reputation publicly calling him an ex-con, a multiple convicted felon, a violent armed robber and even a meth addict, All of which are completely UNTRUE statements about Mark Sanchez and Very insulting to his family and loved ones to hear circulating about him.
Many who knew Mark say that he was an "Expert marksman", and insist that they Know he had no intention of killing police "or else they would be dead". Eye witnesses Say that there IS video footage of the incident from both eye witness as well as body cam recordings from police, but according to the immediate family, law enforcement are DENYING there's Any sort of video footage of any of it - something highly questionable to say the Least in Most of our minds.
ONAC KM feel it's important that people know the Truth about Mark Sanchez and so we intend on continuing with our own internal investigation into this and all Sugarleaf's aftermath until it's no more. We also feel it's important that you really understand the level of Grossman's GREED and blatant disregard for any other than her wants in the moment. SHE has cost this young man his LIFE and it's Damned important that all Know it and insist she's held Accountable for it for heaven's sake! Heidi Grossman and her Sugarleaf "Church" cost this man his literal life, cost his two beautiful daughters there only father, cost his sister and brother there brother, and cost his mother and father there son, and for what - for what he had Earned and was owed by them, nothing more.
If Grossman REALLY wanted to Eliminate the problem at Yuba Trees that morning, all she would have Simply had to do was to jump into her newly financed Benz (thanks to employees like Sanchez willing to work Despite getting his pay) and handed him even just SOME of the money she'd owed him and worked out getting the rest to him, but no, she didn't want to part with a red penny, and beings she'd KNEW she had been Antagonizing Yuba County Sheriff's department, rubbing there illegal grows in there face like they intentionally did so many times. She knew how to play her cards so that as always "She" wins what she wants how and in the moment she does. It's beyond comprehension as to WHY she and her church still roam free able to cause more horrific tragedies such as this one, all we can do is hope they're stopped before more are hurt or killed because of them.
Thank you for your interest and continued support, we will bring you updates as soon as we get them. Bless you all.