Sugarleaf "Church" Murder victim being officially forgotten?

For those of you wondering who it is that was murdered because of associating with a "Church", we're speaking of a young man by the name of Mark Anthony Sanchez of Gilroy, California. It happened August 1st of this very year in Oregon Mountain, California. Some of you may recognize his name, he was the "Suspect" that shot and wounded two Yuba County sheriff's deputies that day, something all who know him are confident he had no intention of doing.

Considering what was just said, it might seem strange to see a church such as us calling such a person as Mark Sanchez a victim, but it's only because that's exactly the right word to describe Sanchez, he is a victim, a murder victim of Sugarleaf Rasta Church, and once you hear what we've found out, we're confident you will see him the same way too, ONE of their most harmed victims so far.
We've been Waiting to hear of Anything as far as "Official progress toward accountability" in regards to the shooting at the "Sugarleaf Rasta Church" so called "Ganja Garden" in Yuba County, known as "Yuba Trees", but disappointingly, as of now there remains no official word or report as to any progress being made on law enforcement's part leaving many to wonder if any justice will be had beings the officers shot pulled through and will return to living there lives whereas only there shooter said to have caused it all for no reason lyes dead at the end of the day. What's most bothersome is that the culprits who caused it all remain free and completely unaccountable in any fashion, and without a drop of Sincere remorse at all.
Multiple county and state law enforcement officers (LEO's) along with quite a decent list of alphabet soup mix of the federal agencies who have joined into the investigation all at least thus far have had Nothing to publicly be spoken by officials since word came out that both shot officers Will recover, not to the public, the media, or even apparently, to the victims own immediate family who are left wondering how did all of this so so horribly Wrong and ultimately cost the life of there loved one and will any Accountability befall Sugarleaf Rasta Church?
Now we understand how Easy it is for people to draw a conclusion about another person or even a situation or anything else, seen or unseen, especially when they get information they Believe is from a "creditable source" but truth be told, it might not always turn out to be the case. In this situation here, many Fear it may well prove to be the case when it comes to the reputation and legacy publicly left behind of Mark Sanchez, not because any of what you've heard of him is true mind you, but because it's NOT true at all and unfortunately he himself cannot step forward and set the record of misconceptions straight for himself.
We however, have found ourselves to be Blessed with the ability to speak with a very close person of Mark Anthony Sanchez , and we feel there are a great many things needing known as far as the "official record" is concerned regarding both Sugarleaf obviously of coarse but too, the life and now death they're left to deal with Because of Sugarleaf and by gawd they Shouldn't be left wanting answers as to how and Why this happened and too, why nothing has been legally done about it OR to try to present such from happening again in the future.
We know, as human beings we Know that no matter what If Any Truthful answers may ever be able to come (a sad thing to have to say is highly Doubtful when speaking of this so-called "Church", but ultimately there is no answer that will ever Undo the PAIN and the Void that is left in place of a loved one lost. But, Some answers Are better than having none at all when you're left to deal with such a permanent and life-changing detrimental consequences that forever come because of their unexplained physical absence of a loved one.
That is why we are So honored and Blessed to have the opportunity to Exclusively have had the privelege gifted us by Mark's loved ones and allowing us to bring some of that to light to you here, because to ensure Mark's justice - it Must be known and too, ultimately it's we the people that will ultimately have to fight to ensure proper justice for he and his family as well as to protect our communities throughout society from such unconsciously careless and Destructive of a people such as those who operate Sugarleaf Rasta "Church."
So before we start to get into all the details as to what went on and why, we feel that is important for you to know.
First and foremost, above all else, we feel that the Most Important thing that can be corrected in regards to the character of Mark Sanchez, is that he was NOT a WANTED CRIMINAL, in fact quite the contrary, he was NOT wanted at all at the time this horrific tragedy happened.
The Next important fact needing known is that all the things said about him having been convicted of, he wasn't. Sanchez is not claimed to have been a saint, but he was far from any convicted ex-prison convict as most seem to have concluded him to be. According to his family "This was the only legal trouble he was ever in":

Please NOTE that the "Car Jacking" charge that was brought against him in 2009 was DISMISSED, and as far as the "Disturbing the Peace" which is something even a barking dog can get legally busted for committing, his sentence was Community Service, not Jail, prison or anything like what Sugarleaf tried insinuating about his past publicly Especially in front of media and on there social media network postings.
Mark Sanchez was NOT a convicted Felon at all as Sugarleaf quickly led the public believe with help of local media, leaving the question "WHY" would someone Say such a thing if it weren't true? Then you start to wonder, what kind of church "leader" would lie about a tragedy like this As it freshly happened? For many especially in Yuba County, the answer is simple They Caused It! The next question to come to mind is Why is it they still walk free, Intentionally continuing this kind of harm without Any repercussions or accountability?

Realistically speaking, it shouldn't really come as any Surprise to find the public statements of Sugarleaf "leaders" to be completely without any truth, fact or merit, in fact it's an expected commonplace anymore with them. The same intentionally Blatant Disrespect and and pattern of Lie after lie after lie to hide the lie before was seen in the Other victimized family that day thanks to Sugarleaf, the elderly woman whose House the tragedy all unfolded in, and was literally Destroyed in the process. There you have a sweet honorable and innocent elderly woman who suffered Solely Because of the reckless actions of Sugarleaf Rasta Church who Instead of being given Any sort of sincere respect or human compassion was Lied about time and again and SMEARED of her reputation in the same way as we're seeing Mark was by them, they called the woman a "Meth Cook" which ALL who know her in her community of over 40 YEARS say it's the most Preposterous statement about the woman that could have EVER been made!
Whose Mark Anthony Sanchez... Really?
Mark Anthony Sanchez is a well loved 34 year old unmarried father of two beautiful daughters with a sister and brother along with his mother, father and an endless list of loved ones and dear friends whom are All heartbroken at the whole situation, and too, the lack of Sugarleaf's accountability by any.
But more importantly to Mark, it was Spiritually Honorable as he was Employed by a Church which Would usually indicate that you were "Doing God's work", so nothing could be Wrong with that - right? How then did it cost Mark his literal Life?

So, what went on at the Sugarleaf "Yuba Trees" so called "Church farm"... let's learn a little about it...
What we KNOW is that the property is owned by a man who lives in New York and who appears to remain unreachable by All media trying Including us. Through his attorney, Charnel James, the owner had entered into some sort of a "Legal Lease" of that property - NOT to or with any mention of being any sort of a church, which is provable by the counties record of action when they Fined the same property just one year Before this shooting for operating an "Illegal marijuana grow operation." Not only does the county say that the fines have YET to be paid, but more interesting to us is that there was no mention or uttering of that farm operation being a "Church" until this year, and they haven't even Been fined yet that we're Aware of!

(Areal Photo Above of "Yuba Trees" farm, where the shooting happened, courtesy of NBC San Diego)
That might sound feesable except for a few quick points, one being the Lease agreement regarding that very land was between the owner himself And "Heidi Grossman" - as an individual person, not as a church or anything else, it was that way in 2016 when they were fined AND the lease renewed the SAME between them for this grow season. Another important point is that This season's garden was underway BEFORE Grossman was entrusted with the blessing of representing herself as a church, making it Not a church at the time it was being established, or in lamens terms - it was an Illegal grow in which Grossman later attempted to protect as having been established as a valid church garden when put in FEAR she was about to lose it.
So now let's look at How she came to Fear losing it August 1st...
As we know, Mark had been WORKING at the Sugarleaf Farm for approximately 8 months, and we Emphasize the word Working BECAUSE that is Exactly What it was He believed he was doing - working. Mark was not a Member of Sugarleaf Church, nor was he homeless or Floating around looking for work. Mark was "Hired" to be a tender to the illegal cannabis garden, period BUT, he did not KNOW that it was an Illegal grow operation as it was being presented to he and all others as being a legitimate Church sacrament medicine garden... that it was LEGAL under the "legal authority" of Sugarleaf Rasta Church.
Sugarleaf "officials" have publicly stated that Mark was, well, they kinda bounce back and forth as to where and how he fit into the picture of "Yuba Trees Farm", in one moment they claimed him a Stranger, then they claimed him as a church member, then they said he wasn't a member but an Employee, there attorney even calling him a "Trimmigrant" in front of media, insinuating he was otherwise Homeless which was the Farthest thing from the truth - think about it, in February he would be a hired trimmer and by August he would be shot dead but Harvest (when a trimmer would have work) is still yet to come, does That make since to you?
Then as they would back peddle to not knowing him at all, and with the elderly victim, they began telling the world that the woman was the meth cook and he was one of her vagrant customer runners. So, it's pretty Obvious that there's no truth to be seen coming out of Sugarleaf as to who he was and why he was there, but again, fortunately for us, his family and those who KNOW including co-workers that were There Are coming forward and ensuring the truth become known and that Justice is awarded ALL the victims and there relations from the Sugarleaf aftermath.
Sugarleaf Claimed to be remorseful to their victims in the beginning as the media cameras rolled, but it was very short lived especially when it became apparent they weren't being quite honest about even the littlest of things, and continued pouring heaps of salt into the wounds of there victims and there families. Another example is found in there claims to have been helping to clean up the damage they brought upon the neighbor ladies home, which was proven untrue time and again though they continued Insisting, even after Grossman's own partner publicly stated it wasn't the truth. So too, Sugarleaf claimed to be comforting and supporting the Sanchez family, something the family Assures is also the farthest statement from the truth that ever could they have made.
You see, the media generally tend to blindly jump into a breaking story Hoping they get whatever glory and bonuses to come of breaking it. They come in looking for a small handful of "Juicy enough" of points that will hopefully bring them the big fame and then they run to publish it. They're Supposed to check sources and confirm facts but as we all know, that don't always happen as it should as even recently we proved that by publishing one of the many lies from Sugarleaf as if it were true. On August 1st 2017 at this property in Yuba County California, there was a shootout. 2 police were shot by the suspect who ultimately was killed by police. MARIJUANA was at the heart of the incident, film at 11 - That's enough for them to run to publish then comes "follow-up". "The man who shot police has been identified and THIS is what we've Heard about him, film at 11, Whether there's any Truth or fact at that aspect of the media reporting game isn't quite as Necessary to be accurate.
We haven't reached the end of This incident by a long shot despite every LEO alphabet soup agency claiming to actively be investigating it. But here we are in October now, and not a peep from any official, not a sign of Any progress toward attaining the justice needing to come of this, and not even a word from the coroner as to Where or how many times Mark Sanchez was shot, much less any "proof" has been shown as to who shot who when where and in what order, nothing. Mark has already been cremated, but where's any start to closure or healing for his family and loved ones? How can they begin to "Accept" and "Lay to Rest" and then HEAL from the family member.
...How did it all go so wrong?
So, Mark, who was living in Gilroy with his family, was told to arrive for "Work" in early February to begin preparing for the season. There is Proof that Mark was to receive $65,000.00 total for the labor work he would do with the plants for the season, not all at once mind you, he was to receive pay as any other job, X amount of money per X amount of days at a pay cycle. According to the family, Mark did receive pay, in the beginning, but say that ultimately the money had stopped coming as it was supposed to. According to written correspondences from Mark to family and friends, though he had stopped being paid he felt "awkward" asking for what was owed him and continued loyally doing his daily duties in the garden, earning the pay that would never come.
According to Some of the correspondences, the salary would arrive to a certain person at the farm via a Walmart Moneygram sent by the property owner from the state of New York. In the correspondences, as we too saw by local media, the property owner was known and referred to only as "The Rasta." Some of the correspondences note a payroll that had been sent and received but that Wasn't disbursed to the workers, including Mark, as it was instructed to be. So we Know there were some financial "issues" going on in this Sugarleaf circle at Yuba Trees illegally cultivating farm, but only now are we beginning to get a glimpse into the depth Of how recklessly and carelessly Corrupt this whole Sugarleaf shooting situation Was.
The fact that Sanchez and others continued working for the "Church" despite not being paid Should speak volumes as far a Their intent and devotion for doing what they believed was the Lords work, but once it became publicly known that Sugarleaf was Lying to he and the others, Sanchez wanted out, but too, he wanted what was owed him, which seems REASONABLE from our perspective. Why Sugarleaf instead decided to paint the picture that would lead to him being killed and having to shoot at police in attempt to Avoid his death is beyond questionable, it's Shameful! How they have since publicly displayed their frivolousness with money, is salt on the wound of there hearts where Mark Sanchez used to fill in there lives. How insensitive AND Distasteful of them!!!
So, now what happens?
Because we did contribute to the Misinformation circulated in regards to Mark Sanchez, we feel it's of the most Top of priority to do all that we can to Correct the Misinformation as it is the Right thing needing first to be done. Mark was a great guy who many describe s being among the most well mannered of people they ever knew in his age group. As with most all of us, he was no saint BUT he was no felon, no ex-convict, and Definitely NOT someone who was out there growing cannabis for the greed and personal gain of it. He believed he was doing God's work, working for a "Church" who Would you call the "Employer?" Mark was shown paperwork and Convinced that what he was doing was 100% Legal. Yes, it might Be encompassing cannabis, but as we see, most our society is willing to accept the harmless plant beings there's so much MONEY to be had of it.
We think it's Also important to emphasize that it was Sugarleaf Rasta Church who intentionally and maliciously LIED in effort of smearing Mark Sanchez name and reputation Just as they had the poor elderly woman next door whom they've cost her lifetime of memories and most everything she owned that was damaged in one way or another ALL BECAUSE Sugarleaf Church didn't want to PAY what they had OWED to there "Church employee." It would sure be NICE to see them do One Right and honorable thing and give the wages he'd earned to his Daughters who now thanks to them will forever be missing the love and protection of their father.
We also feel it's important that you really understand and absorb the fact that Every single person who truly "Knew" Mark personally at All unanimously agree that Mark was NOT trying to kill the officers nor harm anyone there in Any way, in fact those who spoke with him on the phone throughout the morning up until just moments before the incident broke out all insist that he Just wanted what he was owed so he "could be done with them."
ONAC & ONAC KM have made a vow to the family that we Will do all we can to ensure that proper justice comes of all of this for they and All the victims and those suffering because of what went on here because unlike Sugarleaf, We love and have Compassion for our fellow human beings and this should NOT have happened, there is NO EXCUSE for it Nor Sugarleaf's behavior At All and accountability NEEDS to be secured and them Stopped before any more suffer! This family should NOT have THIS be where they go to spend time with Mark, and for what? So Heidi Grossman and Eddy Lepp didn't have to PAY the worker there church Owed, instead it was easier to set him up to be shot and killed by police, there bloodshed is nothing when it comes to these two becoming respected as VIP's in the cannabis world - SICKENING, just plain sickening!!!

Mark has been layed to rest with his sister whom had passed from SIDS at Gavilan Hills Memorial Park. For Obvious reasons, the family have decided to hold private services for family, loved ones and close friends only and ask that If you do attend, that you Please hold the highest of respects toward the memory of Mark as well as for the unimaginable pain and sorrow of his family especially so during such time. For those of you whom are interested in supporting the family we encourage you to contact us so that we can coordinate you with them.
We Thank you so much for having the compassion enough to CARE for those suffering from this tragedy. We are GLAD that the police officers are recovering and our prayers for that remain with them. If only Mark Sanchez could have been so lucky... if only Sugarleaf Rasta Church had proven to have ANY sort of Honor... if only.
We thank you also for your continued interest and support for what we're out here trying to do and accomplish for the greater good of You. Please stay tuned for future updates on this and other news and information encompassing the scope of ONAC's vision.