Sugarleaf Rasta Church's falling down falling down NOW in California

Although we Just released an article on this, we have since received New and Very important news regarding what's going on with this new arrest of Heidi Grossman, who is apparently in custody as Heidi Lepp though there marriage was an illegal sham.
Immediately below you will find a new public announcement b her partner in these crimes Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp who says some things Sugarleaf MEMBERS Should take serious note of:
It is IMPORTANT that people HEAR him SAYING that the Law Enforcement agencies ARE ACTIVELY RAIDING SEVERAL BRANCHES of there so called "Church" throughout the central valley AS WE TYPE and make no mistake, they've Only JUST begun as they Have collected MORE than enough evidence to put both she and her partner Eddy in prison for a very long time just given what WE at ONAC KM KNOW they have collected since August 1st especially encompassing the shooting at there 'Yuba Trees" farm in Oregon House, California.
also it's important that you note he said MANY of there "church members" HAVE BEEN ARRESTED!!!
Anyone you know who is in association with these people in this way who are in Danger PLEASE WARN THEM NOW before the toll gets too high to Count - No one "But the Lepps" belong in jail for a plant and it's because there greedy Asses got way to big for any of us to Have to endure. Too many innocent have suffered because of there recklessness, smoke and prayers in the hopes the true spirited people are thrown safely aside and spared of the wrath they've got coming to Sugarleaf.
Onward Hoe with the Heddy Show! Ps, We Told you so!
Please stay tuned for future updates as more Are to com, Thank you everyone, blessings to you!