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More coverage on Grossman arrest

Sorry if we're struggling to keep up with it all, leave it to Sugarleaf to keep us all on overload and we're only trying to keep up with all the messes they make, but what information we have to share with you here we feel is Too important to wait, so here we are again.

What's being unregistered by associates who Believe they have some sort of legal protection in California by some authority under Sugarleaf Rasta Church, it's important that you know and really understand that you do NOT, if Anything is learned from this article let it please be that because we don't want to see anyone whose sincerely innocent to go down with and because of your trust in them.

Now, having said that, let us now turn to a couple New artucles that have just now come out covering the Sugarleaf mess of California.

First we will begin with's article for two reasons, the first being that we believe ourselves to be on decent terms with them and Hope to remain that way, though we Do have something to request of them regarding the article we're going to present to you here momentarily after we ask the favor of them now, Leafly, could you Please do Oklevueha a favor and note that Sugarleaf has no official associationship with Oklevueha Native American Church - we ask this Only because of the photograph you use in your article... it's a problem we've had with Sugarleaf since July 30th reflecting themselves upon our church with banners such as that one in your picture, we'd sure Appreciate it if you would, thank you!

The second reason being is that they have some very important news in which they're presenting that we believe you'd want to know as soon as it was knowable. Now, here is the link to their article for your convenience:

As you will note in their article, they say that Heidi Grossman - Lepp whatever last name she claims, has been charged with "a felony conspiracy warrant, along with misdemeanor counts of marijuana cultivation and possession for sale." If this is true then a felony charge has been added or at least clarified. We will try to find out more detailed informtion and let you know as soon as we do, but we thought it's pertinent especially if it turns out to be true and will likely affet her options of bail.

The next bit of pertinent information we feel they have graciously shared with all of us is in that Grossman has apparently now boasted to them of having "signed up more than 300 churches that grow and celebrate cannabis as a godly ritual." We knew from her own public boasting that she had approximately 170 "Ganja Farms" and also too more than 100 "Wellness Center (Dispensaries) but thanks to them we learn she now claims to have "more than 300 churches" which is important as we know the LEO's are said to have already had 250 warrants decided a month ago and just earlier today Eddy Lepp announced that the LEO's have in fact confiscated a;; there records and files of both there associates they worked for outside church business (which would be illegal too BTW unless she Renewed her Sugarleaf Productions companies license) as well as the records on All there church "branches" as well, so a great Many people sound as though there in danger and from the sounds of Lepp's video, he hasn't got a CLUE as to how or where to begin trying to warn there people

One of the quotes the author says we LOVE and so want to highlight it here for all of you, it' in regards to the polices position regarding Sugarleaf and it's Priceless: "They’d taken a live-and-let-live position. But not anymore." That is such a PERFECT statement and not just for law enforcement's position either, but for many!

Another bit of pertinent information to be learned by Leafly is in that they report "Yuba Tree Church farm and authorities eradicated its 207 plants" because that had never been mentioned, how many plants were growing at Yuba Trees and many wondered beings two police lost blood and a church employee lost a life for them August 1st!

It's also appreciated by many that Leafly confirmed for the public that Grossman is Not an attorney and too, that we learn from them that "drafted and filed 19 lawsuits" because we personally hadn't stopped to count them! Leafly also was nice enough to clear up whose dog Lucky Lepp really is, which according to them "Lucky Lepp is Eddy Lepp’s service dog" so many are wondering why when the pair broke up, Lucky remained with Heidi while Eddy on the other hand was reported by riends of Grossman's to have been "kicked to the curb" by Grossman. It also has many wondering why it is that Lucky is then dressed up like a girl human (complete with jewelry and nail polish) and pushed around in a pink stroller, but kay-sa-rah we suppose.

Here nor there another attempt to lighten the mood just a little we found thanks to Leafly's report was in where they say "Heidi was Eddy’s eighth wife. Eddy was Heidi’s fourth husband—or fifth, she says, if you count a one-day quickie in Las Vegas." The one-day quickie in Las Vegas" they're referring to is the last known recorded LEGAL marriage of Grossman, whose legal last name from that marriage is "Miranda". We say it that way because it's never yet been legally dissolved. It raises the question as to how come she is currently booked into jail under the last name Lepp and HOPE it don't some how protect her in any way down the road.

And now we bring you the Second article that recently came out covering this, is from "Celebstoner" and here is the link to Their article:

In there article we learn that they have actually spoken with a few sources of there own who confirm the church selling scam and how Dangerous they are when it comes to getting what they want. One source told them the following: "I was with them when they set up churches. For the most part, not nice folks. Black marketers that wanted a way around the laws. It cost $10k per church for a half-acre grow site. Another $35k for a sanctuary center (dispensary) and a 10% tithe paid to Eddy and Heidi for 'protection' from the government. They set up a lot of them. It could've helped so many people, but ego took over. Mercedes, clothes, you know the drill."

A second source they spoke with reported "When the grower decided not to buy in, Grossman sent others to intimidate her. "She tried to have me killed," the grower says. "This kind of stuff has no place in the world of cannabis." This is the exact same reason another victim of Sugarleaf for the same type of terroristic behavior as reported here happened to her she sought a restraining order on Grossman and Lepp but unfortunately she counted on the help of a local attorney who apparently didn't know what where or how to properly file a TRO request to the court, not something you'd think possible from an attorney as even an elementary child many say could.

Everything else reported y Celebstoner we believe we've already covered in previous articles but we Highly recommend you check it out as it's always best to hear from multiple sources whenever possible and you might just see something overlooked or forgotten to be emphasized.

Once again we thank you for your continued interest and support and hope that you stay tuned! Blessings.


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