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ONAC KM's response to a concerning post

While strolling around looking for answers about an on-going situation that ONAC has been dealing with the last several months in California, a member happened upon a comment that was posted on social media which they felt needed to be addressed, so they sent it to us, and here right now, we're going to go ahead and address it as best as we can in the immediate moment.

So to begin, we will go ahead and paste the full context of the posters post, including her name, but before we do Please KNOW that we are NOT asking for nor encourage promoting or condoning of any sort of bad medicine to come of this towards the woman for her words, she has the right to be heard and to voice her opinion and ONAC KM Always insist that our members respect that right of all - this is no different. We are addressing it because her feeling MATTER and Count to Oklevueha and if ever we can do anything to soften harsh or ill feelings we feel it's important that we put effort toward striving to do so, even if it doesn't involve us directly - Creator wants us all together as one striving to produce good medicine for one another, not bad medicine.

Having said that, and we Do emphasize it again now, we're going to go ahead and paste the post here now for your review and convenience so that you will know and understand our position as we talk of it:

"Cristala Mussato-Allen so you see by the sign they are an ONAC operation well know this ..ONAC ripped off native people by stealing our peyote church bylaws and convincing people that Natives have religious freedom that protects us from prosecution and they can use it as a defense. Our elders fought all the way to congress for our right to our traditional ceremonial medicine and these scabs have stolen that, sold "chapters" and opened brothels and illegal cannabis grows under it. Make no mistake they do not "honor" native culture they are considered our enemies and thieves100%. BTW this "Loophole" does NOT protect ONAC a case already determined by the Supreme court. This is not about "prohibition", it's about fraud. There are other ONAC around the country doing the same thing as Lepps including CO and NM."

Now, beings that this is our first awareness of the post, we have not had the ability to address it to her. Also too, she posted the comment on a social media page that apparently because we are not "Friends with" the option of responding directly to it is not given. That will make it a bit harder to address with Ms. Mussato-Allen directly but Hopefully one of our readers knows her and would be so kind as to forward the article to her with our had inviting her to discuss this further with us in the hopes of seeing if any common ground of respect is attainable.

Until then, if ever we get such an opportunity, we feel inclined to go ahead and respond to her statement on behalf of Oklevueha since her statement sounds as if she is talking of it as a whole, which would then obviously include us as well.

We would like to first begin by correcting her in that Sugarleaf Rasta Church is NOT in Any way shape or Form in any sort of a good standing with Oklevueha Native American Church, as the whole of ONAC. Granted they at one point were early on in the year, but Because of there gross disregard for honor and there shameful and insulting conduct Including that which they reflected upon to the tribal communities is Exactly why Oklevueha receded their trust in Grossman and Lepp and took the action excommunicating them from the church as members, dissolved the blessing they had extended to them in trust of good faith, and Denounced As we Disassociated from them.

We know, and are frequently Reminded at how fortunate we were to have accomplished that Before everything began to go horribly wrong for the people of California because of them August 1st, but we had, and Not Only did we do so, but we (meaning ONAC and specifically too ONAC KM via this newsroom right here) went the step farther and made sure it was Publicly known as soon as we did so and Why so that people would KNOW what was going on and why we were deciding to step away from them and we did so Hoping that it would have SPARED people unnecessary victimization which unfortunately as we've seen Since August 1st happening to countless good people and there families who truly don't deserve it because they are good and sincerely-hearted and spirited people.

The next thing we feel spiritually motivated to address from within her posting, is where she says: "ONAC ripped off native people by stealing our peyote church bylaws and convincing people that Natives have religious freedom that protects us from prosecution and they can use it as a defense." It should be known that her statement is completely untrue and honestly speaking, it's rather insulting. ONAC first of all Could NOT honestly say whether or not there is any merit in her feeling as she does about this, but, we Can and hereby Do assure her and all others reading this or Feeling as she does, that Oklevueha Native american Church did Not, and we Emphasize the words We Did NOT "Rip Off" Bylaws for our church.

Beings we are unsure for certain as to which church she is referring to as being her peyote church is as she is not specifically identifying a specific one, so we're left to presume, and our presumption would be based on the whole of her posting, that she is referencing to is the Native American Church of North America or "NAC-NA" - if we are wrong our apologies and we Hope to be corrected so to correctly address her feelings more accurately.

Going off our presumption that she is, it would be because the NAC-NA present themselves as being the "Original" Native American Church. which if at best, is partial truth with the right concept at best. The "Original" Native American Church was just as it's name reflected "Native American Church" , there was no word "The" nor the "Original" ever claimed in the Original filing with the US Government, which walks us right into the second point of Our position regarding that statement as she presented it - Prior to the establishment of the "Native American Church" which was in Oklahoma back in the early 1800's there Was NO "Native American Church" sought or felt Needed at all.

What people hopefully come to understand here, is that the people who born and lived upon the land masses titled "America" Prior to any boats to emerge upon it, did not "Go" to "Church", meaning they had no brick and morter building Nor did they engage in any sort of set like "weekly services". There beliefs were Lived not studied and learned except for by the elders, which is one of the main things lost to the generations of today, such wisdom being learned taught or shared. And too, contrary to what Most would have you believe, Quaniah Parker personally himself was NOT involved in the formal establishment of that or any Other church, it was established in Honor Of him and Sitting Bull and a few others who the people felt were honorable and trustable what we would call "Spiritual leaders."

Now learning that, we next would like you to know that the author of the Bylaws for that Original "Native American Church" was a gentleman by the name of James Mooney... sound familiar at all? Obviously it couldn't possibly be the same James Mooney who is among the founders of Oklevueha Native American Church as our species don't live That long anymore. No, it's not the same man, the James Mooney of ONAC is the great grandson of the author of the original NAC's bylaws. If the commonality of ONAC's bylaws with the original NAC's, it's likely because of that reason, but to say that a great grandson should be viewed as "Ripping off" moral and ethical standards of his great grandfather's who wrote them with the sole purposes that he had, and is honoring them in continuing them in his own church, then ok, perhaps in your concept ONAC has "Ripped off" those bylaws, but personally that's a rather sad way to look at it... most would see it as him Honoring the efforts of his great grandfather.

One other point to throw in here right quick, is that the James Mooney of ONAC actually was involved in the NAC NA for a period of time before founding Oklevueha, and we throw that in here right now because in part it will address the remaining of your posts expression. The James Mooney of ONAC, we will refer to him as "Flaming Eagle" from here on so to distinct between the two James Mooney's wasn't just a general member of NAC-NA, he actually served as an officer for them for a decent period of time. But obviously he since parted company with them, and it was by his account Because of just as you state he was "convincing people that Natives have religious freedom that protects us from prosecution and they can use it as a defense." Your statement is absolutely 100% TRUE sister and we thank you for confirming it for our readers as usually it's we alone as ONAC who publicly do.

It's easily found throughout state and federal laws that Native American as they say "Indians" Do in fact have laws that specifically are geared at protecting there "Religion" although to use the word "Religion" when speaking of the Creed, or the (way of life and there belief systems) is no more proper than to use the term "Indian" unless speaking of someone born of India, but beings it's the commonplace terminology most commonly used in today's society we will here so we all stay on the same page. Most obvious would be the one actually Named "Native American Indian Religious Freedom Restoration Act" so yes, it is something we as ONAC do say and also teach to our members as well as inquiring minds regarding it. We do so because it's true. It's also true in that "They" meaning ONAC do have the right to use it and other such laws as part of our churches defense, absolutely that is 100% true and something that we would stand in support of being said.

Many of our readers know, but not all people do, there is a written federal law under Title 18 in section we Believe either 241 or 242, it is known as "Color of Law." Based upon this law, ONAC stood before the courts of Utah all the way up to there state Supreme court who confirmed so in there ruling when Oklevueha stood before them securing our churches rights in regards to being the church as we are, meaning a Native American Church, Not Having to heed to the oppressing BIA such as all Other NAC's do and be Prejudice in regards to who can or cannot be considered or allowed to be involved in "Religious" ceremony, Especially based in such a RACIST reasoning as how much percentage of a certain races blood quantum they have, and to not Just have our rights to use grandfather (peyote) sacrament for spiritual purposes as well, but ONAC actually gained a bit of added rights that even the NAC or other church has yet to get when it was said that Oklevueha Native American Church has the "Right to utilize All earth-based healing sacraments" and to us THAT was a MAJOR blessing upon us, but too is and likely will continue proving to be a great obligation and burdensome Responsibility as well, IF we handle it Honorably which of Coarse we strive to do.

Having explained that, a point about we at Oklevueha that she and others may not Know to appreciate, is that ONAC Strongly encourage our tribally born brothers and sisters, not to just simply walk away from NAC and come to ONAC because of our victory in that case no more than we set out to have issues with NAC or any other faith and belief system considered as a "church." The fact is, which can be seen in our track record, is that we stand With churches willing to rise up and make positive efforts for the protection of there members and rights when other "Churches" including even we ourselves don't necessarily agree or practice there belief systems, and too, we've caught much grief for doing it by many!

What we do, is Encourage our tribal brothers and sisters to consider joining Oklevueha YES, but not in any way to bring about harm or disrespect to Any, including even NAC-NA who seem to want issues between us for whatever there reason. We encourage them to join ONAC for many reasons, most based upon there own cries seeking there rights to participate in ceremony Without being oppressed by ANY for whatever reason someone might come up with trying to do so! Most all NAC's but ONAC fall under the authoritative dictation of the BIA - the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which most elders will tell you were created to ultimately DESTROY the culture and creed of the tribal people. That is WHY the "original" NAC was established, to prevent that very goal, remember!

To this Day the BIA are Still oppressing our tribal brothers and sisters, and too, they are still to this Day Destroying there culture and creed, and yes, they Are using the NAC's They have authority over to do it! Make NO MISTAKE that has and will REMAIN the US Government's goal. ONAC feels that it is Shameful and we will have No Part in it, and in fact, We're willing to stand with ANY who are willing to rise and stand against it! As the "tribal blood" lessens as the generations pass and mix, soon no one will have enough to meet there "Requirement" meaning that ultimately according to the BIA, no-one will then have the Right to learn practice or participate in ANY of the ceremony or cultural practices of our ancestors! For some, this is already Preventing them now - grandchildren who don't have enough bloodline quantum according to there standard of dictation so they are Unwelcomed by NAC, including NAC-NA to be learned.

ONAC won the right to NOT be subjected to such atrocity thanks to the Utah state Supreme Court, meaning that if the NAC's such as the NAC-NA Chose to rise up and take "Our rights" since we want to look at it as being a your/mine thing that we gained from that case and applied the Color of Law, which basically means "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" then it wouldn't be the ONLY option and quite frankly it would be the more Honorable thing for them to do beings they too are claiming there churches root to the "Original NAC" as that IS what is was intended to be doing - Preserving not Detrimenting our tribal cultures and peoples!

ONAC would honorably stand With them if and as they did, but we are not going to go out and shame them nor throw stones at there honor or character if they do not, we just simply will continue to be another Option for them to have to consider should they want there culture preserved and to do ceremony with there grandchildren whether or not they have enough bloodline of this or that however it may be mixed.

ONAC KM have SPECIFICALLY let it be known that ANY TRIBAL MEMBER who wishes to become involved with Oklevueha are not only welcomed but Encouraged to the point we stop short of Begging them to join with us. ONAC KM is not out to "Teach" the sacred wisdom entrusted to our tribal elders, were here to build the bridge so that ALL the people wise enough to seek it can come to the feet and we ALL be learned by the tribal elders. In order for us to honorably accomplish this - we need tribal elders, and too, are grateful for being blessed with the ones we have and those yet to still come. ONAC KM is but a platform for just that very purpose and to make sure that they are prepared so that it will result in a good medicine way for all who come together.

People are so quick to judge Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) without taking a moment to stop and look or even Ask a simple basic question about us. It's sad but unfortunately it's the way that it is more often than not and results in animosities and misconceptions that could have been easily otherwise avoided if they simply had. It's easier for most to not and then pick up and throw a stone of condemnation for that which they don't know of or understand, and unfortunately ONAC has become used to it, even by other NAC's. Not that it's "Ok" but we understand that not all are meant for the warriors path. ONAC KM is the only blessed warrior church of ONAC and so that is why we remain here visibly seen and vociferously heard on that which you see and hear us, especially so with ONAC KM.

So again, before we close this article we want to reiterate to our readers and supporters what our members already hopefully know, which is that Sugarleaf Rasta Church is in no way shape or form associated to affiliated with supported Or endorsed by ONAC and so long as they continue to intentionally reflect themselves as such OR cause the harm that they have to our people, members and our medicines, we WILL continue to give them our full attention which is Obviously what they so Desperately crave from the masses of the world, they WILL continue to have it until justice is secured and they can harm no more than they already have. We do not know if the poster is a supporter of Sugarleaf or not, but it's on an article regarding them that this comment was apparently found and so we wanted to make sure they and all other concerned persons understand that as clearly and coherently as is possible for you to.

As always we Thank you for your continued interest and support for Oklevueha, and we encourage you to please stay tuned for future updates on all things pertinent to ONAC and our members! Wandan (Thank You!) A'ho


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