Queen Lepp unhappy with new life in jail
It is with a chuckle that we come to you with this follow up regarding the status of California jail inmate Heidi Grossman - Lepp who remains in custody on a No Bail hold!

Below we are providing you with a link to a video her partner Charles Lepp posted today on social media speaking about what's going on and what they're Hoping will result of there pleas as victims:
In the video you hear Lepp saying how upsetting it is that the guards at the jai shine their lights into her room to make sure she is still ok, considering all the people she has ripped off for major money she should feel Lucky they care enough To check in on her. Seriously though, it is standard protocol for guards to flash flashlights into the cells when checking in on the inmates, usually every 2 hours but some do it every hour where some do it every 3, it varies depending on the jail.
In regards to inmates "walking by and seeing" her while she uses the bathroom, that could well be true beings each cell is either straight bars Or has a door has a window in it so to check on the inmates (sometimes with flashlights) and those fortunate enough to get a cell all report that the toliets are sat in the middle of the cell without any wall or other view obstruction. If a guard checks on an inmate who happens to be using the restroom then obviously they're gonna be seen doing the business, as would they if an inmate happened to be walking by and glance through the window as they were going as well. It is NOT common practice at jails to allow inmates to be peering into other inmates cells, so IF she was seen peeing by another inmate while inside her cell then it likely was more of a bad timing/dumb luck situation more than anything else though we suppose we Could be wrong, we just doubt that we are is all.
For those of us who have never had the pleasure of staying at the California Jail hotel, we are told by some who have that there's not more than "2 per cell unless you got the dormitory where they were like 50 girls all in one room" so, if the queen has been blessed with a cell all of her own then it sounds like she might just be getting special treatment more than being abused by the officials!
Another thing you also hear is Lepp relaying how upsetting it is that she is not being allowed to use the phone though in jail such luxuries are not always an option for inmates. We don't think that it's room to call victim of the system because of it, but of coarse we are speaking of Queen Lepp here where even a fly splatting on a grill is a life ending drama needing exploited! Seriously though, If she hasn't been in jail before, did her King not explain to her the risks and repercussions of their illegal actions such as she will not be able to stir any BS on her social media, scam innocent people out of there hard earned money or use the phone to threaten officials? If not then we bet she really is freaking out and might actually even go into a complete meltdown, especially if the state keeps hold of her awhile, which they are expected to be planning as we hear more charges are Going to be coming against her.
Most gigglesome to us is in that Lepp is insisting that this is the state's best option of getting her lawsuits against them dropped and that it's the only reason she's actually In jail - can he Honestly Believe that's the truth? We Highly Dounbt that this is but the best shot at avoiding a lawsuit against the state, especially one also filed on multiple dead people and too, includes a DOG as a plaintiff!
In the video, Lepp calls for letters of support on behalf of Grossman, which is touching indeed, but too have also sparked many to generate letters opposing any mercy be shown on Grossman, some of which have stated they intend on being present for her arraignment and offering to submit letters to the courts against her. We are still HOPING to have a picture of her mugshot come through, and too are Hoping to get access to one with her in her Royal inmate attire at some point too, if we do please Know we will promptly share them and all else with you as we get it.
Thanks everyone, for continuing to care and support what we do, we Sooo greatly appreciate it and hope you stay tuned for more to come!