Pappas buys planes for cocaine, oh my!

Well everyone, we've got word, and pretty creditable word from the looks of it, updating us on the activities of former attorney Matthew Pappas.
Many of you know that Matthew Scott Pappas was the former civil rights attorney for Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) from the end of 2015 thru to the early summer of 2016. What ended the associationship was when the church discovered he was making and selling unauthorized churches as legitimate ONAC churches.
Not all of you know, that short after, a federal court judge in California initiated disciplinary against Pappas for incompetently doing his job as an attorney. Some do not know that he was actually suspended from practicing law for a minimum of 6 months and ordered into mental health counseling beings that mental illness was his primary excuse for his mental incompetency. What you May not know is that he is attempting to gain his right to practice law back behind closed doors on the 10th and 13th of this month.
Beings no one remembers When they saw Pappas actually in a courtroom in a trial actually defending a client, so too did they not notice his church scam, or when he shifted gears against the church who booted him for his dishonorable actions, or that he's actually established 30 more churches minimal since his legal suspension just since April of this year, so the fact that most have missed the next bit of news included here either, but we know it's important that you're made aware of it so you understand what's going on in regards to "Church", at least the ones they're making anyway, not the honorably functioning ones of coarse.
According to a very close source to Pappas who wishes to remain anonymous as of this point in all this mess, has confirmed that Pappas is in fact mentally out of control, and believing he's legally invincible for heaven's sake, and though many happily await his self destruction, some do remain concerned out of compassion towards him, especially those who are close to him, and they don't know what to do in attempt of protecting him from himself.
The rumors floating around is that Pappas made a huge and dangerous purchase just a few weeks ago. According to the source, Pappas actually went out and allegedly has purchased 2 jet planes. Now so you know, Pappas does in fact maintain a pilot's license so indeed he is very capable of flying such aircraft. Many are wondering why Pappas would have made such a purchase, especially buying two where most usually have to save to buy one as they usually sell for no less than a million dollars a piece - why Two, he's only one man and thus far the only pilot among his team. Honestly at the moment, it remains unclear as to why he would have bought two, but why he bought any has been revealed to us thanks to this very concerned source. We are still awaiting confirmation and details about the plane purchase as of this time but the rest we already have Multiple witnesses including Sachem Graves herself who confirms his plans and mindset.
What the source has expressed, is that they fear Pappas is going to land himself into prison piloting his planes as planned. So, what is his plan you ask - are you ready, because this is really going to Blow most of your minds! Ok, so Pappas is said to have bought his planes so to allegedly transport his churches "sacraments" across the nation coast to coast without having to physically enter into states where you would end up arrested and facing prison for possessing the "sacraments" his churches are preparing to claim.
What are the "Sacraments" of his churches you ask? Well the first one anticipated to be heard by most of you is cannabis, which is in fact ONE of the sacraments he is planning on transporting, but it's not the Only one. To ONAC and especially ONAC KM, it is the second sacrament named by the source that has gotten our full attention and concern... Matt Pappas is said to be declaring COCAINE as being among his churches sacred sacraments!
We know that there are many people who are quick to get upset and feel offended and even a bit violated by just hearing such a thing. Cocaine is known to be a dangerous drug that has literally killed people. It is concerning to us too as for him or any to declare such a thing publicly and then plan on setting out and acting on it, Will reflect upon all churches who practition using sacred sacraments, especially upon ONAC as not only did Pappas become intertwined with our church first, but too, we're the main ones at the front lines attempting to defend our rights to use sacred earth based sacraments. Cocaine is technically speaking an earth based healing sacrament, in it's natural form anyway meaning the leaves, but once processed by an alchemist... we have a whole new can of worms about to be opened into our laps that NONE of us are ready to handle.
As we covered just recently in a few articles, we have confirmed that Pappas has in fact been establishing such churches, and confirmed also then from a few additional sources that Pappas was gearing toward declaring cocaine as a sacred church sacrament. According to Sachem Graves along with a few members who state thay heard the same directly from Pappas himself regarding the cocaine: "Matt suggested that we implement cocaine into Oklevueha's churches sacraments just a couple of month's before his break down and termination as our churches legal council, so we knew it was in the back of his mind back then, so it's no real surprise to hear that he's preparing to put his plan into action now, especially considering that by the end of next week, Pappas might forever be stripped of his rights to practice law as an attorney by and in the state of California in one of his two scheduled closed door hearings with the state due to the judges complain and order of disciplinary action and competency question made against Pappas."
"He's planning a small border flight sometime by winter" said the source "and he's going to do a trial run with around 10 or so pounds of pot just to make sure he can get away with it before he starts making longer flights and adds the cocaine to his illegal cargo."
Many of you we're sure are shocked at this news and to hear that an attorney of all people would be planning such a thing, just please keep in mind, not every attorney is honorable in action or deed, and if you've been keeping an eye on Pappas at all you would already know he Is among the distrustable to be honorable in his actions, just look at all the irreparable harm and damage he's already cost so many of his "clients!" Though the judge only presented two cases Pappas had botched that's resulted in his disciplinary action from the state BAR, we know and have communication with at Least a half dozen Additional victims that Pappas has harmed and cost beyond measure for lack of properly doing his job as there legal representative, some of which have come together and are currently working at filing a Civil Lawsuit against him.
It's not the first outlandish purchase Pappas has been known to buy as he has a long history of purchasing fancy cars and last year he even purchased an RV for church members he was then representing that he never gave but instead kept for himself. If you look at his track record, it comes clear he seems purely motivated by money than all else and rarely sees things through to there final end. That's why This news is so concerning. "For him to have bought even just one plane for this purspoe shows he is serious about trying to accomplish his goal, and now with his career on the line, it makes perfect since that a man his Age would be scrambling for a financially secure future, especially with an Ex-wife and pissed off clients hot on his ass for compensation they believe is owed them."
As always we Thank you for your interest and continued support, please stay tuned for more to come! Any with any confirmation information are encouraged to reach out and share with we and our readers, it'd be appreciated!