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KM Responds to Pastor Steven L. Anderson

It has just been brought to our attention that a man by the name of Pastor Steven L. Anderson has released a sermon on Youtube and also published on his social media September 24th where he is essentially attacking all Native American Churches, and so for our readers it should be no surprise to see ONAC KM rising straight up and calling him out demanding an apology and the Respect we are all entitled to!

Before we dig into his words, let us first begin by telling you a little bit about Pastor Steven Anderson and his church. The name of the church in which Pastor Anderson leads is called "Faithful Word Baptist Church" which he describes as being "An independent fundimental baptist, and says they are an "Independent baptist church" that is rooted in Tempe, Arizona. Here is there website for your convenience just in case there's something you might want to check out for yourself after you read this article: and also, here is his email address too in case you feel spiritually motivated to communicating with him directly about his sermon:

From what we see, he was born July 24th 1981 in central California, so is in his mid 30's, is married to a Bavarian woman named "Zsuzsanna" for just over 16 years and together they have 8 children.

Now we ask that you listen to his words so you will know why and where we stand with him:

According to this pastor, the Native American Church (All NAC's) are "perverts of the gospel of Christ" because we still honor Creator's creation as well as the individuality of one another as Creator made and instructed us. Of coarse he has much to quote from the bible, starting from Galations and rolling through to Acts and even touches on Thessalonians. Now we Know that for the most part Pastor Anderson seems to be guiding his attacks on "The Peyote Church" which is Not ONAC, but as you Listen to his sermon's words, truthfully he is attacking us all, but even if he weren't and was only attacking them, we'd still be right here calling him out and saying something to him about it - his sermon is a Disgrace upon Creator and all who end up misled by his poor example and representation of Creator to say the least in Our opinion!

Might we suggest that he go back a little bit farther, like say... Genesis 1 because it's a crucial book with many lessons he's obviously missed, such as Creator creating our people "Gentiles" on the 6th day and giving us all of creation to care for and respect, or how Creator emphasized that all the plants were given to us, especially the GREEN ones that seed themselves, those Creator Specifically instructed us to consume, or "eat as meat." Also in Genesis as well as multiple other chapters in the bible, Creator instructs our species to "Not Judge" one another and says that we're not to dishonor one another OR elders and too, to not speak ill of the dearly departed, a few more instructions Pastor Anderson apparently overlooked from Creator huh!

So, Pastor Anderson says that the Native American church was only established "Less than 100 years ago." He says that it's proof that it's not a real religion because of it's age which we believe is where his confusion begins. Anderson says that "They Think it's there religion" but then smugly says "they don't even know what they're traditional religion is, you know why, because they did not have any reading or writing until the 1930's" and he says to them (not directly To them of coarse, lol) "you don't really Know what they believed" and took his insults a step farther toward the tribes by stating "If they're so good at preserving their religion orally then when this goofball peyote religion came out in the 1880's they just changed it." We Will be touching on peyote a little bit more in a moment, but before we move on, we wonder if he knows of petroglyphs?

One of the most obvious up points to be made here is that for over 10,000+ Years the tribal people had lived here with no signs at All of anyone floating along threatening to extinct there entire culture and people. Had any suspected such a thing was possible they Likely would have "established" a Native American Church long before they did in Oklahoma "about 100 years ago" as he says. One of the things he says that we feel really needs to be absorbed is when he says "If there morale is so good then why are they using ours." Could someone Please explain to this man about the Boarding School era, and how the people of our tribes were beaten and raped and even KILLED if they would Not denounce the ways of there people and Cling to there "Christian religion" and "Bible." Considering ALL that the oppressor (and we call him Oppressor opposed to being racist and calling him "White Man") have spent Over 500 years trying to eliminate they and our culture, history and traditions... that we're Still here and many (not all) of our customs are still known.

So what is this pastor's issue with the Native American church?

Well, according to Pastor Anderson his issue is in that he says that the Native American Church Mixes the "Pagan worship of the indians and God" which He insists cannot be done. Where was he back in the 1490's because the tribal people sure woulda likely appreciated his perception greatly back then - perhaps they wouldn't have had to establish there culture and creed into a legally official "Church" in effort of preserving there own long pre-existing way of life. Had they have been given the CHOICE of which cultural history, which "Doctrine" they would embrace and believe in and take to be there own would have been HONORED and accepted, perhaps Then it wouldn't be that way now at all, but ladies and gentlemen please understand that it was NOT there option or choice -

According to Anderson, "When the Native American Church came it was just like, they just switched" and said "They're willing to switch, just not to the Jesus Christ of the bible" but too, he then turns around and accredits the tribes "concepts" as only having any merit because of there being "christianity" as he describes as being "mixed", though says that the tribes "twisted and paganized" it, ultimately making the Native American Church as he says "It's a fraud." Anderson taught his sheeple that "What this so called NAC seems to do is to mix the two so that you have two" and says "You can't have both" and refers to them as "False gods" saying that "You cannot mix them with Christianity." Again, it was the Christians who Insisted the two Be mixed, and it still shows today in the "Indian Schools" as sure as there's a christian based faith church on about every "Indian reservation" while still very few Native churches or ceremonies are condoned.

Many (but not all) ONAC churches do honor and teach about the God of the bible from the Holy Bible while some ONAC churches do not speak of that religion at all. ONAC KM refers to teachings from the bible But only as a parallylization so to get and keep people on the same page and because the christian bible is the primary globally accepted religion- whether or not we want to, we Have to address it from time to time in our wisdom teachings.

Christianity and there doctrine of there God of the bible was FORCE INDOCTRINATED into them - beaten into them over and over until they would utter nothing of there past beliefs Ever again, and they accepted it in just that way out of fear for there own safety and survival and too, for the safety of there future generations because know and believe without any doubt that they Were told that if they turned back to and embraced there own culture and belief systems that the oppressors Would return AND too, that the abuse they would then suffer would be far worse than it already was and you can trust when we say that the Atrocities done to them are beyond reprehensible and that's honestly putting it very very mildly.

One more thing needing corrected is where Pastor Anderson quotes Quaniah Parker as saying that they go into there churches to pray to Jesus and we go into tipi to talk to Jesus - that is not true, we go into the womb of mother earth (tipi) to connect with she, creation and to talk directly with Creator (God not Jesus) as we believe Creator intended opposed to having to have a whole building which disconnects from Creator's creation more than anything out of the two in our opinion.

His issue with Peyote...

When Pastor Anderson speaks of grandfather Peyote, this is what he says: "It's not a power of the Great Spirit - it's a drug that your frying your brain on" For those of you reading this who don't know any different, Pastor Anderson is way far out in left field and obviously beyond his wisdom regarding such issue as peyote does not fry your brain else the medical field would be Freaking out publicly. It's mind-blowing how Racist not to mention how anti-religious he presents as he spews nothing but half-truths and out right Hate and is extremely insulting in this sermon, not just to the tribal cultures but to all races cultures, European, Asian, African and obviously too, tribal. He is very confident in that whatever realm we might enter while in ceremony, that it's: "Not a spirit world - it's a drug" and he even went so far as to say that it's "no more entering the spirit word than some 60's hippie taking LSD."

Let's look at what he just said right there, that thee was No Difference between Peyote and LSD. We know that there is a Big Difference between Peyote and LSD, the biggest and most noticeably being that Man created LSD while Creator (God) created Peyote! We can honestly say that Oklevueha have NEVER ever implied nor attempted to Substitute peyote with LSD or any other substance during a Peyote ceremony because we know it is not possible and too, is Dishonorable not only to Creator but also to our Ancestors who practitioned peyote ceremony before us in honorable way. Mescaline is the "Drug" aspect within peyote by the way for those of you who didn't know that And for who have ever ate a worm out of the bottom of the tequila bottle, of coarse that wouldn't really be a spiritual intent though it may well result in one! LSD on the other hand is completely made with man made chemicals, unless he's talking about "God's LSD" which would be found in his citrus peeling molds though nowhere NEAR the potency of peyote "Drug effect-wise" so we're certain he's comparing the man-made LSD to Creators plant medicine peyote. Yes, you read that right, peyote Has been proven to have medicinal Value to our bodies.

"That's not a spirit world" though Again he himself insinuates that he has never attended nor gone through such ceremonybut yet concludes that "It's a cheap substitute for real spirituality" So the question in many of our minds is this: How can someone who knows nothing about the true spirituality behind a ceremony suddenly be so Confident that another's spiritual experiences or revelation is anything? How can someone whose NEVER taken peyote be such the know-it-all expert as he is being? The answer is that he can't be, so the odds are he has either read something somewhere or Maybe (but doubtfully) talked to a person who has gone through peyote ceremony though if he Really wanted to learn the scope of such ceremony he would have also spoken to at least one roadman who has conducted such ceremony, at least you'd think or Hope beings he's out to discredit ALL who use it and personally cannot confirm by experience as to WHY he feels so Threatened by a little green cactus button - Creator made MANY Drug" effecting things that he spread out across the earth, plants being the majority yes but surely not ALL of them else explain the DMT frogs hopping around in the desert!

"It's possible for these people to be having real spiritual experiences, with Demons". One point that Sachem Graves always makes when someone says something like that which we feel is fitting here, is that if Demons can communicate with humans then why should it be so scary or far fetched for our ancestors to be able to communicate with us - ultimately her point being "It's a decision of Creator's and with Creator everything Is said to be possible."

Pastor Anderson himself confirms that in his statement: "Yeah peyote is new to the natives in Arizona since the late 1800's but they've been doing it down in Mexico a long time ago, and they're doing it in Asia, they're doing it in Asia and Cambodia and Laos..." One could take that as proof that such spiritual practices were and have been a custom for most all we humans on the globe meaning that it's long practice to ingest sacramental substances in effort of communing with Great Creator. What's really insulting is how he consistently refers to "Indians" as being workers of evil, and not just the tribes of North America either, look at what he said: "The devil has his minions all over the world." and when you Listen to the context he says it, it's clear that he is lumping all tribes together which has long been a common mistake for men like him to do - clump together and then discount them all.

Although this may be true, but Is it a good point to make for his side of this coin about the ingesting of "Drug" substances because his words and mindset opinion to us anyway does not necessarily make the point for his side of the argument if ya Really stop and think about it as much as it does for the tribes! The tribes were the ones Invaded and overrun and disregarded by people who thought and act Just Like Pastor Anderson. They were the ones who suffered and endured among the most unspeakable things that one human being could think to Do to another human being, that's completely Inhumane of coarse because this was not a happy and willingly accepted occurrence to be happening to the tribal people by ANY means. We as Oklevueha Native American Church strive to encourage the evolution in our members opposed to an obsolete and incorrect way of thinking and being, we follow Creators instructions unlike Pastor Anderson who appears to be teaching nothing more than pure HATE toward our species who do not willingly embrace His belief system.

Ghost Dance was outlawed long ago by people like him, BUT the tribes fought and Won there right to practition this ceremony... as unfair as it is, they've had to fight for the right and respect due there religious freedom, something ONAC KM intends to NOT allow to repeat as a cycle here upon our land, not as long as We are honored as a church! But we wonder, Does Pastor Anderson not remember his dead ancestors, not even like on Christmas or there birthday ever, or go to a grave, put flowers and talk to them graveside? If not that it sad that he would be so Disconnected from the web of Creator's creation, we choose Not to be, why that is so bothersome to him is puzzling, but what land could he go and have His beliefs 100% accepted?

So in regards to Peyote, Pastor Anderson says "Great grandfather is not the Holy Spirit, it's some other demon some other that will come into you and possess you." How DARE he insult our beliefs this way when Clearly he doesn't know or hasn't taken any time to research or even ask ANY Native American Church member or spiritual leader a single simple Thing about our culture or belief systems! Would he appreciate such things being said about he and his church and members beliefs systems? Show us in his Bible where Creator says to Disrespect one another in such ways as he so blantently is in this "sermon" of his, clearly is reflecting his setting out to do so. In our head as we write this, we hear the phrases "Judge not least you shall be judged" along with "Love one another" and a great many other instructions obviously He MISSED while reading his book... perhaps it's because as we see, he starts reading it in Galations opposed to Genesis which is the very Beginning of there instructional book.

As he continues mocking a custom he clearly admits he knows nothing first hand himself about, he remains focused on the Peyote, and talks of "the candies, surprise are a new addition" he says mockingly that apparently he believes the Peyote Church has implemented into there ceremony from what he says, ONAC don't so we don't know, but he says: "They don't wanna eat bitter peyote" and says "gimme a strawberry or something to wash this down" This is So rude and insulting, but as Graves says "our candy, there Christ - same difference." Graves explains "If we go by the Christians math, God put the Adam and Eva upon the earth 7,000 years ago this very year, and yet it wouldn't be but for another 5,000 of his years that he would send his son there Christ down here, is that not a "Surprise a new addition" to there religious belief systems, one which brought in a whole New "book" of chapters filled with new instructions, more rules, and add new belief systems, customs and even ceremonial practices? What of Easter, What of Christmas, what of Communion?"

"Ghost Dance" according to Pastor Anderson was nothing really more than a "big movement in 1890's" that he tells his followers was about "trying to communicate with dead chief's" and went so far as to tell his congregation that the purpose of Ghost Dance is to: "try to communicate and bring people back from the dead" which honestly speaking is a half truth if we're going to give him any credit at all. Ghost Dance is a sacred ceremony in which we do communicate with our loved ones passed but all we seek from them is wisdom and guidance, we KNOW that a dead person cannot magickally revive nor do we expect them to as we Ghost Dance for heaven's sake. But according to the pastor, he says what all Native American Churches are doing and believe in is "necromancy" and then he rushes straight to Deuteronomy 18 verse 9 saying that "communicating with the dead is "sorcery" and are therefore is an "abomination of the Lord" pretty condemning for a non-judgmental "Christian" right!

Graves suggests our readers Youtube search "Lewis Black", he is a comedian, and the segment of his that she says she would like for everyone to listen to is in regards to the religion of the bible, but from the source of that bloodline in which there religion is so based. We are including a link to the short skit here for your convenience in the Hopes that you will take a few moments and listen to the wisdom he instills as it's pertinent to this topic of conversation as well and we're Sure at least our members anyway will appreciate hearing it and even get a chuckle:

"It's not there fault... because it's not there book"~Lewis Black

The Native American Church does NOT claim that Creator is the "Holy spirit" - of coarse not, we were taught better than that. The "Holy Spirit" is the active force of Creator's creativity. To us such is symbolized as Eagle, not as Creator, demon or anything else. We believe that Creator created All of creation including us. That has been the belief of the tribes for well over 13,000 years here in North America and likely too goes back even farther than that if one really sat down and began digging into the core of it! Of coarse he teaches his followers that the Native American Church in "reality is it's 100 years old" and he validates this by stating that the "Apache have only been in Arizona 400 years" saying that before that they were "from Canada." There remains much question about Where or how the tribal peoples first emerged upon the America's, but even scientists and archaeologists all confirm that the tribes Were Here for more than 10,000 years before any of the "other nationalities" showed up as he calls it.

Going back to there math for a quick moment, they believe that they descend from Adam and Eva, meaning They were not Created by Creator (God) until the 8th day, whereas we Know that we, whom are called "Gentiles" were created by Creator on the 6th day of there accounting of creation - in other words 6,000 years ago and 2,000 years Before "God" created Adam and Eva in the Garden of Eden. Though something's a little off in there math according to scientists and all other scholarly types but ok, the bottom line is that their math claims that there religion "Christianity" wasn't Possible until 2,000 years ago when there focal guy "Jesus Christ" was actually physically claimed to have been born here upon our earth over in the middle east. The proof Shows that the tribes were here upon the America's for well over 11,000 years BEFORE they claim there Jesus Christ was born, so he wants to throw the stone of AGE when trying to validate and Trump another's belief systems as being the authentic, really?!? Pastor Anderson started Faithful Word Baptist Church on December 25, 2005 for heaven's sake his is the Youngest of All he's attacking!

So, what' the problem?

Pastor Anderson says "We've already reached hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Native American's with the gospel and god willing we will continue to reach many more hundreds and pull them out of this delusion - this demonic lie of there so called traditional religion and to get them all the way over to the gospel of Christ"

WOW, are we right, just WOW! but watch and listen closely as he's about to tell YOU all about it and us! It's amazing to see the mindset from the 1490's still present in people like him today, he's truly learned Nothing from the past of his people! How SAD.

PERHAPS they didn't Want to change, be converted and Definitely not have had indoctrination Beaten into themor WATCH it inflicted upon there loved ones... there elders and there children if not Worsethan what was being inflicted upon them - WOW there's a concept Right?! But some of the icing on his sermon's cake is when he then went so far as to say that Native American Churches have "perverted doctrine of the Native American Church which is also the white man's religion" he says really smug. Well why and how did THAT happen? Oh yeah, people like Pastor Anderson arrived on ships and began FORCING it on and into them, that's right - THEY FORCED there beliefs and book on them and ALL the rest of our ancestors too - "indian" or not... ESPECIALLY the NOT though - Everyone had to embrace it and denounce Anything else or they'd do anything including Kill those whose spirits wouldn't be broken!

Pastor Anderson quickly pointed to Deuteronomy ch. 18 as being the Proof that "The Native American Church is demonic" because according to him, Jesus Christ "is the only way to heaven" and goes so far as to say that all Native American Churches are "Devil Churches". If that isn't a judgement then we don't know What is which if he read his book right he would know that's a SIN of him to do, to say something like that or even to Think it, but it's also Ignorant because he doesn't know Anything about any Native American Churches and he ADMITS it right here in the midst of this hate filled sermon of his! What does he know of our beliefs? Not much if he thinks it could be contained to a Religion"! "We show Respect to religion As its representatives EARN such honor, but WE are believers and practitioners of Spirituality because we know that if we want to connect with Creator it's our spiritual being alone in which such can be attained."

"I usually don't go into their religion" Pastor Anderson proudly says "I don't think most of them are really into it or really believe in it that much or really know all the teachings" It's interesting because it's pretty clear to those familiar with the Native American Church that Pastor Anderson really doesn't seem to know much of anything in regards to us which leaves us wondering what it is that he thinks we do not know. We Will say that we do not know Everything and too, that we are still learning from the elders, which thanks to people like him from the past made that hard, but thankfully today people like him are tools to help us luer our ancestors out from there spiritual hiding and teach us so that we will know and bring honor to Creator and our ancestor relations! Perhaps if his religion stopped Infringing upon ours, we could learn and Do a lot more that we've thus far have been allowed To believe and do!

"We need to shine the light of the glory of the gospel", Pastor Anderson says, talking about onto the reservations, as if they've not already victimized the tribes enough, saying "We need to go in and preach the word of Jesus Christ" "Our question is Simple... "Why?" Why does he feel the need to come in where he was clearly uninvited because he is Not educated and feel that he needs to teach us his corrupted and diluted beliefs? Listen to what he says here because this is Exactly what he seems to think he is to do: "When we go in and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ we have to tell people that they're religion is false." The last we checked he Admitted that he doesn't Know or Understand our spirituality, belief systems or has even attempted to inquire or attend much less participate with open mind and heart in a ceremony, with or without peyote because we do practice both. Also too, the last we traveled around, there were brick and morter church house buildings spread all Over our lands here now and too, that they SAY "Come as you are, all are welcome" so knowing this and understanding that Anyone including an "Indian" can make the choice to walk into his or any other of there churches and begin to study, worship and believe like they do - IF they so Choose again we ask Why he feels HE needs to make it his churches pilgrimage to target and attempt to indoctrinate a people who clearly have Already been inflicted Enough by there religious systems.

Since When did the Baptist's start driving around all over and knocking on Doors trying to amway there religious beliefs anyway, last we knew that was the Mormon's and the Jehovah's Witnesses tactics, not the Baptist! As American's we Are all "FREE" to go where and believe how we want and choose, but on behalf of the tribal relatives let me just say this as an echo of there voices to you Sir - Though you're welcomed to come but really you're rather encouraged to drive on by our rez's, but you can do so knowing that if any among us want, they will find there way Off the rez and into your or another church like yours and strive to become something contrary to what Creator intended for them to be and believe. You do not see "Indians" bum-rushing his church Nor driving to his house and knocking on His door, our tribal brothers and sisters don't much appreciate it either, they just don't want to be rude and condescending!

Come to think of it, throughout history, you never hear of any "Indian's" setting out to "explore" or "Discover" which we all now Know is a pretty word for "Claim" anyone's land or home Anywhere, we've always been Content with just what Creator Gave to us as our home and for our lives. Nope, it's ever only always shown to be the other way round which is what he is once again Encouraging his people to do now - to go back To the rez lands and Re force-indoctrinate them! Our suggestion to he and his congregation is this - How about you Leave the tribes Alone and Reread your bible so to brush up on all the Sins your committing by thinking and especially so in teaching this racial Hate and trying to infringe it upon us?

We suggest you PRAY to "God" and ask him to Enlighten you as to His instruction, will and Expectation for our species as a people, because the last time we checked, the instructions were to be loving and accepting and Respectful to one another, and honestly speaking throughout this entire sermon of Pastor Anderson's, we see nothing but the Opposite shining through from the core of his spirit, and only Creator alone can correct and properly guide him. We also suggest that his congregation do the same and too, that they do so with open mind and heart so that Creator can teach them but also too, so Creator can use them as his tools to teach Pastor Anderson!

"You can't just add Jesus to your old religion, you can't do it" he says, but yet it's he and his people who continue to DO it! As you listen to him instructing His congregation members to get up go out and seek Us out, he even says to drive to the reservations and "Knock on there reservation doors", obviously to push push push it onto us. Do you THINK that the tribes WANTED to implement there god and bible into there culture? The answer is NO, it wasn't a Choice, not there choice anyway. Sachem Graves would like to go a step farther and let Pastor Anderson know that "WE as in ONAC KM, not necessarily ALL ONAC or All Members, but ONAC KM as it's own church "Really don't want to have to address Christianity at all, because as he says, it doesn't Really Belong in the belief systems of our tribal brothers and sisters, it doesn't, but because the Christians Forced it to be included into our our teachings in order to be able to preserve our traditional wisdom teachings, it was "mixed into" it as it was the only way they could gain the honor and respect entitled there personal rights to choose What they would believe in with any sort of Legal protection. In other words, to Prevent Cultural GENOCIDE from occurring on there people, they HAD to accept the Christians "Mixing" there beliefs and bible Into the daily lives of the tribes across our land."

Pastor Anderson instructs his people to "First present the entire gospel before you criticize they're religion "they'll just shut you down and not listen to a thing you have to say" and then he added yet Another insult to the tribal members saying "The reservations are filled with white people because they all mixed with white people all of them" and added "I guarantee you they're all mixed" and he said "You Indians are part white" as if it were by there choice when it resulted from the disrespectful mindset much like you clearly see in his sermon here! How distasteful of him to say such a thing that way - they were RAPED by these strangers for heaven's sake, it's not like they met, fell in love, got married and decided to start a family - they were RAPED, beaten and LUCKY they weren't Killed because MANY were - and we mean Many as in MILLIONS! Truth be told our tribes here upon the Americas suffered the worst Holicost ever known among our species. The tribes went from being the majority for well over 10,000 years to almost EXTINCT in less than 500 years BY people who think just like Pastor Anderson.

Is Pastor Anderson Racist?

Pastor Anderson also made a comment we found to be very rude and insulting when he insinuated that it was somehow Wrong for our tribal brothers and sisters to be "Taking pride in they're nationality" which makes no sense as Creator chose each of our nationality and also too, says that we were made to perfection in Creator's image, so what is the Pastor teaching his people exactly? We don't think they should be condemned for taking pride in who Creator made them to be, in fact, our interpretation of the teachings is that we are to honor and take pride in ALL Creator's creation, and treat our bodies and beings as Creator's temple. Maybe Pastor Anderson would walk up to the face of Creator and tell him he thinks his house sucks and is sub-standard? We sure don't encourage Our members to think like such and we're saddened to see that the Christians such as Pastor Anderson still are after all these years, how Disappointed Creator must be in him and people like him... how sad for the people who trust believe and follow his teachings! Pastor Anderson is NOT a "Super Apostle" is he... or Is he?

When speaking of how our land got to this point, Pastor Anderson said in regard to the tribal peoples that it is a "slow process of reaching and converting everyone" because apparently according to his Tone he don't think "Indian" tribal people are all that intelligent of a people. His proof of this is heard when he so boldly said "Christian missionaries gave them there language" Least he forgot about the Navajo Code Talkers?! What was that code that was used to "Save America"... it was the LANGUAGE of the people Pre-christian and pre-bible presentation upon our land, and as mentioned before, there were petroglyphs from back then as well that even Respectful Pastors such as Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shephard's Chapel teaches his congregation to RESPECT as valid proof of our merit. Honestly there were many tribal languages spread out across this and even other lands - he just seems to cling onto that "boat person" mindset in that our tribal brothers and sisters were somehow Less Human Being than the rest, an opinion we believe Creator frowns upon.

But what topped the cake was when he said "Before that, who knows what they believed." I can answer that for him... WE KNOW, and the reason we do is because some of the elders who suffered the atrocities of the people of the past like him are Still Alive and are coming out from under the table of fear that they were put under and they're Teaching us! In the spirit of giving some benefit of the doubt here to him, let us simply point out that the people of this land were perfectly content with the ways they and there ancestors before them had lived and believed for well over 10,000 years until this concept arrived with the tides of the seas...

As Pastor Anderson got so comfortable in front of his racially supportive congregation members, he belittled the tribal customs more than any so called proclaimed minister that we have yet to see. His entire thought and attitude process in our opinion is completely unbecoming of anyone claiming to be a physical reflection of Great Creator to we the people. We feel Pastor Anderson seriously needs to Apologize publicly, to all our tribal relations and to all Native American Churches and to all the Other cultures he un-christianly like racially judged and Disrespected with snide little comments such as the RUDE comment he made about the tribes when he said "and I'm sure riding horses is there tradition too, even-though there were no horses here until the Spanish brought them here" which was only one of many things he said in this "Teaching of the Word of God" that was Completely inexcusable and racially hateful.

In conclusion, Pastor Anderson declares Native American church and belief systems by saying this: "The whole thing is a fraud" and says that Native American Churches are nothing but mere tools used as "The devil is out to stop people from being saved" and from the sounds of it, he and his church sound eager to go out and indoctrinate the Piss outta any "Indian" they can find, and too, we heard him say they actually set out on road trips and drive hours to find'em! Beware tribal brothers and sisters, the oppressors with the boat mindset are returning, and they're taking root in Phoenix, Arizona apparently, and they're coming to get YOU and anyone else who won't embrace blindly his radically racial cult like church he's got going on over there. By the way, according to wikipedia: "In August 2009, the church received national attention when Anderson stated in a sermon that he was praying for the death of then-President Barack Obama." - kinda says something about a minister of "God" there, praying for the literal physical Death of another, whoever it is it Shouldn't happen and Definitely shouldn't be publicly boasted about from a podium expected to reflect and echo the words of Creator God!

On a side note, but something we found of interest about Pastor Anderson that you may find too, is that In September 2016, after Anderson had announced his intention to travel to South Africa, when Malusi Gigaba, the Minister for Home Affairs banned Anderson and his followers, citing the Constitution of South Africa and stating "I have identified Steven Anderson as an undesirable person to travel to South Africa" and also too, Pastor Anderson has also been banned from entering the United Kingdom And on the 20th September 2016, Anderson was banned and deported from Botswana. Currently he is running his church out of his fire alarm installation shop in a strip mall in Tempe, Arizona and claims about 300 members.

Before we close this article and email it directly to him, we want to take a moment and add in a wisdom teaching from one of our churches (ONAC KM just so we're clear) elder counselors who just recently passed on but who said it better than anyone has yet to say it and Is something we Highly encouage our members to learn from, and we now extend this offering of wisdom toto Pastor Anderson and his congregation too, with the question Pastor Anderson himself asked in his sermon but with a little more Importance... "Which do YOU think Creator would choose as being the honorable of our two churches as far as these brief teachings presented you here today because in the end THAT is what's gonna be mattering when it comes to a final judgement, if we are wrong, we'll own it, question is, will Pastor Anderson? please listen, ours is under 10 minutes long:

The lesson for US in his sermon is that the agenda has obviously Not Changed in the minions of oppressor such as we can clearly see showing in Pastor Anderson. Good thing that the tribes have been being awaken to this reality and are electing to be "Idle No More" and you can bet your Ass that we stand, not "For them" mind you, but "With Them" just as Creator instructed our people and species to do.

As always, we Thank you for your continued interest and support, please stay tuned for future updates, thank you!


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