Former ONAC member seeking legal representation for newly created "church"
This should really Not come as a surprise to most of you who have been following the whole saga breaking out around ONAC over the last year, but another former member of ONAC has set out to establish his own churches and is now scrambling for an attorney willing to try and legally protect them. Perhaps he only just NOW became aware of Pappas's license being suspended from the California state BAR maybe? Pappas was ordered by the BAR to inform all who were affected by the action but ONAC assures he has YET to officially inform us as to the discliplinary action taken against his law license, and Clearly we WERE affected and victimized because of it and him, so it would Not surprise us at All to find he hasn't told any others as he should have, hence why We covered it!
Scott Bates, a former spiritual leader of an independent branch of ONAC called "Valley of the Moon" has always has his eyes set on the profits to be had off of cannabis, but his angle was among the first of the wave now crashing into our walls and reputation... "establishing a brand new church." Bates became known when his church was raided and his president arrested and charged with illegal cultivation. This is when a civil rights attorney by the name of Matthew Pappas approached ONAC willing to represent Bates in a lawsuit against the state which became known as "The Sonoma Case" of ONAC.
Pappas appeared gung-ho and willing to prove himself a warrior for our church but it wasn't long before the greed bug bit him in the butt and he began taking advantage of the church all while putting less than half effort into this or any of the other cases ONAC had emerging on there horizon around this particular time period. Ultimately Pappas was caught falsifying documentation declaring churches that were never officially authorized by Oklevueha and then selling them to people in a package promising legal protection and exemption for $100 - 125,000.00 a pop! All in all 20 of his fake churches were found and confronted, most of which have since dissolved except a few - two being Pappas's own churches in southern California - those are still in operation daily selling cannabis and gawd only knows what Else under the guise that they're authentically legit ONAC churches.
ONAC has tried several times to get Pappas to shut down his churches and to also get him some how legally accountable for having botched so many important ONAC cases, but so far obviously we haven't had too much luck as there's a list of victims who suffered because of him since he caused so much harm to our church. For this we feel bad and too, a bit of obligation because we had publicly sang his praises up until we realized that our trust and respects in him were grossly misplaced. Like with his other monster "Sugarleaf Rasta Church", though ONAC had absolutely nothing to do with nor Any support or condonement for what they did, we still feel bad as well as a sense of obligation to deal with it Because our church Had mistakenly trusted and endorsed them.
What came as a bit of a shock to ONAC was when Scott Bates shifted his loyalty from the church who had his back and was willing to do what we could to defend and protect he and his members, to the attorney who intentionally botched his case and cost him his home, land, crop and ultimately now, his entire church, and if that tyranny wasn't enough, Bates added salt to the deep many wounds he would inflict on the church and members on his way out the back door hoping to not be noticed, when he went out and intentionally borrowed and ran big debts with trusting members who were willing to extend the hand of brotherly love. One member states that he borrowed several thousands of dollars from them on the promise Bates would make it right once his crop was harvested and sold, while another says Bates came in and completely ripped off 100% of his crop all together. According to rumor Bates even went so far as to rip off the president of his church who faced Prison because of the greed Bates has for weed.
Members claim that when Bates wasn't begging for help for himself, which included borrowing money for gas, food, bills and of coarse cannabis, that he was using his son and even his "starving dogs" as an excuse to win the help he was seeking from they and there wallets, which by the way he's breeding for more money in his pocket. Countless times even the mother church helped Bates out with money for his bills and living expenses, which all was extended to him in good faith because we Believed he was an honorable member and he had assured he would promptly repay it, little did any know he was on his way out. When Bates began disregarding church customs and trying to instead convert ONAC into Rasta churches, fed flags and sirens began to surface in some while others just simply thought Bates was sincerely loyal to his sacrament.
Once the thievery came to light, and all the sales of that which he owed others became known, Bates completely dropped off the radar and has Yet to be heard from by ONAC or the members owed since, and believe that we've left him many messages! Because of all of this plus the countless code violations encompassing it, ultimately Bates was Excommunicated and his church and position within it completely dissolved. ONAC did Not feel it imperative at the time to publiclze the events going on with Bates, but given how he has planted himself intentionally into the thick of there SHAME, now we Know it's time that it's brought to light and to your individual attention.
So now a public post from Bates has been brought to our attention and we thought we'd go ahead and share it with you here, but, before we do please allow us to first give you the basic rundown on the painting we will be seeing painted here by Bates and his cohorts,
On September 28th, Bates posted the following message publicly to Allison Margolin, who for those of you who dont Know, is the daughter of Los Angeles NORML attorney Bruce Margolin who is also a practicing attorney but whose office is in Beverly Hills, California: "I am Scott "Bud Greene" Bates, head of the Church of the Most High, and the Patriarch of the Circle of Cannabis Churches and the Holy Order of Servants, the Circle's our priesthood. We, in connection with Church Services Corporation, have a program to help interested individuals and groups form Sacramental Cannabis Ministries. I have long known of your and your father's work defending people in the Cannabis Community. I have heard of your reputation as a fighter of cases rather than a settler. I would like to speak with you personally since our lawyer Matt Pappas has been forced to take a personal leave from our representation. I would like to see if their exists the possibility of our working together to forward the only viable protection of Cannabis rights that exists. Bless you for your tremendous efforts fighting for truth. SB"
Apparently once again it appear as though Pappas has left Bates hanging high and dry, but this time as far as we know Bates don't have any legal cases pending, at least as of yet anyway. We were rather curious ourselves when it was brought to our attention that Bates was establishing his own churches in California but made no inference in Pappas being involved in their creation. It was more puzzling when it was brought to our attention that Pappas was also establishing churches as of April of this year with his new buddy Brent Frasier... 30 so far and they have Yet to claim any associationship to Bates churches. We were given this one picture of the three men together though which should confirm to you their association, but if not of coarse we encourage you to do some research for yourself, though we Do ask that you cinsider sharing your findings with us because there are many who sincerely Do want to know the truth and support the honorable over the dishonorable.

(2017 photo of Matt Pappas, Brent Frasier and Scott Bates)
You see, we KNEW that these people were all conspiring with one another to attempt to "Overtake Oklevueha", we have actual texts and emails from them stating so, but as they failed apparently they got together and decided they'd just create there own churches and claim that they were as honorable and legitimate as ONAC - they're NOT, please make no mistake in that they're not Anything at all like Oklevueha!

Further confirmation in that these people all Are in conspiracy with one another can only briefly be seen on there social media, and NOT between Pappas and any of them, it is seen in a post that Bates posted about his new churches that was shared as a repost by Sugarleaf as an endorsement from them for Bates churches. Fortunately thus far it appears that Bates churches have created the least amount of victims behind, Pappas's churches seem to be second least damaging and of coarse Sugarleaf Rasta Church pridefully wear that King and Queen crown when it comes to fake churches causing harm and damage to both people as well as the whole of society. (Photo of Matt Pappas and Heidi Grossman pre-Sugarleaf)
Because of the Sugarleaf shinninagians with there greed based churches throughout central California already this year (A Pappas creation) being so Out of Control and resulting in bloodshed, shot cops and a dead employee, and on the Eve of Regulation in California on the horizon of all times, the state has alreadt indicated that sacrament practicing churches are already in for an uphill battle securing our rights as a church to operate and function without infringement from there "cannabis regulation" and yet they recklessly continue to give the state there needed ammunition to give us that fight come January 2018, Bates and his new churches Combined with Pappas and Frasier's are only going to make our plight that much harder and countless churches facing legal danger.
It is IMPORTANT that people REALIZE this reality NOW and help to put a stop to it and people like them once and for all, because if we don't and California Disregards Religious rights of standing, there's gonna be problems, and we DO NOT want to find ONAC having to stand anywhere NEAR these people as we approach this line of battle Because of they and there greed and be expected to win it WITH they our self-declared enemy.
So, now you're more up to speed as to what is going on with Bates and the rest of these dishonorable people. Knowing Ms. Margolin as we personally at ONAC KM do, we are certain that she will NOT be extending her help to them any time soon because especially on his own, there's No way Bates could afford to retain her! Personally in our opinion he would have had a better shot recruiting her father into a scheme like this because he's more apt to consider such a ponzi pyramid scheme - He's a long time executive director of NORML!
As always we appreciate your continued interest in that which is concerning to ONAC, please stay tuned for future updates on this and other information that may prove to be of interest and concern to you. Thank you