ONAC KM puts out call to all ONAC churches
As many of you well know, ONAC KM have been working very closely with the Elder Council of our beloved Mother Earth Walks, and especially so with the original founders of Oklevueha, particularly with both James and Linda Mooney. The common goal of they and the elder council, as it should well be for each and every one of you, Especially if you've been blessed with the entrustment as a spiritual leader of your own branch or church, it to unite us all together so to bring forth endless good medicine resources and support for one and all.

What you May not know is that currently the whole of Oklevueha has approximately 200 authorized churches spread throughout as well as beyond the continent of North America, each having it's own group of members. Some churches are very small in there size while others average a few hundred members each, and some even have membership rolls reflecting in the Thousands all on there own. One of the reasons you might not have known this, is also possibly too the reason your resources and abilities are limited, because for the most part many are and remain disconnected.
We know that not all of the churches are actively operating, but whether you are active or your dormant, we are calling on you to please reach out to us so that we can continue progressing forward for the greater good of the whole of Oklevueha's future flourishment. We as ONAC KM continue to advocate and insist that we have all the necessary resources and support systems w need to keep ONAC improving in our goals for our church members and communities throughout society WITHIN. We have a great many plans in the works to better improve the whole of Oklevueha but in order to achieve it, we're either going to have to depend on You, or else run the risk of everyone losing it all by having to turn elsewhere and others. and that's something we'd really rather not see having to be done especially now after sustaining all the harm we've just barely crawled through.
Though you may not feel that your presence will make any significant difference, we cannot emphasize enough that its simply not true at all, we need you, trust and believe in you, and we're calling on you now to step forward and see what we can get done to make this church the jewel Creator truly intends for it to be... it's on each of us guys, ONAC KM is and will continue doing All we possibly can but we're telling you now, we cannot do it All on our own, we need manpower and elbow grease, we need wisdom and input, we need action and effort, and of coarse too, we need money to keep things rolling along, but first, we need Organization and coordination and connections established so that the whole of the being of ONAC can reassure and reinforce our structure as well as our resources and support systems for one another as strong as they can be made to be.
So, we put out this official call, and ask that you please contact us at: onac.km.oregon@gmail.com so that we can connect and coordinate with you. Please forward this to others who we're seeking too in case we somehow miss them. Each one of you are important but too, tracking 400 people down isn't among the easiest of tasks to attempt to accomplish, especially with everything else going on including our own personal lives. The last thing we're trying to do is add to your stresses and pressure, but too, we Need you, so again, please reach out. Thank you.
As always, we thank everyone for your time, interest and attention. We appreciate your time, interest and continued support and hope you;ll stay tuned for more because we know it's coming!