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KM begins preparing...with concern

We feel that it's important that we begin to address the topic of the projected mindset of the people of Central California in regards to cannabis beings that we are on the verge of the state laxing into commercial regulation as there is reason for some concern within ONAC as to what is on the horizon for our mother medicine sacrament cannabis in the "Jamaica of America" when it comes to the sacred herb?

We believe that you will see the concern as we share with you the following public posting we believe is currently best describing it even over two months after it was published... tell us what you think:

"STOP Commercial Pot" posted on August 5th · URGENT YUBA COUNTY FACT UPDATE To 280 Plus Undisclosed Recipients:THE EMOTION: Talk to Yuba County residents that have been exposed to the illegal marijuana grower. You will find that they are angry, very angry, and disillusioned with the County System that is charged with their protection. Ordinances were adopted, promises made and still the system failed. The recent shooting of our two Deputy Sheriffs in Oregon House, over an illegal marijuana grow, is a prime example of our failure. It also paints a portrait of the illegal marijuana grower and this portrait is ugly, very ugly. The decent citizens of Yuba County and our County officials have been jerked around for over 18 months by a federal ex-con on parole and by a porn star queen. This porn star has also declared herself to be the Mother Queen of the Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, who worships and uses marijuana as a Sacrament. Yuba County has been trying to enforce the ban on outdoor grows of marijuana and other code violations at their "Church" location in Oregon House since June of 2016. All the County accomplished was running up an enforcement bill of over four hundred thousand dollars and not a single plant was seized or removed. We the chump taxpayer are paying for this bill. Now the final straw, this week two of our officers were dispatched to protect the very same illegal grow. These officers are the only heroes in this scenario. They saved the County Millions of Dollars by eliminating another wanted felon (Untrue), but got shot for their efforts.THE

EVIL PLAYERS:Heidi Grossman Lepp is the porn star, Queen of the phony church and the Illegal marijuana grower. There is a 2016 video of her cussing out our Law Enforcement Officers and Yuba County for their efforts to shut down her illegal marijuana grow and other harmful law violations. She flatly ignored the legal orders to abate her law violations. She has also sued Yuba County, the State of California and Federal Agencies for trillions of dollars. How many zeros is that? Yet, when another wanted felon tried to uproot her sacraments/illegal marijuana, she was quick to call on our Sheriff's Office for help. In that 911 call, she hoped law enforcement would do their job. Is your anger meter going up?

Eddy Lepp, Heidi's husband and co-leader in the church, got out of Federal prison just last December. He served 8 years of a 10 year sentence for growing marijuana. Does a ten year sentence sound a little harsh to you? Maybe it is because he was convicted of growing over twenty thousand illegal marijuana plants within sight of Highway 20 in Lake County. He was also still on a five year drug monitor probation sentence. Have I mentioned that both Heidi and Eddy are imports from outside of Yuba County? Maybe we should look at them as migrants just trying to make a living and improve their lives. How's your anger meter now?Mark Anthony Sanchez is the low life that shot our Officers. The exact relationship between him and the porn star and the other felon, dirty Eddy, is still not clear. We do know Sanchez was a felon convicted of carjacking, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and other crimes. He had two outstanding warrants, from Gilroy, California, one for robbery . Did you notice, Sanchez is another import to Yuba County? Are you wondering if he applied to the Sheriff's Office for gun permit? I am sure this was just an oversight by our poor deceased felon. Check your anger meter again.SHARING

THE BLAME:There is an old saying: All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men/women to do nothing or in this case not enough. The following are mostly good people, but they just did not do enough and our two Officers paid the price.The Public: Too afraid or too busy or too engrossed in their IPhones to take responsibility and help protect our communities. If we want a good quality of life and a safe community we must do more. I include myself in this category, from now on my 3 am musings and public words are going to be more descriptive of evil and demand more accountability and naming of our public officials. Perhaps you have already noted the change in my choice of words.Yuba County Code Enforcement, Jeremy Strang and Kevin Mallin: Just a day after our Officers took bullets for us, a group of 25 residents had a meeting with these two County Employees who are responsible for the removal of illegal outdoor marijuana grows. Both of these public servants are good men, trying to do a job for us, but after hearing how their hands are tied and the lack of resources, I just have to say BS, BS, BS. This response is no longer an acceptable answer. Almost two years ago we were promised two additional Code Enforcement Officers that would be dedicated to marijuana removal. That never happened, we are still at four code enforcement officers and even some of them have been pulled off to work on relocation of the river bottoms parasitic dweller. The "self imposed homeless" may be a problem, but generally they don't carry guns and shoot public servants. I also don't want to hear that marijuana complaints are down, sure they are down, the public is mostly too afraid to make a report.

Yuba County Sheriff, Steve Durfor and District Attorney Pat McGrath: Another two long term public servants, I like them both, but has the marijuana problem gotten better or worse under their watch? These are the two people most responsible for our safety. We are being invaded by a marijuana menace from out of County, out of State and even out of Country. It is time to ask for help. We know the State of California Government is no friend to us.They are trying their best to take away our guns and at the same time force sexual predators and marijuana felons into our communities. Steve and Pat, it is time to ask for Federal help in the enforcement of the Federal laws prohibiting marijuana. The helicopters should start flying and well armed and protected officers should make raids in massive force. Attend the Sheriffs Forum, at the Church of Glad Tidings, Yuba City, this Monday at 6 pm. At this meeting,take a look at photographs of massive Yuba County illegal marijuana grows that have been in existence for two years or more. Ask Sheriff Durfor why? You will also be able to see some of these photographs in the next issue of the Territorial Dispatch Newspaper.Yuba County Board of Supervisors: This is where the "Buck" Stops.

The Supervisors, the old and the new were told by the voters of Yuba County that we don't want outdoor marijuana grows. But again has the problem gotten better or worse under their watch? We need to hold their feet to the fire. Special watch needs to be given to new Supervisor Mike Leahy.This Supervisor has been acting as a front man for a carpet bagging marijuana attorney from San Diego by introducing him to Yuba County Officers. This attorney was trying to sell a huge marijuana grow along the Yuba River. Also two sources has informed me that on Facebook Mike Leahy is shown as a "friend" to guess who...Heidi Grossman Lepp. Time to check your anger meter again. Bring along your anger to the Board of Supervisors Meeting on Tuesday at 9 am at the Yuba County Government Center. Demand that a State of Emergency be declared.IN CLOSING: There is a line in Shakespeare's Macbeth Play and a book of the same name by Ray Bradbury, "Something Wicked This Way Comes". It is about the opposing forces of good and evil. The wicked/evil is already here in Yuba County, do nothing and evil will prevail.Buck WeckmanYuba County FACT (Families Against Cannabis Trafficking)675-3221"

The first thing we would like to point out is that the statements made in regards to Mark Anthony Sanchezs character, such as calling him a convicted felon are untrue, he was Not a convicted felon, he was not Wanted for any criminal charges, he was Never convicted of Carjacking, robbery, burglary or anything Other than Disturbing the Peace." Now we know that back when this was written and published that those things were believed to be true as stated in their article, but we now know and have confirmed that they are not, and we just want to make sure we note that for Our readers so to help dispel this misinformation.

Though it is true that ultimately he did in fact shoot the two police deputies, but please understand and factor in that back in those immediate moments proceeding what went on that NEVER ever should have, many things were overlooked such as the illegally growing plants that as the article states was the root cause of all the problems which led to the unfortunate tragedy which went on in Oregon House that morning. For that he will be forever labeled a "Suspect" we know and understandably accept BUT too, we feel that it's an injustice to leave his title in this at that alone because as were now seeing come to the light is that Mark Anthony Sanchez, Before becoming the Suspect who shot two police deputies, was first a victim himself of Sugarleaf Rasta Church and there illegal grow there at what they call "Yuba Trees" illegal cultivation farm.

We think that the points attempted to be expressed with emphasis are valid and now thanks to Sugarleaf, do carry and hold some valid merit, and has undoubtedly opened the door for concern for the people in as well as beyond Yuba County and even the state of California as we know that Sugarleaf as well as there coherts beyond Sugarleaf have and intend to expand there operations well beyond the boundaries of California.Beings those causing this have done so while reflecting upon the name and reputation of Our church, it's obvious that we WILL be Expected to have our presence visable at the front lines and ONAC KM personally obligated and EXPECTED to be leading us all to victory. "Make no mistake, we do NOT look forward to the day this battle is declared a war, but, we will be there and willing to be the Mecautea we are expected to be in effort of ensuring proper justice for the whole of creation is preserved for the greater good of us all."

Voices of the officials seem to continue to echo the concerns expressed in this article and to continue to be heard coming from the people of Oregon House and Yuba County, and expanding throughout the state and official voices are insenuating that come January first they may well elect to disregard all church rights across the board when it comes to their commercial regulation of cannabis.

If you are interested in standing in the defense of Cannabis and seek complete Liberation, WE WANT YOU so please reach out and join with us, obviously thanks to Sugarleaf we have an uphill battle ahead of us in at least the state of California coming into view on the horizon.

As always, thanks for your continued interest and support, please stay tuned!


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