Sugarleaf continues on with show
For those of you who are inquiring for an update on the Sugarleaf show, or as they call it "The Heddy Show", please understand that we only publish updates when we feel there is new information that you should know and be aware of, and quite honestly, since Heidi Grossman Lepp has been bailed out of jail, we haven't seen anything really worthy of giving them any of our attention, just whining about how it is They are the victims when the reality is, they are causing Hundreds of victims making them as We see it as "Being the Problem. We know they strive for any and all public attention they can get, and so we try to be selective in what fashion they receive it from us.

Because so many inquiries have come in, and apparently there Is a little bit of interesting news to come of them this morning, we figured we would go ahead and do a short article letting those of you interested, what's going on as of now with these troublesome people.
According to co-conspirator Charles Eddy Lepp, Heidi Grossman Lepp was taken to the hospital last night due to an injury to her leg she sustained during an eleptic seizure, and apparently the hospital decided to hold her suspecting that "she may have had a mild heart attack." Please keep in mind the Source of this information, knowing that he has already been shown to intentionally misrepresent facts to the public. We don't know if that's the case here, but we do suggest that you keep that in mind before you start softening your hearts toward these people. We Also suggest and highly encourage you to research these people publicly and offer you our archives as one of many good sources of all the shadiness
Here is a link to Charles Lepp's report regarding the hospitalization last night for those of you interested:

Thank you all for your continued interest and support, please stay tuned.