When will the lies of Sugarleaf end?
Upset is pouring int our newsroom because we Just released an article which included an article link from Leafly.com covering the Sugarleaf saga due to a few statements that they published asking that we please address them and call for a correction, so we are going to try in the hopes of finding resolution for those upset.

Here is one of the quotations most upsetting the readers of their article we are hearing from, this was quoted by Leafly from Charles Edward Lepp as the one speaking it, just so people understand whose saying it: "It was our prayer for the sheriffs and the loss of life,” Eddy Lepp said. “I did a blessing and a healing. Anytime someone is hurt, it affects us. If they want to say I violated something (in his parole) for going up there and praying for two officers, then screw them.”
Obviously we cannot ask Leafly to correct a quote they got from another person when it's as said, but many Are upset that Lepp would LIE so easily to media saying they did ceremony for "The loss of life" when during the time encompassing there ceremony they were denying knowing the employee of there's they ultimately caused to be killed that day AND only said untrue things to the public about him in effort of smearing his reputation, they had Never said Anything nice or compassionate toward Mark Sanchez (the employee KILLED) nor showed a single drop of compassion toward his family nor there other victims or there families either.
One voice that spoke up on Leafly's article is from a woman (it would seem) who posted under the name "cristala" and is a presumed ONAC member based on her post 3 hours ago which We just now received: "Dear Peter, please dont paint her as some martyr. why didnt you discover the truth about ONAC and how its a fake native american church our elders put out a formal statement against this travesty, a den of thieves and sham-man wannabes. For Mooney to claim he has not sold churches is a flat out lie, the sedona brothel he sold one too has already been shut down and convicted in court. They defile everything they touch especially the medicine. I hope every ONAC chapter gets shut down forever. This is not a prohibition, freedom of religion or "free the leaf" issue it is fraud, theft and ruination of lives. There are no "rasta elders" or tribal elders guiding them its a big lie told by mooney you folks dont know the whole history, it's much deeper than this one deal."
It is always heart warming for us here at ONAC KM to see other ONAC members rising up as Mecautea (warriors) and speaking up with wisdom and truth being known to ensure people are not misinformed about who we are, what we're striving to do and accomplish and how important churches like ONAC are because they're Willing to "go out on the legal limb" in the hopes of caring for the fruit of the tree.
Thanks for your continued interest and support, stay tuned!