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Well folks, we received a couple telephone calls into the newsroom this morning from a very upset Ms. Adela Falk, founder of the organization "" whom was bothered by a recent article published addressing the oversight of true cannabis activist Robert Edward "New Jersey Weedman" Forchion Jr. on there organizations website, insisting that our issue was wrong. As promised, we are now re-addressing it here publicly for our viewers. In that article too, so you're aware, we also questioned why a proven Wolf to the cannabis plant and community Was featured upon the organizations website where many feel insulted saying the person should not be.

Sachem Graves spoke directly with Falk from my phone in my personal presence and explained how it was that the article upon the time of publish IS accurate and informed Ms. Falk that there was in fact video evidence proving it. Falk insisted that the article was wrong and stated that in fact her organization "" Has been providing active support for Forchion on her site since "2015." Falk insisted that such video evidence be revealed and so per her request as agreed, we are including the video here for our viewers review and confirmation. We don't dispute her support for Forchion and in fact encouraged more if anything, our point was that he was NOT featured as of his incarceration in 2017 and should as well as needed to be.

Here is said video for Your review:

(Note, this video was taken Wednesday October 25, 2017)

Falk stated that she too had a "Screenshot photo" proving that she Had in fact supported Forchion on her site for Years, which again is not disputed But, where she is wrong is in that by her now Updating her page to reflect Forchion does NOT make our article nor our video "wrong" and insisting it did really is more of an immature way of addressing it. Carrying on and not leaving much if any room to get in a word edgewise for close to a half hour straight opposed to just acknowledging, owning and correcting the oversight and then publicly presenting it would have proven in our humble opinion a more honorable of an approach, but here nor there, it is what it is and it's the only thing we have to deal with regarding it, so here we are.

Falk continued on in her coarse trying to explain to Sachem Graves that in order to find his support on her organization's page, that "You might have to search for him in a different way" referring to Robert Forchion, and even went so far as to say that our "Not seeing it" might also be because we weren't using a certain type of electronical devise to review her organizations page. Graves was More than corgile as to Ms. Falk's concerns and reasoning though from my perspective, both sides of the conversation Did get impassioned, but the bottom line point remains valid in that If you can look on the main websites prompts to locate a prisoner per state, why then would Forchion not pop up, especially when by following that search a cannabis wolf's support page is easily found while a true activist of cannabis such as Forchion, one would have to know to search her page in a "different way."

While on the phone with Falk, I took it upon myself to re-check on the "POW420" website, and below you will find the video taken of her site during this time. You will note that once clicked on the link of cannabis POW's in the state of New Jersey, as of right NOW, Robert Edward "NJ Weedman Forchion Jr. is as of Now immediately found at the very top of the list! Here is That video for Your review and conclusion which was recorded by Sachem Graves personally herself, which you will see and hear as she explains why the video was being recorded and too, why this article now exists.

Here is a copy of This Video for your review Also:

(Note, this video was taken this morning While Falk was insisting we were Mistaken)

This ladies and gentlemen is ALL that the members and spiritual leaders of Oklevueha Native American Church and ONAC KM specifically was Hoping to see especially from an organization such as "" actual support for true cannabis defenders. We are GLAD to be able to now share this small success with you, not for a pat on the back mind you, but because New Jersey Weedman Finally IS getting attention and hopefully too, court support from the global cannabis community as he should and deserves thanks to NOW being able to go onto the "POW420" page and Find him listed - that is ALL we wanted to achieve.

As was pointed out both to as well as from Ms. Falk during the call with Sachem Graves, ONAC KM specifically DO advocate for cannabis and those who want and especially medically Need it as a resource option. We want to Emphasize that ONAC KM's intent was NOT to discourage Anyone's support toward organizations which Do provide such a needed and invaluable resource to our Victims of oppressors war on cannabis Such As "" and The Human Solutions International which originally established such program endeavors as court support and prison outreach, which was agreed upon by both as being the case, however as Ms. Falk insisted WE recognize, there does seem to be a little difference in our standing positions with Her organization and the position We stand in as a "Church" and because there Is some important points I heard raised between them during that discussion, I'm going to go ahead and address them now.

Most importantly to ONAC KM is that people know and understand that to Oklevueha, especially Kautantowit's Mecautea strive to shield our rights to All the earth based healing medicines as we were uniquely given such respects by the Utah state Supreme court case, which ultimately Was fought in that moment specifically to preserve our rights to utilize peyote for spiritual as well as medicinal purposes, what was ultimately Won by Oklevueha was our right as a church to obtain and maintain secured, a "Schedule 1 controlled substance Federal Exemption" license number, which we have and is why many continue becoming members and seeking blessings from our church Who wish to also use such federally controlled what They consider "Drug substances."

Other than Oklevueha, as far as We Know, only the Native American Church have such an option, though too, they do not Directly have any recognition obtained regarding Other earth-based healing sacraments, though they and others Can attempt to claim equal rights as a church because we Do have it. ONAC do have it, and because we have it And too we have the recognition by the Utah state Supreme court acknowledging and Honoring our right to use ALL OF the earth-based sacraments, which means sacred or "special" material objects such as the minerals, metals and liquids and such too as Far as we're concerned and will so stand should a day come that we have to, Oklevueha, Especially we as ONAC KM feel it is our Duty as well as Obligation and expectation that we Be at the front lines as the Mecautea - the warrior soldiers who are to fight off all the evil enemies dishonoring Creator's creation and should we do anything Less, we shame not only ourselves but too, we Disrespect our Creator, all the web of his creation and too, we shame All of our ancestor relations including especially in this such a situation, all the true Victims of their war on our beloved cannabis plant medicine.

Because of that, Ms. Falk is right in that we as a church obviously Do come from more of a personal and emotionally driven angle, that's what we as a beneficial church Must deal with all things on such a level, because people turn to a church for spiritual mental, emotional and in Oklevueha's case even a physical and Medical support and resource system Beyond the options of mere Human oppressors dictation and or tolerastion. We understand and do not belittle organizations without such expectation, we just do not understand why Ms. Falk would expect our church to disregard and impersonalize ourselves from those we represent in voice as we believe its just as important and invaluably essential to the cause of shielding our rights to cannabis and All plant medicines, which again is what Oklevueha are willing and striving to do. It should be, but apparently that aspect is also in the concept overlooked by organizations such as her as well which is sad because there are more than just the inmates suffering needing support and resource options beyond the limited scope of such an organization.

This is one of the primary reasons why ONAC KM specifically agreed to stand in alliance with The Human Solution International (THSI) because we absolutely 1,000% support of organizations like them and too of Ms. Falk's "" because if not for them, many would face court, jail and prison all being forgotten as quickly as they were busted simply because they were trying to exercise there right to the whole of creation as it was given and instructed us to do, use and Appreciate so long as we're here upon the earth. Too many people ARE wrongfully victimized by our oppressor because they simply chose to use a harmless beneficial plant such as cannabis, for medical reasons or not. It should be absolutely unacceptable... if they're doing so honorably.

As Sachem Graves attempted to point out to Ms. Falk, is that however the dust may settle at the end of "Marijuana" acceptability within our society, the government's attempted oppression and suppression of our rights to the whole of creation will Not end, especially when it comes to our much needed earth-based healing sacraments. Truth be told, ONAC KM began pointing that out publicly within the social media as well as the cannabis community, and some of our members have listened and actually began running with one of the many new balls for these battle games the oppressor will pick and that We will have to fight.

To me witnessing this conversation, I was really Proud to be an Oklevuehaa member when Sachem Graves began pointing out such "non known" factual realities to be had in the "Bigger Picture" from the perspective from at least ONAC KM which is that for us this cannabis "rush" is but one of the great many Important battles of this nature in which the whole of the web of life on this land Will hopefully be grateful enough to know and see that we Remain progressing through with full intent of winning the battles and the whole of their War on all life as they so obviously have declared just few seem willing to acknowledge much less admit is the true and biggest reality we have here in this generation.

When sachem Graves pointed out to Ms. Falk about the many members in Oklevueha who have and continue to be healed from HIV with peyote medicine, and paraplegic's achieve complete 360* turn around's and regain there Lives thanks to the fungi sacrament of the earth-based medicines and how so many of us know ibogaine is proven to beneficially overcome heroin addictions and on and on the list could go here, but ultimately the point being that Oklevueha, especially ONAC KM have and will continue to honorably jump to the front lines defending cannabis liberation absolutely we will defend and attempt to protect those honorably, but unlike most fellow cannabis activists, Oklevueha and again especially too ONAC KM will continue Beyond that war's victory into the next string of battles for our Other medicines and people who need them as well. In short, it's not Just about defending cannabis as it is all creator's creation as we were so blessed and obligated to do in and by our very Name - Kautantowit's Mecautea, it's about defending and preserving them all in an honorable and "Good Medicine" way.

One sad conclusion that seemed to be made from my perspective witnessing this morning's conversation between Ms. Falk and Sachem Graves, was that though Sachem Graves re-enforced and even sang Ms. Falk's praises for the invaluable service she is providing for the true Victims of the war oppressor has declared on our plant, is that Ms. Falk didn't seem to be willing to comprehend the position of we as a church being that we cannot nor will not EVER suggest, encourage nor Support the promoting of a wolf who is Not a true victim but actually Causes innocent victims to suffer because of there Greed thanks To there war on our plant medicines. Ms. Falk did not want to understand that it is from the schooling voices of Many Oklevueha members And TOO, many voices of Non-Oklevueha members who were upset by the initial focal point of the article we released addressing Ms. Falk and her organizations Oversight of Robert Edward NJ Weedman" Forchion Jr. in that HE is a true cannabis defender and dare we say "Hero" by Honorably advocating who ultimately is now again a True Victim of cannabis restriction within the so called "Legal" system whereas to many, all who look closer at Heidi Lepp's "activism" shall we call it, there Was valid grounds for upset to see Ms. Falk having Heidi Lepp so Easily findable on her cannabis victim website but Not a true activist like Robert Forchion AS easily or immediately findable.

I must admit, I Did get a chuckle when Falk went so far as to state that Forchion's current trial "Was Not for marijuana". Graves quickly pointed out that it actually Was cannabis related in it's nature as the charges stem from the original case Still Pending which was nothing But a cannabis case. We encourage you to look Into the situation of Robert Forchion, in fact that was the position purpose For our initial article including Falk at all - to get the word out so that people would GO to court and actually Hear first hand at what's going on because it is because of Cannabis ALONE that he is in jail, court and facing any sort of prison at all. Sachem Graves had to actually interrupt and over-talk Ms. Falk to make what points she was able, especially when she expressed to Falk that many feel that her organization was smiting and belittling the true victims she advocates for of cannabis prohibition who really were genuinely only trying to exercise there rights to use cannabis for whatever there reason by Not reflecting Forchion but advocating for a wolf named Heidi Lepp.

Ms. Falk expressed that she alone runs her organization, which makes all she has accomplished with it far more impressive in Our opinion, however the initial conclusion remains that it bothered many to see after over 230 days incarcerated because New Jersey has a problem with Forchion's activism, that he was overlooked all the while within only 24 hours of having been arrested, Heidi Lepp was visible and easily accessible on her organizations page. Though I Heard Falk time and again assure she had no "personal" reason affecting her pages reflection as it were upon the time our article was published addressing her oversight, it was amazing to watch Sachem Graves then quickly step back and again come at Falk with a simple reasonable question... Why is it then that none of the 29 true victims arrested and charged for cannabis Because of Heidi Lepp's corruption and greed which ultimately Got them into that position, either on the "" website, anywhere, just the wolf who caused them to NEED to be on her website and known and supported? Falk responded that she was unaware of the names of those victims and quickly stated that if Anyone has such information about such kind of victims, that she asks people contact and provide her with such information so she can add them to her organization's site.

Now, before we get the videos all coverted and such so that they can be included here for your review, I have again gone back to Ms. Falks website "" and see that Since her conversation with Sachem Graves and her personal recording of Ms. Falks website, that she has continued to add to the site which has ultimately bumped our New Jersey Weedman down from the #1 spot he was in when Sachem Graves reviewed and recorded her site. So to keep things as focused on truth as possible, we want to make sure we also have a "Final video" of Ms. Falk's site BEFORE we publish this article so that You our viewers can evaluate and conclude for yourselves whether or not you feel that our initial article was Wrong in pointing out her oversight or if Ms. Falk is right in that we wrongfully made her look bad, which was NOT our intent at all to do, but that it was WE who were wrong in pointing out the truth for what it was in that moment.

Here is the Last video we will provide proving our position remains right:

Again we want to Emphasize that we do NOT have or seek animosities with Ms. Falk or her organization or anyone else like it, we JUST wanted to see and make Sure that Robert Forchion got the attention and support HE Truly has earned and deserved from our church as well as cannabis communities. We are Grateful that she has Now included him and whatever all others she is now updating in need of support.

P.S., Creator moved is to check One More Thing before we ended our coverage on this situation, the information page they have on Heidi Lepp (The cannabis Wolf). You will note when comparing it to the original video, it too has been updated, but, more importantly we HOPE people will see Our point and position when addressing this problem that's gone on too long by the community regarding wolves being among us, please check out the Comments posted since we addressed and published our article, I personally think it's pretty visable in the posters comments.

We HOPE these videos confirm our position and perspective in the moments addressed and again, we Thank Ms. Falk for now including Robert Forchion to her organizations page. As always we Thank you fro your continued interest and support and we highly encourage you to stay tuned for future updates on our Weedman and other pertinent news and information we believe YOU will appreciate being told and shown. Blessings in abundance!

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