Scott Bates fake church dishonors Veterans
I know what you're thinking, but unfortunately what you read is true... Glad he isn't a representative of Oklevueha anymore, geese, what's WRONG with some people!
So this is the post he publicly made which many felt great offense to, check it out for yourself:

Scott Bates post October 19 at 7:10pm · "no soldier has ever died defending me. All war is a crime against God. All people are equally God's Children. All soldiers who fight and kill or get killed or commit violence or use force of any kind do so without my implied or express consent. I don't need defending from Iraquis, Afghanies, Pakistanis, North Koreans or any other human beings on earth. Freedom is not won by force or murder or violence, ever, period. I am sick to death of people buying this bulshit about soldiers defending me or them. They defend the fucking financial interests of Oligarchs. anyone who thinks different is brainwashed or an idiot. Jesus Christ said "even as you have done to the least of these my brethren you have done to me." Who do you think that means?"
Well, since it appears he is asking, we felt inclined to go ahead and Tell him, but instead of voicing OUR opinion and position on it, we would instead quote the voicer of others who also are upset by his position as a person and especially as a church. We're going to go ahead and start with a woman by the name of Pamela Bailey posted the most obvious point to be made to Bates, though we're not holding our Breath that he's going to get it! "YES men have died defending your freedom to even be able to make this shit post!!" Bates did initially try to defend his ignorant disrespect by stating "wrong. freedom cannot be defended with violence. If you cannot comprehend that I'm sorry for you"
Another honorable American chimed in by the name of Antonette Louis who gave Bates what for: "This post is a slap in the face for ALL the soldiers that have served and gave their lives protecting this country from enemies! HAVE ANY of you served this Country?" Bates of coarse has never been soldier material but instead of directly answering her question with his "No", he instead tried to come across as intellectually superior which from our perception he grossly failed, take a look: "A country is not served by killing people ever. the slap in the face of veterans is from the liars who brainwashed them into becoming murderers opposed the the divine plan and purpose"
Jodie Smith said it best when she posted "I dont wanna be at war either but if British and American troops did not defend our shores you wouldn't have your easy life"
ONAC warrior Michael Briscoe also chimed in hoping to enlighten Bates to factual reality a bit "So you are saying,just let all the other countries.over run us,take all of our stuff and have millions killed?Because that is what will happen,if we refuse to defend ourselves.Those other countries,will kill,they have no problem taking over a country that will not defend itself,and then they instill their gov't and their beliefs,and rape our women and daughters.That is why there are soldiers defending this country,so you can sit there and run them down.If it wasn't for them,we would be ruled by communism,have no free speech or constitution,and your sacrament would still be a death penalty crime.Intelligent people,do not like war.In this day and time,we have to defend with deadly force,because if we don't,they do.Sick disgusting way to conduct ourselves,however,it's that or be taken over and told what to do by another country.With all this insanity with machine guns and budgets spent for the most part on the science of making weapons to kill our fellow man,there will come a time when the insanity decides that its time to use the nukes.That is what we are heading for.Its a very easily seen,wasteland of earth.And it will happen.We aren't intelligent enough to realize made up gods,arent going to stop the nukes." And this is about the time that Bates bowed himself out of the upsetting conversation he started by offending the mecautea (warrior soldiers)
On a post Bates made earlier that very morning, he also made this post which makes us wonder if perhaps he is having some sort of a stroke or dementia spell as clearly it contradicts the "religions" he is creating with his fake Circle of Cannabis Churches as well as him having clung onto Oklevueha so hard for so long, look at what he said: October 19th at 11:58 am · "Organized Religions are not spiritual paths to consciousness, they are snares, baited with attractive doctrines and dogmas that you merely have to agree with to gain spiritual favor. The nameless One is no secret we must search for, is no mystery we must untangle, and no code we must break. The I Am is existential reality. The I Am is love and has given you life and self. The I Am has bridged the gulf between finite moral creatures and self existent reality to “stand at the door, knocking,” bearing the gift of Eternal Life."
Interesting how he bites his own head off by his proclamations isn't it? Those who continue to show concern seeking more updates on Scott Bates and his "Churches" are concerned, we Are keeping eye and ear on them, we just are on overload with all the leads needing confirmed on our Bigger issues at hand such as Sugarleaf. Any interested and willing to jump in and lend a hand Are welcomed and encouraged, otherwise we ask that you please be patient, we promise there is more to come!
Thank you as always for your interest and support.