Discussing Bear Medicine
Today we are going to be starting a new direction within our newsroom by starting a weekly series focusing on the wisdom teachings of animal medicine! Because ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea are in fact the bear clan of Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC), in this article we're going to take a stroll into the meaning of the mythical and "magical" creatures known as Bear medicine, one of the most ancient worshiped totem animal medicines praised by our tribal cultures to date!
The reason ONAC KM is Bear Clan is simple and easily understood, it's because bears symbolize the "Warrior spirit" and inspires courage to fight from within. The bear’s spirit would be invoked to help the warriors in the battle. Also too, because bear gives life to the land, it's therefore seen as a Mother-symbol, which fits ONAC KM as we are a Matriarchial church! One of the most praised qualities of bear is how fiercely protective of her cubs mother's are.
One of the many important things that you know and come to understand, which is that bears were not seen as gods, but as mythical, magical, and even celestial gifts of God. Bears have always played a major role in many religious ceremonies especially here in ONAC KM because it is our churches primary animal medicine. We call upon bear to gift us with wisdom, courage, physical strength, and even leadership and of coarse, protection and is emblematic of grounding forces mainly inspiring to those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity.
The Bear Spirit is known to many cultures as the Great Healer that has the power to restore harmony and balance – to heal.physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and ultimately to restore total balance from within. You can also call on the bear spirit for guidance to direct your energy in a more conservative or focused way. The bear spirit can also be a great helper to dedicate time and energy to more introspective practices, such as self-inquiry or meditation.
Bears were given the Power of Resurrection through Rebirth. Bear is the “Walker between and among the worlds.” Bear's nominal ability to navigate above and below ground gives it shamanic status in many cultures. the Spirit of the Between worlds, meaning that they are entering into the Spirit World for spiritual re-alignment during winter which we refer to as their hibernation, seen as being "The great sleep", and then they emerge in the Spring from the womb of our Mother, the Earth, through the exits of their dens as changed and balanced beings awakened from their long journey in the spirit world, having become greater in spirit and lesser in body.

Thankful for the gift of life, they stand erect, with outstretched arms, a sign of allegiance honoring their Father, the Sun, thanking Him for His warmth and the gifts of love that He provides for all living things.
Many tribes of North America consider bear to be free in spirit as the great wind and therefore is one of the six directional guardians- associated with and spirit keeper Of the West where harvests are abundant and maturity resides, and that the bear also has ties to the "seven colour rays" of the Universal Light, as well as Lunar associations, linking the conscious and subconscious mind. Bear's color is blue.
Some of you may not know this, but bears are one of the most important and widespread Clan animals within the tribes of North America. Many tribal beliefs state that the power of the Great Spirit lives through the bear, therefore making them highly sought after guides due to their fearless medicine. This belief led to a constellation to be named after it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear.
Bears are considered by the tribes as being the Embodiment of Spiritual Power and Physical Strength. Bear, as the Teacher of Medicine, is the ‘speaker’ for all animals and about the nature of the world within which we live. It is bear alone who is the one "Who Carries the Spirit to Beyond." Bears are constant in their conviction and have walked the same paths generation after generation, wearing deep furrows into solid stone. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing.
Bear introspection and intuition blended with instinct. Bear symbolizes awakening the strong force of the unconscious. Bear is the keeper of the dream time and the Dream Lodge. It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals.
Bear is seen and honored as a hunter that knows the land. Quick, big, and powerful, they were considered smart and brave while outfighting cougars and wolves. Bears are often portrayed as a sort of enforcer figure who punishes those doing wrong.
We Highly encourage you all to enjoy the bear every time you're blessed to encounter her, respect the bear and, if you encounter a Mother and or baby Bear, get away! As Always, we Thank you for joining with us here, we Hope you like this implementation to our newsroom. If you're interested in becoming part of our media team, please reach out to us as we'd sure love to have ya! Be well and go in good way ~ Blessings in abundance be unto you all!