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Sugarleaf Victim Family in need of answers

Something is proving fishy as far as the investigation going on into the shooting at the Sugarleaf Rasta Church in Yuba County August 1st that resulted in the shooting of two police deputies and the death of a so called "Church's" member/employee Mark Anthony Sanchez.

Perhaps with all the chaos and confusion going on as the tragedy unfolded, law enforcement officers (LEO's) were taken so off guard that they ultimately overlooked a great many details as to what went on and should have been done. They overlooked the illegal plants that Started the mess after all, so it's only Fair we Suppose to give them the benefit of doubt at Least encompassing those tragic moments encompassing the shooting. We were disappointed to see the plants remain over a Month After the incident, but at least they Were finally eradicated the day Heidi Lepp was arrested... we just still wait for answers to come and accountability to be put upon BOTH leader of Sugarleaf Rasta Church for what went on.

One of the excuses given to the family of Mark Sanchez by police as to why Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp was NOT arrested along with his partner Heidi Grossman-Lepp October 6th? It's our understanding that the charges now pending against her are to Do with the Yuba Trees farm because of the shooting. Our suspicion is that the reason only She was arrested and not Mr. Lepp is because it was her alone, and Not as a church that had legally Leased that property Before any church or association between the two manifested. Many wonder why he wasn't violated for having been caught in a house with cannabis and hashish, a major felony in the state of California beings he is on Federal parole and probation for cannabis. Law enforcement say they "Requested" permission to take action from Lepp's parole officer but have yet to get a green light to arrest him as of this time. Maybe it's Coming??

Another concerning thing uttered by police about it was that they believed Heidi Grossman Lepp to be the Only leader of Sugarleaf Rasta Church which is untrue. Though the team had split for a few days and had declared him separated from Sugarleaf, previous declarations of him being a key figure of the church and too, they have since reunited and work on Sugarleaf together Should be enough to keep both in the hot seat of accountability they deserve, after all, they Were a team at the creation of the mess that is Sugarleaf, and Lepp himself admitted that HE and his reputation and involvement in Sugarleaf is responsible for having made at least 200 of the 300 illegal grows. Did they BOTH not make public addressments to media throughout the exposure?

Police claim no body cameras were at the scene of the shooting. This we know by eye witness accounts as well as protocol of the police department is not the truth. We also know that there was additional recordings throughout the situation made by eye witnesses that were present at the scene. We also know that the police Confiscated all the eye witnesses footage. Why then would the LEO's be denying there being any sort of footage.

Was Mark Sanchez pulling up Church plants or plants that would be considered his own since he tended them from sprout and wasn't paid as it was agreed by all parties involved in the grow that he would be? We ask that because it's believed that Mark's perspective was that beings he wasn't paid and too, he had Just realized that it was NOT a legally sanctioned grow, that ultimately the plants were his as they Would have been deemed by the LEO's had they showed up to execute a RAID on the farm, which would have resulted in Him being Arrested and charged with possession and cultivating them. We wonder what Your opinion on that concept might be, or if that is a feesable deducement for him finding himself in the position he did that morning.

Why was only Heidi Grossman-Lepp arrested as a result from all of this when her partner in this is actively currently on federal parole and probation for the same scale of illegal cultivation? Mark's family remember well the video Mr. Lepp put on social media claiming to have "helped" his "wife" establish "over 200" of Sugarleaf's claimed 300 illegal "church ganja farms" and Lepp saying that his wife was expecting there tithings and had kicked him to the curb "because she doesn't want to share them" with him.

Some of Mark Sanchez's family have already Lost there faith in there coming any justice coming from the California judicial system, at least when it comes to getting any answers from state officials which is frustrating to many of his family members and heart breaking to those watching them suffer from the pain of not knowing and getting slacked and blown off by police. Here are only SOME of the questions that the family have relayed that they would appreciate receiving some answers to, and from police they prefer Honest ones.

It's Important that LEO's understand the TRAUMA they are causing upon Mark's family including those you may not have even thought to factor for having deep emotions. We do NOT want to see anymore lives Lost because of this situation OR these people and that is why we are here and are going to Continue to be here until We See Justice actually prevail for ALL of this family, not to mention the countless Other Sugarleaf victims having Salt poured into there wounds for every Day these people walk free and unaccountable.

Question 1, Where is the 911 recording received by Yuba County sheriff's dispatch which resulted in them sending police out to encounter Mark Sanchez in the first place? Many are anxious to hear what was said, we already know he was set up to be killed by them, we'd just like to know how thick she painted it on to ensure he would and did.

Question 2. Why are police denying that there is video footage encompassing the shooting which has resulted in the death of there family member when Multiple eye witnesses not only state that the deputies did in fact have "Body Cameras" on and also that some of the eye witnesses themselves had in fact video taped some of the incident which they claim was confiscated on scene by police?

Question 3, Why did law enforcement report to police that they had deployed "The Robot" into the scene after the gunshots were fired but Now suddenly state to Mark Sanchez's family members that they "Never sent the robot inside" - so which is it- Did they send in the robot or not, or did they try but for whatever reason they couldn't get it in?

The next question is one that the Sanchez family have been echoing to both the police as well as the coroner's office, both without any truthful Answer, is How many times was Mark Sanchez actually Shot? The coroner's office keep insisting they haven't gotten the autopsy report complete which cannot Possibly be true as they stated to the

local media within 3 Days of the shooting that they in fact Had concluded the autopsy report, which Would give the family such answers and provide them with even if just a small drop of closure. Another reason we know it cannot Possibly be a truthful answer on there part is in that Mark's remains are Already not only Cremated but also too now Buried! If they didn't get such answers before THAT then we'd say someone did there Job wrong eh!

"Multiple times could be anywhere from 3 to 1,000 bullets" says his family.

Question 5 is when do or can they get Mark's personal effects police confiscated from his "Room" at the Yuba Trees" Sugarleaf Church farm (Yes, Mark Sanchez had a room where he slept while he was Living there tending to the grow), such as his laptop and his cell phone? We KNOW that the LEO's, especially being the federal ones are involved in this investigation, have the ability to copy ALL the data on such devices within a few short hours time, so we're wondering when they will be allowed to have them back, and too, we wonder what will be Erased by LEO's Before the items are returned? On behalf of the Sanchez family, we hereby formally ask for a complete Itemized LIST showing ALL of Mark's personal effects that police have of his in evidence, please and thank you for promptly getting that to them, they Will appreciate knowing what ALL of his stuff you have.

A couple additional questions that ONAC KM feel appropriate to have and ask on behalf of both family and close relations wanting to know but also too, for those within the California community effected by and because of it. Our first one would be about how come Bernice Schmoe, the elderly neighbor lady whose home the shooting took place in. She was left there after the shooting as sure as the hundreds of illegal plants were left in the ground during all the chaos encompassing the shooting has seemingly mysteriously vanished into thin air, to the point where even her own daughter reports having not seen or heard anything of her for more than 3 weeks now? We would like to see some Confirmation as to her whereabouts, her current condition and why if police do have her in some sort of protective custody, we would like to see Her daughter at the least, informed of that being the case and too, what Exactly Bernice saw that would justify her being a witness for law enforcement.

Our understanding is that her daughter believes that the police have her mother in some sort of "Protective Custody" as an eye witness, but we wonder... Eye witness to who doing what, aside from that which went on inside her home which was Mark Sanchez shooting and then being fatally shot by police. It seems a bit fishy to us because if Bernice IS in fact an Eye witness, then it would seem she would be one Against the law enforcers, and that would make them having her a form of Witness Tampering in our opinion, and we say that firmly as there IS Rumor that Bernice when last seen had mumbled something to the effect of having been given a bunch of money by police "To keep quiet about what happened August 1st" - this was reported by eye witnesses to Bernice having burned a refrigerator she claimed was or had contained some sort of "Evidence" - it's strangely suspicious!

Now too, there are Questions for the coroner from All of us, the first being why it is that they would make public statements about people's loved one's but clam up and say nothing to immediate family members Especially when directly asked or confronted with a pertinent question? If that is your department's Procedure we Highly suggest you Re-Evaluate it because it's rude, cruel and highly Disrespectful to the loved ones left grieving without answers they Should be getting from YOU direct, not getting the run around and then reading some of the answer in the local newspaper, that's just ridiculous and WE suggest your department reevaluate there standing on and in it.

The second question that you have Continuously been asked by Multiple members of Mark Sanchez's immediate family... How many TIMES was Mark Shot??? You continue to say you don't have the answer but clearly you do and are just unwilling to reveal it to his family which makes many wonder WHY and what's going on because of what went on that shouldn't have?

The next question is more of a request and it's our asking YOU to please provide the family of Mark Sanchez with a Complete Copy of the official Coronor's report as it surely must be done else your office would Not have consented to authorizing a cremation having already been done on his remains. PLEASE give this family a complete and hopefully Honest and accurate report so they will begin to digest the answers and start there healing process, it would so greatly be appreciated of you to do for these folks, will you please.

The bottom line is this - people want and had the right to Know what went on August 1st and all, especially the family and close friends of Mark Sanchez want, expect and apparently now have to Demand ANSWERS be given as to what Exactly and specifically went on leading up to the death of there loved one. We want to know why and at what point he was Physically Beaten, obviously by police as according to eye witnesses he had no physical encounter with any Other than what went on between he and police inside Bernice Schmoe's mobile home that tragic day. We know that by her daughters own account, Bernice was Extremely Upset that Mark Sanchez had been shot and killed by police in her home.

According to her daughter Bernice not only cried but literally wept Daily for at least those first few weeks because Mark is now permanently gone from this world. That cannot be undone nor the void ever filled. She knew him for 3 years of the season's grows while he worked for the "Sugarleaf Crew" and it's said that she and Sanchez had become close and dear friends as he would constantly visit with and do little chores to help her out around her house.

We HOPE that this article gets to the people's hearts who can provide answers to these questions for the family which would at Least help them to begin the grieving and healing process. Right now, all they have are questions and the traumatic memories of having to see what little of him they were allowed to during the viewing which has added more unanswered questions that no family member should be deprived, at least in our churches opinion. We Hope to prompt officials into showing some Compassion opposed to there continuing to stall off and out-right Avoid they and there many valid questions! Any with any information are highly encourage to reach out either to us or to the family direct if you have that option already available to you. Any information you have and are willing to provide will promptly be relayed to the family. If you're willing to extend your contact info to them, we will happily relay that to them as well.

As always, we thank you ever-so-much for your time, compassion and considered interest in this. We ask that you please keep Mark Sanchez's family in your prayers and in your mind, especially until his killers are brought to and held accountable in the name of justice. Please stay tuned for future updates on this and other news and information we know and believe to be of interest to you. Blessings to all.


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