Wolf Medicine
Having become so comfortable in society thinking of a wolf when dealing with an un-trustable person, but upon learning about the medicine wisdom to be had by wolf, we feel it's time we clarify and correct such misconception.
For eons, humans and wolves have been bound together emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Wolves are also one of the most common clan animals in Native American cultures and among the first formed in Kautantowit's Mecautea. Wolf has always been honored as a great warrior, second to bear which we as the whole of KM are. Of coarse we honor as well as call upon and use All the animal, plant and sacred medicines gifted us by Great Creator as ALL were advised and instructed to do. Wolf medicine is that of devotion, victory, inventiveness, safety and fertility.
In Shoshone mythology, Wolf plays the role of the noble Creator god which many of you may not have otherwise known. This is why we Emphasize for people to seek out a spiritual leader or a Medicine person or holyman who knows of animal medicines Before you attempt to jump in and start connecting with them because like all things, there may be good and or bad effects, it's just better to ask someone if ya don't know what your doing cause they might, or else know someone who does.
So anyway, another thing that some of you my not know, is that wolves are considered closely related to humans by many North American tribes, and the origin stories of some Northwest Coast tribes, such as the Quileute and the Kwakiutl, tell of their first ancestors being transformed from wolves into men. Blackfoot have a really cool legend about Wolf Man that we enjoy by fire with our young ones and suggest you check it out when you get a chance.
KM teach and encourage our members to seek out Wolf medicine for assistance with creating emotional bonds. us about matters of personal power, balance, self-control and our animal instincts. You want to trust the people in your pack, and once those connections are made you’ll defend your circle with ferocity, often using wits and words over physicality. Of coarse because wolf is very strong medicine, we always strongly suggest they consult with a spiritual leader and or medicine person first before seeking it out on your own, ad too, t's Always wisest to have a specialist in that medicine to council with as well as shapparone.

By the blessing of an Ojibwe elder and youth, KM's Wolf Brother was confirmed and KM's Wolf Clan was then born, which proves time and again to be honorable Mecautea (warriors) and also have been a key jewel in our school for All ages and walks in life. To them as well as in Anishinabe mythology a wolf character is the brother and true best friend of the culture hero. One of the coolest things about it is how magickal it was to watch happen... and only now in this article is it Finally revealed that 'wolf Brother is actually born Wolf too!
Humans are animals and sometimes we overlook the gifts from nature that are already within us. Life has an order and rhythm, if anything it's We who have become disconnected and out of tune because we've allowed our oppressors to side-track, poison and control our minds... even against our own-selves! Many my not know the POWER to be had of wolf medicine, but to give you just a glimpse, we point to the Pueblo tribes, because to them, wolves are considered one of the six directional guardians, associated with the east and the color white.
Ultimately, tribes recognize the wolf for its extreme devotion to its family and the personal right hand man to bear in the animal medicine realm, which is why we chose to speak about this medicine generally now as just last week we started he animal medicine segments and so we speak of it in the order we know and were taught the medicine totem animals to be at the introductory level in the hopes to enlighten and spark intrigue. Because KM is Bear clan, it's only logical that our establishment of our Wolf Band would then be next.
Wolf is a good helpmate to bear when there is a rival vying for our territory, and especially if you utilize our Wolf Band Tactical Self Preservation Training, situations where you need wolf medicine, Wolf will prove to instinctively help you move swiftly and confidently and ultimately make it through as the intense instincts of Wolf Spirit who constantly keeps you vigilant in the face of potential danger become second nature from within you. Wolves go out of their way to avoid fights. However, when they want to be heard, when they want to stave off or deter an attacker, they will stand their ground and maintain it. If you are not sure where your circle lies, Wolf’s howl helps you find others of a like mind.
Tribes with Wolf Clans include the Creek (whose Wolf Clan is named Yahalgi or Yvhvlke), the Cherokee (whose Wolf Clan name is Aniwahya or Aniwaya,) the Chippewa (whose Wolf Clan and its totem are called Ma'iingan,) Algonquian tribes like the Lenape, Shawnee and Menominee, the Huron and Iroquois tribes, Plains tribes like the Caddo and Osage, Southern tribes like the Chickasaw, the Pueblo tribes of New Mexico, and Northwest Coast tribes like the Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Kwakiutl. The wolf is also the special tribal symbol of several tribes and bands, such as the Munsee Delaware, the Mohegans, and the Skidi Pawnee. Some eastern tribes, like the Lenape and Shawnee, have a Wolf Dance among their tribal dance traditions.
Another point we found while putting together this article which we found fitting in another issue plaguing ONAC is in that apparently the Navajo word for wolf, "mai-coh," also means witch, and a person could transform if he or she donned a wolf skin. Its ok that may won't see the point of connection we see in it, we know and remain confident that those who know, will, and that's all we need to know is that They know. So anyway,the Blackfoot tribe called our galaxy the Wolf Trail, or the Route to Heaven. The cyclical appearance and disappearance of Sirius, the Wolf Star, indicated the wolf coming and going from the spirit world, running down the trail of the Wolf Road, otherwise known as the Milky Way.
Wolf appearing in a dream tells of a time on the horizon where confidence and composure is essential. You may find yourself yearning for some alone time so that you can return to a difficult situation with greater perspective. Taking that time is the means to your success if you trust your gut.
What most of us think when we hear wolf, aside from the species of coarse, is more along the lines of the wolves as taught of in a legend where a Cherokee elder is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil–he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, ego, and superiority. The other is good–he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win? ” The Cherokee elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Anyway, we hope you found this article interesting. Remember this is simply to familiarize our interested readers and members about the animal medicines on a very basic interductory level. If you feelinclined to seek animal medicines, please seriously consider reaching out to an elder who has the experience and wisdom necessary to ensure your experience be safe and beneficial opposed to whatever the flip side of that coun may be. Animal is very important and invaluable of our medicines, honor and use them wisely, or best to leave them alone.
As always, we Thank you for your continued interest and support as well as your insights and contributions, and we hope you stay tuned! Blessings to all, be well and go in a good way.