Apologies for our absence...
It sucks when you're so far behind and finally get caught up, only to find yourself falling behind again, but so goes human lives upon our globe we suppose. But, we apologize and appreciate the outreach of concern and support.
So what distracted us away, was the on-going situation between we and Oklevueha Native American Church, particularly "Earth Walks".As many of you know, we were left with no official choice but to serve upon ONAC a formal official Notice of Distrust, which was Not an easy thing for us to find ourselves having to do as we had much respects for they and their efforts seemingly to protect and defend our rights as human beings as well as our rights to our beloved and much needed earth-based medicines. We awaited a token offering of good faith from them which they assured us they Would produce long ago but have now confirmed they have no intention of doing, which is providing the legal counsel needed to ensure their and our members the rights and legal protections THEY promised us all.
We received confirmation this morning that ONAC has NOT secured the legal counsel they Said they had already retained when they put out the request for donations to cover the $100,000.00 they Said the attorney cost to the tune of $2,500.00 per independent church. We sure HOPE that people are thinking twice, especially Now that we know there Is no attorney retained to defend ONAC members or off-shoot churches. The attorney was promised Specifically for the PDX filing and to protect the California churches now under fire and coming under heavy fire January first according to state officials because of ONAC's carelessness.
Now, not only will the California churches be left high and dry and having to try to clean it all up on our own while trying to preserve religious freedom for All in and beyond the state of California but also too, they're not even Trying to defend their people. As ONAC of South Bay turns their head with tails tucked and walks away without a second thought or a whisper from ONAC to it's churches who many will likely be found under legal fire Next, WE as KM are taking all the importantly needed steps necessary to try to defend us all.
We will be beginning in the filing of the now complete and well structured PDX Injunction, with no help from ONAC as we were promised. This WILL be accomplished within the next week Tops, and because we still Believe in the intention ONAC claims and Promised to it's members, we WILL be Leaving the whole of ONAC on and in the Injunction so that they can at Least have that protection to hopefully keep them safe until we can get it won and a permanent injunction in place protecting All of our rights to the sacred plant medicines as best as we can without their help or re-enforcement once and for all.
Because we have Tried to be as corgile ad patient as we could, util the practical eve of the statute of limitations running completely out, and have continued to give them the opportunity to make it right and do the Honorable thing, including publicly... we spent the time we were absent in deep council with our elder councils who decided that "If ONAC does Not have the Attorney signed onto the Filed PDX Case by Monday,the 27th of November 2017 as they have promised to have done before then, we will put them on a second formal notice Publicly via our newsroom informing them they have officially Breeched their agreement with ONAC KM." This is what we are doing here and now via this article.
"Oklevueha Native American Church... Earth Walks specifically, you have and remain in Breech of our agreement and are further deepening the canyon forming between us and many other of your child churches and you need to immediately STOP and correct the error of your ways before it becomes too late for you to be able to honorably Do. We are pleaing to you for the final time. We EXPECT the good faith tokens promised to us and all ONAC members which is only to be found in the PDX injunction being promptly Filed... you said you would and now it's high time you do it!"
Because we can no longer Wait on you to get around to doing what's urgently needing done to protect everyone Now, we Are preparing to file it Pro Se just to ensure our members suffering doesn't go unaccounted for and too, in the Hopes of preventing MORE innocent victims having to suffer because of your lack of integrity to produce proper action. We are Also covering the filing fee that YOU said you would but obviously are not ready to do. Because we are having to do this on our own despite your promising to handle it all for us, we have no choice but to as of this time Reconfirm our distrust in your honor and your integrity and will NOT be in the position to reconsider that conclusion until you come across with your end of the deal, which isn't much to ask considering all Your resources financially that we have never had.
It's truly a SAD DAY when someone has to take their whole months social security - the Only income they have to pay for a filing that we were promised by our well to do so called "parent church" BUT to maintain Our honor we will, and if you do Not come through with an attorney, we will rep it ourselves unless we find ourselves blessed by Creator with an attorney who will jump in and help us save the Titanic YOU created for us all Oklevueha... Not because we Have to, but because it's the Honorable thing to be done ad One of the two of our churches gotta do it. ONAC hasn't even asked to SEE the finished draft, which is fine with us because we were the Primary ones victimized in this to begin with. They we suppose will get to finally SEE it once it's filed and hits the local media. If they want OFF we are Happy to oblige that too, but We won't pull the protection from the members, that will be Their call if that's what they choose to ultimately Do. As we continue to say in all things, only time is gonna tell as the proof emerges from within the pudding!
In the mean time, because we have now had to take this unfortunate step and initiate a Second formal and public confrontation BEGGING for the help promised Long ago, wand too because of the LAST correspondence received from the ONAC "Elder Council" and the power plays they've insinuated preparing to play throughout and upon all of ONAC be they churches Or members that hasn't been shared per their request it not be public, we have gone ahead and began the process of REMOVING the ONAC aspect of our church so to Avoid such threats of Authority made. Please understand that we Have NOT lost nor forfeited our blessing from ONAC, But, we feel that because of their Continued blatant disregard as to their obligations and expectations to we and all Other ONAC who have been Promised protections and support from ONAC, especially we who were promised "Full Support" in exchange for reflecting a unification and letting ONAC gain the feathers WE EARN while battling at the front lines, it wouldn't be right or Honorable to Our members to continue being attacked Because of ONAC's lack of proper judgement.
Instead we are calling our KM children home to us, and tucking them under our wing both publicly and otherwise. although we Do HOPE ONAC proves to be honorable in keeping their Word, unfortunately as of the present time, we simply cannot continue holding our breaths anticipating that they will, too many of our members have and are continuing to suffer because of ONAC Alone, and too many Countless more will if we do not take affirmative action which we are attempting to do one more time here and now Hoping that we get a DROP of hope from them that they will do the right thing.
Please stay tuned for our future updates about this and all other news and information we believe you will find of benefit. As Always we Thank You for your continued interest, contributions and your continued support. Blessings to you all and we will continue doing All that WE can to keep all our beloved sacred web of life protected as promised of us! Go in a good way everyone, and be well!