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California Pays while Lepp's Play

According to Charles "Eddy" Lepp his wife Heidi went to court on her felony charges in Yuba County November 15th and the outcome has left many enraged with the state as tax payers are added to the Sugarleaf victim list thanks to the Yuba County Superior court.

According to Lepp, after notable question by the Prosecutor's office, the state of California has "Gave Heidi a lawyer" to represent her in the two felony charges she faces for her illegal cultivation and drug trafficking operations, he insulted the man by calling him an "Arrogant Prick" after being ignored by the attorney, so the man went into the courtroom and quit. Lepp says the judge then assigned Heidi a female attorney which apparently she seems to like.

Many Californian's are expressing upset at the state being burdened to provide her an attorney, especially with how much money they have been frivolously spending, from leasing multiple buildings and a big home in the capitol city, to there elaborate furnishings and staff to go with them, and let's not forget all the flashy jewelry including Matching gold necklaces for they and their "4 legged individual". May were bothered by the hot pink stroller so the precious pouch didn't have to set foot on the ground Anywhere he went, but to haul it and them around, you KNOW that a fancy new was an absolute MUST, especially the morning they set out stalking vulnerable women and suing the cannabis community they've literally been robbing BLIND since Before her partner in these disgusting acts began going on This year. Many want to know how many trips to the gambling capitol of Nevada will be Allowed by Lepp's FEDERAL PAROLE officers,but even more are wondering why and how come Many things are being allowed to still go on as if they're Above the law.Mercedes Benz

But back to the issue at hand,many conclude that it's since Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Lepp have any sort of legitimate JOB that that's why the judge in Marysville has decided that the state taxpayers who actually Work will be fitting the bill for her legal representation,at least in her criminal prosecution case against her, but having seen Lepp talking about planning on buying back his former farm to the tune of $425,000.00 just a couple Days Before court and then seeing them living it up in a hotel in Reno just days after is more than a slap in the face to many California residents, especially those Still suffering the aftermath of their shenanigans first hand, such as the grieving family of the young man Sugarleaf led to his unnecessary Death August 1st at one of there so-called "Church ganja farms", which is believed to be the reason Mrs. Lepp is currently facing trial on this case in the first place.

While the Lepp's enjoyed boasting of their Thanksgving get away (not a more perfect of a day For people like this to be celebrating mind you),SOME are still suffering because of them... some cannot return to live in their homes, others are mending gunshot wounds, many are hoping the option of pleaing their way out of incarceration, and the ones suffering most are the ones still mourning the death of their loved one trying to figure out WHY and why the Lepp's still run and spend so free causing all of this PTSD for heaven's sakes! Guess they and their way have Much to be thankful for just like their ancestor settlers back from the 1460's and especially 1490's! We Wonder how long the People of our land will tolerate it before they ensure Justice is had on their own, it will be inevitable if the LEO's do't get up off their asses and protect and serve the people that These people continue to illegally ad immorally wrong... enough IS enough already, it's time for acton to be seen and done!

The Lepp's came together in December of 2016 when Charles was paroled from federal prison for a huge illegal grow operation in Lake County back in 2008 in Lake county, which is the farm he's looking to repurchase now. For some strange reason the Lepp's seem to have a real soft-spot with the law enforcers on both a state and federal level it would seem,which is even More strange given the Lepp's have currently 19 state filings against many and a $1.4 Trillion dollar lawsuit apparently able to move toward Trial next month against dead presidents, the cannabis community and various state of California agencies and officials as well.

Many believed that even when not yet convicted on a felony charge that the person charged was bound to the state until after trial Unless there were extenuating circumstances. Last we checked fancy hotels such as Circus circus in Reno is NOT such an excusable exception, but maybe we're wrong as they seem to be freely allowed and financially able to do it,and boast as they do as usual.

We guess the show will continue on as apparently the LEO's in California have nothing better or more Productive to do,,, unless as many believe which is that this IS the LEO's show... who knows but something is Definitely stinking about this whole situation for sure. Maybe it's time we start rallying the troops to make sure the state and these people SEE our outrage first hand by making our presence and Disgust Known at Some of her upcoming court dates eh?

As always, we Thank you for your continued interest, contributions and support, please stay tuned for future updates on this mess and much more we believe will be of interest to you. Thanks so much, be well and go in a good way~


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