Questioning Yuba County, Ca's Integrity
Well guys,apparently it's come to this because apparently they just won't have it play any other way, and they Obviously aren't going to be honorable or forth-right here, but answers are overdue and the patience is about worn thin, and so it is time we start getting to the bottom of it and it's nothing but the TRUTH we now formally Demand!
What we're talking about is the Senseless shooting death of Mark Anthony Sanchez at the "Yuba Trees Farm" of the supposed "Sugarleaf Rasta Church"that took place August 1st, 2017 and had almost Appeared to have gotten serious attention and investigation, what with the National media coverage and the FBI and other alphabet soup if Law Enforcement agencies who appeared to have jumped involved making people think they would get to some answers beings No One's stories have Yet to match any of the others being told, including from those directly involved.... except for the families of Mark Sanchez, there's and there's Alone remains the same,and too, they alone keep providing PROOF that something Fishy continues to go on encompassing the death of their loved one. All they want ad continue to ask for is answers, but now with what they've been given (which is damn little considering it's been almost 5 months to date since they began asking) that we Now need to apparently Clarify to officials, it's TRUTHFUL answers in which they and we all seek so that the closing and healing can officially begin.
Those of you following this Know that we have already caught the officials in some lies, which isn't all too surprising to many, but to the family who have been left to bury...their Father, Brother, Son and loved ones beyond our ability to list them all here, but trust us when we say there are many growing Tired of waiting to hear truthful answers. We all KNOW there will never be any truth to come from Sugarleaf, so our heat now falls on to them, the LEO's to do their Job and serve these people the Justice they're deserved!
So let's start with their First lie,shall we, which is found as their answer to the first instinctual Logical question that could Possibly be posed to them by the family... "How many times was Mark shot?" up until just a few days ago, there common answer was that they "Didn't know" which we KNEW was bullshit because the local media Quoted the coroner /sheriff as having said that he was "Shot multiple times" within 2 days of the shooting. Considering the coroner rushed the families to cremate Mark, one would Hope they had completed That confirmation before burning the evidence, right? Even up to a Week ago, they state that "You have to wait for the report
From this first lie comes a tangled web, to which the second questioned asked by the Sanchez family when asked point blank "Was he shot in the head?" Time and again ALL the officials asked Assured he was not shot in the head, but according to the coroner's Autopsy report, Mark Sanchez was in fact Shot in the BACK including in the back of his skull but most puzzling about that shot was that it was at a Downward angle. Mark Sanchez, contrary to the coroner's report was actually 6'1" If not Taller according to not one but all of his immediate family each when asked separately. For a bullet to be traveling into his head in a 12:00 to 3:00 position, it makes it Really suspicious to may in as well as Beyond the immediate family left to mourn, but also to medical professionals opinion that we turned to asking there interpretation and opinions about this obviously botched case.Had Mark actually Been 5'4" as the sheriff'coroner says, such a bullet coarse might not seem as far fetched as it is to those who know better and who have been nothing but lied to especially by Law Enforcement officials since August 1st. Why lie about his height if not in attempt to mislead and likely too, cover up some wrong doing on LEO's part... what else is their left to be gained of it... Mark and his family are paying while not even being told truthfully what they're paying For.
Another disturbing fact to be found leading to many questions is that the report notes that Rodents had actually chewed wounds on Mark's body.Our experts state that it shouldn't have been possible as they are not to leave the body in such a situation unattended. Obviously Mark was left unattended for a significant period of time for there to be wounds noted i the Autopsy. The report notes such, but doesn't go into any detail and of coarse they withheld the photographs as well as the diagrams that Should have accompanied the report but didn't. This only opened more questions needing immediate and Honest answers to, such as When Mark Sanchez was handcuffed and why.
Of coarse the officials have Not released any sort of official police report as they say it's still under active investigation which makes a good excuse to not disclose pertinent information that would help to bring closure to the loved ones left behind still left wondering Why and what happened, and hearing police go from admitting to such basic facts as to whether or not they had deployed a robot when evidence as well as their own account to media August first, and now too, the coroners report confirming the gas that witnesses state the robot deployed in the house where the shooting happened to now Denying it straight to their face with the insistence that it's the Family who are mistaken, is insulting and only adding salt to this already deep painful wound - Why lie about such things? Perhaps because Some know that robots HAVE Camera's, as witnesses say did police have body cams on which they now openly deny, and if people Realize it they might start pushing for the video for answers!
The CAD audio has bee released and is something we included in one of the articles in our archives regarding this case, but all who have heard it, including those who have listened closely over and over, say they don't See where or When Mark Sanchez was handcuffed by police,but thanks t the coroner/sheriff we now know he was and we want answers as to how and at what point that came to be. Our experts were extremely surprised to read in the report that the sheriff/coroner admits to having entered the residence and confirming Mark was deceased,not because of that but because he then notes Mark's arms were showing signs of Rigamortis in his arms and hands which he states in the report Mark "Was handcuffed behind his back" and too, that he was face down. They also point out that the report states the rest of Mark's body was "Flaccid" meaning limp as a body in his position given the time should have been. They say that rigamortis does NOT start in the arms or hands eve In the position he was cuffed up behind his back ad face down, even having been laying in the house close to about 5 hours from the shooting until they came to haul Mark away. They Insist that it starts in the jaw, neck and eyes first, nowhere else Regardless of the environmental conditions Or the position of the body.
Another point here raising red flags in most of our minds is how it is that the coroner concludes that there was No gun powder residue ANYWHERE on Mark Sanchez's body, particularly on Either of his hands, especially since it's believed that he had shot two police which was ultimately the reason he's now supposedly dead, especially when the sheriff/coroner notes being physically present on the scene and especially concerned with Mark's hands, saying that once they finally took Mark out of the residence, they "removed the handcuff's and placed his hands in paper bags" before closing him into the coroner's bag and drove him off, to preserve such Evidence that ultimately is now prove to not have ever been there to preserve. So, who shot the police then? Another question we Doubt will get any sort of Honest answer at this point, in our opinion anyway, and the majority of all others as well.
This brings us to another lie they've now been caught in as well, which is to do with why they did all they could to Prevent Mark's family from seeing his body. What was told to the family was that "Mark was left outside in the heat waiting for the coroner" saying that it was in extremely sad shape, yet the coroner/sheriff's report reads crystal clear in Mark's body being approached By the coroner'sheriff personally Inside the residence at 2;28 Pm that afternoon, where it had fallen inside the home until it was time for his final ride with the coroner.
So,let's take a look for a moment at the situation. At some point, near to his death based on the rigamoritis statements now on the official record, Mark Sanchez was handcuffed... when, and again Why. Based on just the major wounds to the head, meaning half of not More of his skull completely GONE from the shooting, How could they have not know he was deceased,Especially being handcuffed Behind his Back either Where he lay if not before. This is the question really eating at the minds and hearts of the family-WHEN and Why would he have been laying there so Long handcuffed?? If he was handcuffed After the shooting while or immediately After the police were pulled out who were also apparently shot,as we say, the condition of his Head should easily have confirmed cuff's were Not necessary. If it was at this time he was handcuffed and deceased, which we hear the police say "Suspect is down" the a few moments later "Suspect is deceased", not only Why handcuff's but again Why deploy the robot to shoot gas all over inside the residence to the point the sheriff/coroner Notes he had to use a Mask while confirming the deceased in the home 4 Hours after the shooting, especially knowing all the harm and damage such gasses cause ad too, considering the homeowner had expensive exotic birds in the small single wide old mobile home, it doesn't seem to make since... does it?
We know the intense emotions flowing on that dreadful deadly day, including from all media present as well, but between the CAD audio and the media's accounting of events,it really tightens the timeline to the point that these questions seem to be because the story just isn't adding up. Police have told the family there will be a total of 4 reports but at least one that no-one but LEO's will see, that they will be lucky to see one once they decide their investigation is complete. Until then, the family remains left suffering with growing questions every time they look at all that's gone on and been said, and all the lies they're being fed from all angles.
We as Kautantowit's Mecautea have made a vow to the family of Mark Sanchez that we will stand i solidarity and support for them as well as to shield them from any further unnecessary suffering that might be inflicted upon this situation UNTIL they receive the justice and closure Mark and his family deserve.
To give you but a Glimpse into the type of people who ultimately led Mark Sanchez to his death, we share with you this one short story that was shared with us by eye witnesses to it. This will show you the character differences between Mark Sanchez and those he was working for insisting they were an honorable church as if they're some sort of a Benefit to our society. Check it out and tell us what You think is the better human being.
This story shows you the character of the manager of the illegal church farm named Dante. For those of you wondering who he is, he is the third partner of the illegal grow, ad the one who is reported to pay the tens of thousands of dollars in fines for the illegal grow the property owner, he and Heidi Lepp the Grossman had bee cited for last year... Before any utterings from them as being or declaring themselves a church. So according to the story, 3 Young men were hired by "Dante" to clear brush, ordering them $300.00 a day total between them. They worked diligently for Days but come payday, Dante only gave them a total of $300.00 TOTAL.
Dante's son was Supposed to have paid Mark but didn't and instead spent the money on More than one occasion so he knew well the upset and disappointment it brought being exploited and then not paid, it had bee happening to Mark since April. Mark felt Sooo bad for the young men that he actually Borrowed $500.00 from his family to give them in effort of making it right. This is but One of countless acts of kindness and good deeds Mark is remembered for doing to show compassion for his fellow human being but we are waiting for the family and loved ones closest to him to share those many countless Beautiful and heart-warming stories about him to you.remembered for. Its also confirmation about those infected with the greed bug and how it can get so deep in a person's mid they actually Disregard other living beings, including their own species they claim to be helping.
We do have may more points to question, but too, we want to make sure we get this out for your attention and review/reflection as to what's to be had this far. We highly encourage you to Perry Mason this and to reach out with Anything you think might prove to help obtain the Justice and closure this family needs and deserves, just please, hold the lies if you would because there's already More than Enough of those kinds of contributors being heard above the truth and facts to be obtained... such as the LEOs and at least One eye witness who Insists to family there were only three total shots fired throughout the coarse of this ordeal. Though they Did seem to know Mark was shot in the chest, obviously the witness miscounted the gunshots as Mark Sanchez got shot 5 times according to the autopsy, plus one that had shirred and only Part of it struck but didn't impact his flesh... then there's the 2 shots to each of the 2 officers, so there's 5 1/2 bullets accounted for right there, and we don't eve have any police reports to review yet! This particular witness we spoke of before in a previous article as there was some real fishy things going on around her because of the situation. It was and now remains a valid question when the witnesses own child stated that she had been confided in that the police were paying her off. If so that's sad as it will only prolong the pain the family has to endure.
Before we close this article here, we throw out a few more quick question to ponder, not to hold our breath's for an honest answer mind you but still...Why did they rip up ad take out the carpet at the scene, and too, Where did It go? We Know it isn't at the property, so, we're wondering where it is and why it was removed from the house. We would also like to know why gun calibers and other crucial evidence and facts needing known during this time, especially by those who knew and adored Mark. How did it happen that Mark would be shot so many times, especially mostly in his Back? Who shot the officers now that the coroners report shows it Was't Mark Anthony Sanchez who did it! Whose gun was it they claim Mark had because all his family insist he had no gun or they would have heard of it before now, Mark was a Marksman, which too opens room to question the officers Wounds.

As always we thank you ever so humbly for your continued interest, contribution and support. We hope you stick with us as this mess is Sure to unfold for the next handful of months to say the least If Not Stronger