KM Blesses & Adopts 2 new Child Churches
It is our pleasure to announce as well as present to you, the two newest child churches of Kautantowit Mecautea that were officially blessed on the 28th of November in the year 2017... Ladies and gentlemen, we formally introduce you to "The Church of Common Sense" and too, "ONAC Guardian's of the Sacraments!"

The founder of the Church of Common Sense is Steven Casebeer, a very caring and compassionate man who honorably defends mother earth and all life that dwells upon her.
Among the focal goals of The Church of Common Sense is "To educate people far and wide that everything we Ingest, Inhale, Think and Do is Sacred to our Temples Health, Mobility, Longevity and overall Balance Within.Utilizing Common Sense Self~Care for our Mind, Body and Spirit equally to maintain that balance within. The Original Health~Care plan... Gods."
Mr. Casebeer, founded the church on the 27th of January in the year 2017 as well as licensed and incorporated it within his home state of Oregon with the goal of helping to better his people and planet. For those of you who would like to find out more about his church, we Highly encourage you to take a few moments and check it out... his churches main social media networking outlet is:
Mr. Casebeer is also the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of a church known as "ONAC Guardian's of the sacraments" which was established July 12th 2017 with two others and also the official blessing from James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney for the token offering of $7,000.00. As soon as that was achieved, this church too was then incorporated and licensed with the government of the state of Oregon as well.
The primary goal of The Church of Common Sense, is to provide the best value in Generic Whole Plant Cannabis Nutraceuticals, inexpensively & free to those that need it most; teaching the multitudes self-health. If you would like more information about Mr. Casebeer's church, please know that your encouraged to check it out for yourself at:

Mr. Casebeer was gifted with the blessing of adoption into Kautantowit Mecautea Native American Church (KM NAC) after bravely stepping forward and assisting in the official second filing of the "PDX Injunction" in November of 2017. Casebeer literally and voluntarily went literally hundreds of miles out of his own personal way to help to get it done, and not only did he accomplish that, but he personally literally walked the injunction into the federal courthouse of Portland, Oregon and filed it personally himself on behalf of KM. Humble as he prefers to be, we feel our hats should All go off to he and too that he earned a feather as a brave warrior indeed for the good of our people as well as a common cause... honorable Liberation!
Mr. Casebeer was additionally blessed with the gift of a credential recognizing him as an entrusted ordained Spiritual Leader of Kautantowit Mecautea Native American Church (KM NAC) after many hours and sessions of round table counsel directly with our sachem, and is honored for his wisdom with our sacred mother medicine cannabis as well as our sacred manna medicines (mushrooms) for spiritual as well as physical and mental healing purposes. "He is a blessing to us all and we are honored as well as humbled to welcome he and his tribes into our NAC family" said sachem Graves regarding him.
In a formal statement about Mr. Casebeer and his churches official adoption, KM leaders said "It is and remains our honor to extend the hand of humanly love and family connection to Mr. Casebeer and his newly flourishing tribal congregations and we wish for him many endless blessings of health, happiness and successes for he and all his members to come - good medicine is always good medicine for the globe! We look forward to sharing all the good medicine you will bring to the globe."
To get into contact with Mr. Casebeer, you're welcomed to reach out via email, which is in a clickable link for you here: and you're also highly encouraged to reach out to him via the social media previously listed above, and or to connect with him by telephone at Call 707-972-7455.
As always, we thank you all ever-so-much for your continued interest and support for what we do, and we continue to welcome each and every one of you to become an active part of our tribal family. Joining KM is Free of charge and extended to any and every living breathing human being over the age of 13 regardless of nationality, belief, culture, blood quantum or anything along those lines of division, long as you can honor our moral and ethical codes is all we ask. Also too we welcome any and all interested to become contributors to our newsroom as well... reach out, le'ts make some good medicine happen! Thank you all, and blessings in abundance to you and all your relations - go in a good way... and stay tuned!