PDX Injunction Filed!
Sorry for our delay, but as you may one day come to truly realize, you don't always have the luxuries of time when your out on the front lines in the shallowest of the trenches in the battlefield, which we as Kautantowit's Mecautea are first and foremost obligated to be. Unfortunately, at times that ill prove to find our newsroom taking second priority, at least until more jump in and contribute some time and effort.

So anyway, for those who haven't already heard some uttering, it is true, thanks to a very brave pair of Mecautea,the PDX Injunction has Finally officially been filed with the Federal court!
The photo immediately next to this paragraph notes the ceremony that was held While the injunction was filed at the federal courthouse in downtown Portland, Oregon yesterday afternoon from 2 to 3 Pm. As you will note on the photograph included below of the filing receipt,the injunction was officially accepted into official record at 2:32 Pm and a case number of # 6'17 CV 1907-JR was officially issued to the case.
Below is a few pertinent photographs that we HIGHLY suggest that ALL ONAC members and ONAC KM members to keep the photographs and With your proof of ONAC and or ONAC KM membership credentials in Case you are encountered by Any of the Defendants in this case as it Will Be a VIOLATION of our restraining order against them protecting All of us from them.

Please note whom All of the defendants as all members of both Oklevueha Native American Church as well as ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea are viewed As being Plaintiff's as far as our position in this is concerned... you see how Both churches are specifically listed...if you are a member of either,and especially both,This Means YOU!

What this means for you,as you will see in the next picture,is that we are now protected by a Temporary Restraining Order that is to protect us from the defendants! This is why we Highly suggest that you keep these photos And your ONAC and or ONAC KM paperwork handy in Case you're encountered because they personally don't yet know they are just walked into a Restraining Order VIOLATION if and when they encounter you!
And to make sure that we are taken seriously and raise the level of respect to we and our rights as and freely to the web of all creation In Honorable way,please look at this photo here:

And here is the picture of the receipt showing when it was filed and how much Sachem Graves had to personally pay for the filing out of her social security (her Only source of income and KM having ZERO income Ever to date) in effort of protecting all of us and our beloved sacred cannabis plant:

According to Graves, the victory all anticipate to come of this case is but only half of the obligation she made via a pact with the global founding father of our cannabis movement Mr.Jack Herer,she says there's one more priority sacrament to secure to fulfill her obligation to him, which is the "Manna Sacraments" to which she is referring to the ethogenic mushroom fungi's to which she says another brave ONAC and KM honorary member is already in effort of initiating in California by the name of Kevin Saunders whom has put together an initiative to liberate them within California law. "We are just glad to finally have this done because it's the most important thing that could have been done at this point for all our people and our beloved mother medicine plant... it's the only hope for us to maintain as Creator intended for it to be."
As always we thank You for your continued interest ad support as well as your contributions and we Hope you will please stay tuned for more interesting information to come. Blessings to all, may you walk humbly and go in a good way~