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Sachem Joy Graves blessed as NAC!

It is with great honor that we are able to share with you the latest news bestowed us the blessing to present to all of you. It is of the official blessing of Kautantowit's Mecautea's own Joy Graves who has just received confirmation of her official blessing of and by the Native American Church of the Morning Star ad Half Moon!

This is a blessing for Sooo many reasons,first because given the history between NAC and ONAC,whom Graves is also blessed as Sachem of ONAC KM making this a historic as well as blessed event in a way,more powerful Graves says "If ONAC returns to the Red Road coarse of journey for the whole of the church and stands honorably." The remainder of the reasons this is such a Major blessing to she and KM is because Graves says "With it is going to come the Mecautea spirit of Kautantowit that is long overdue and desperately needed now if ever IF we are going to have any of the web remain for we and our future generations."

As you see,according to the document, Graves has been blessed with the ordainment of a spiritual leader of the Native American Church of Morning Star and Half Moon for "As long as the Trees and Grass grow and the Rivers flow" which in other words is for as long as she physically lives.

You will also see that the blessing specifically notes her as having all the rights,privileges and Protections to "All indigenous earth-based healing sacraments" which is another blessing and historic step all of it's own because it reflects the official position and standing of the Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon in regards To such sacred sacraments as our plant medicines.

It is said that Graves was offered this blessing gifted to her because of her Integrity when it comes to her effort in Honorably Defending in attempt to preserve our indigenous tribal culture as Kautantowit's Mecautea,including having to stand against ONAC.

We are waiting for a statement from Sachem Graves at this time but hope to bring you more on this blessing and all the blessings within it very soon, until then we Thank you for your time, interest, contributions and continued support and we hope you stay tuned for more exciting news to come, especially if ONAC decides to straighten up and fly right! Until then may we all go in a good way and make good medicine for the whole of the web of existence as we do.


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