KM's request for compassion for All elders
Well folks, as we get into the depth of the winter, it's important that we subconsciously remember that this is among the hardest seasons of the year, especially weather-wise on our beloved but far too often overlooked elders, and so as usual, Kautantowit's Mecautea ask that you keep the elders both in and around your life in mind, especially when it comes to the struggles in effort of making it through the season alive and as well as is possible.

Too often we find ourselves distracted with the trivial things that come with the winter season, such as all the holidays and social get-togethers that are Supposed to make us take time to stop and think as well as to be grateful for all the people and things we have in our lives, which includes our elders to a Degree, but what we're talking about is in regards to all the little things, such as making sure our elders have the things they Need which the cold and snow could greatly prevent and deprive them from having the accessability they will need to make it through.
Not everyone relies or has the comfort of reling on turning on a heater ya know, many Still rely on wood for their heat and even their cooking! Although that sounds like a personal choice, what we see in the "lower class American households", especially those that are outside of established city limits don't Have a choice of running high electric bills, some Have to rely on wood, and yet, as we age, not all of us can provide it for ourselves. If you know of an elder who relies on wood for their heating and too their cooking, and you're healthy enough to take an hour of your time, offer to split there wood for them or better yet, especially when dealing with the stubborn elders such as the ole bucks, don't even offer, just take it upon yourself to go ahead and split and stack the pile of wood needing done for them - they may initially get defensive, but as long as you don't make it out like your doing it out of an act of charity or pitty, they should calm down within a few moments and likely even give you a pointer or two they learned in there many years of splitting wood.
Another important issue that the winter weather brings upon our elders is the ability to get back and forth to the store to get the essentials they need ranging from food and drinks to medicine and medical supplies and other health and shopping type needs. Many elders have companion and or service animaks which also will be in need of food and such too. It would be a great service to your fellow human being if you not just Presume that they have everything and are taken care of but that you use your own instinct and power of observation. More often than not, we find that you have to kind of badger the elders into admitting they could use a hand or a little bit of extra help and or consideration, but too, what littlest of help you extend to them literally means the World to them, not just for materialistic reasons but more importantly than all, for mental reassurance they are important and Not just forgotten nor abandoned.
Additionally, winter can bring forth unexpected surprises in which people including elders are forced to contend with whether they're physically up to it or not, such as damage from storms such as fallen trees and snow pack which could result in physical damage to their homes they are unable to spring into action to fix, If they have the money to even try - Something Has to be done and you could prove to be among their guardian angels that makes the difference between they're liter suffering and even death opposed to them making it to enjoy another upcoming beautiful spring. Keep your eye on the westher channel, and too, keep your mind on the elders you have in your life both near and far and check in with them frequently, especially when you KNOW they could be finding themselves in a desperate situation due to the winter months.
A good suggestion we put out is to prepare the elders in your life with a care package, winter is the Perfect time to do so as during especially this month is the time of year when people give gifts to the people that matter in their lives Without question or suspicion. When you put together a care package, try to include the basic things you Know will help them get through no matter what common mishaps can occur, such as power outages or blizzard type storms that could keep them trapped in their homes for a few days or even a week before supplies and resources can make it to them.
Food is a common gift this time of the year Fortunately, and elders appreciate as well as Enjoy having a decent meal like the rest of us, they just cannot always Afford it, some too become physically unable to prepare one anymore even for their ownselves. Remember when we were the dependant ones... they Always went all out as best as they could to make sure we ate well, were warm, and most importantly of all, felt mentally and physically Safe... they make sure that we Knew they were there for and looking out for us no matter what came that literally scared the Hell outta us and in their elder years we OWE it to them to make sure we do the same, whether they Specifically were there for us or not, they were there for Someone and now they need Someone to be there thinking of and looking out for them. That is ALL of our Job and obligation... it's called Human Compassion and whatever your personal spiritual belief systems are, we're Pretty confident that it encourages you to do the Same exact thing that we are here.
In your care package, keep the thought of potential disaster in mind, in addition to food, safe shelter and warmth if you would please, meaning include candles, first aid supplies and Anything else that You believe could make a difference no matter how big or small it might be.hes are a common item overlooked, but think about it, If the power goes out, what are the Odds that the elders are going to have matches that will Light if and when they need them to. Candles will prove to do them no good if they have no way to Light them, Right!
You must understand, the way our species look at and treats our elders has changed dramatically over the last 500 years upon our land... back then we used to Know to respect and be appreciative of our elders, it was actually a Required obligation for ALL members of tribal communities... to make sure the elders had the food and blankets as well as care and support their individual situation indicated they needed such. Today, and especially over the last 50 years, our species has come to accept that our elders somehow lose Value once they retire, and that once they get deeper into those "Golden Years" as they're called, that a time will come where we determine there needs are too much for us to accommodate, and so we begin putting less effort into trying when realistically they Need us trying more than ever in there lives since they were newborn babies!
As always we Thank You ever so much for your continued interest, contributions and support toward our endeavors. We Hope you stay tuned and too, we hope that you take our request to heart and extend the hand of loving humanitarianism to the elders in and around your life, it may be the only compassion they receive and we Know it WILL make the World of difference to them spiritually as well as mentally, physically and materialistically... it don't take much to make a HUGE positive difference. Blessings to all, may we All go in a good way and make beautiful good medicine for the whole of our beloved sacred web of Creator's creation ~ A'ho!