The Alaskan tribes of Turtle Island

In keeping in sequence with our recent look into the great many tribes of our beloved Turtle Island, aka "The America's", we felt that the next article speaking of such should be on our Alaskan brother and sister tribes to the north.
Please know and understand that this is a list of Alaska Native tribal entities which are recognized by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs and not necessarily a "Complete List" of all the tribes in the Alaska lands.What that Means is that this is their list of "Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs" to which "Federally recognized tribes" and "List of Alaska Native Tribal Entities" derive their listings.
How it is that Alaska Native villages came to be tracked in this way is due to the "Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971." It's also important that we express that while the names of Alaska Native tribal entities often include "Village of" or "Native Village of," in most cases the tribal entity cannot be considered as identical to the city, town, or census-designated place in which the tribe is located, as some residents may be non-tribal members and a separate city government may exist. The list is maintained in alphabetical order with respect to the name of the tribe or village. Leading words such as "Village of" or "Native Village of" are ignored for this purpose of their compositing this list.
Native Village of Afognak (formerly the Village of Afognak)
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
Native Village of Akhiok
Akiachak Native Community
Akiak Native Community
Native Village of Akutan
Village of Alakanuk
Alatna Village
Native Village of Aleknagik
Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary’s)
Allakaket Village
Native Village of Ambler
Village of Anaktuvuk Pass
Yupiit of Andreafski
Angoon Community Association
Village of Aniak
Anvik Village
Arctic Village (See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government)
Asa'carsarmiut Tribe (formerly the Native Village of Mountain Village)
Native Village of Atka
Village of Atmautluak
Atqasuk Village (Atkasook)
Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government
Beaver Village
Native Village of Belkofski
Village of Bill Moore's Slough
Birch Creek Tribe
Native Village of Brevig Mission
Native Village of Buckland
Native Village of Cantwell
Native Village of Chanega (a.k.a. Chenega)
Chalkyitsik Village
Cheesh-Na Tribe (formerly the Native Village of Chistochina)
Village of Chefornak
Chevak Native Village
Chickaloon Native Village
Chignik Bay Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Chignik)
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon
Chignik Lake Village
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)
Native Village of Chitina
Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim)
Chuloonawick Native Village
Circle Native Community
Village of Clarks Point
Native Village of Council
Craig Community Association
Village of Crooked Creek
Curyung Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
Native Village of Deering
Native Village of Diomede (a.k.a. Inalik)
Village of Dot Lake
Douglas Indian Association
Native Village of Eagle
Native Village of Eek
Egegik Village
Eklutna Native Village
Native Village of Ekuk
Ekwok Village
Native Village of Elim
Emmonak Village
Evansville Village (a.k.a. Bettles Field)
Native Village of Eyak (Cordova)
Native Village of False Pass
Native Village of Fort Yukon
Native Village of Gakona
Galena Village (a.k.a. Louden Village)
Native Village of Gambell
Native Village of Georgetown
Native Village of Goodnews Bay
Organized Village of Grayling (a.k.a. Holikachuk)
Gulkana Village
Native Village of Hamilton
Healy Lake Village
Holy Cross Village
Hoonah Indian Association
Native Village of Hooper Bay
Hughes Village
Huslia Village
Hydaburg Cooperative Association
Igiugig Village
Village of Iliamna
Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
Iqurmuit Traditional Council (formerly the Native Village of Russian Mission)
Ivanoff Bay Village
Kaguyak Village
Organized Village of Kake
Kaktovik Village (a.k.a. Barter Island)
Village of Kalskag
Village of Kaltag
Native Village of Kanatak
Native Village of Karluk
Organized Village of Kasaan
Kaskigluk Traditional Elders Council (formerly the Native Village of Kasigluk)
Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Ketchikan Indian Corporation
Native Village of Kiana
King Island Native Community
King Salmon Tribe
Native Village of Kipnuk
Native Village of Kivalina
Klawock Cooperative Association
Native Village of Kluti Kaah (a.k.a. Copper Center)
Knik Tribe
Native Village of Kobuk
Kokhanok Village
Native Village of Kongiganak
Village of Kotlik
Native Village of Kotzebue
Native Village of Koyuk
Koyukuk Native Village
Organized Village of Kwethluk
Native Village of Kwigillingok
Native Village of Kwinhagak (a.k.a. Quinhagak)
Native Village of Larsen Bay
Levelock Village
Lesnoi Village (a.k.a. Woody Island)
Lime Village
Village of Lower Kalskag
Manley Hot Springs Village
Manokotak Village
Native Village of Marshall (a.k.a. Fortuna Ledge)
Native Village of Mary's Igloo
McGrath Native Village
Native Village of Mekoryuk
Mentasta Traditional Council
Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve
Native Village of Minto
Naknek Native Village
Native Village of Nanwalek (a.k.a. English Bay)
Native Village of Napaimute
Native Village of Napakiak
Native Village of Napaskiak
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon
Nenana Native Association
New Koliganek Village Council (formerly the Koliganek Village)
New Stuyahok Village
Newhalen Village
Newtok Village
Native Village of Nightmute
Nikolai Village
Native Village of Nikolski
Ninilchik Village
Native Village of Noatak
Nome Eskimo Community
Nondalton Village
Noorvik Native Community
Northway Village
Native Village of Nuiqsut (a.k.a. Nooiksut)
Nulato Village
Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly the Native Village of Toksook Bay)
Native Village of Nunam Iqua (formerly the Native Village of Sheldon's Point)
Native Village of Nunapitchuk
Village of Ohogamiut
Village of Old Harbor
Orutsararmuit Native Village (a.k.a. Bethel)
Oscarville Traditional Village
Native Village of Ouzinkie
Native Village of Paimiut
Pauloff Harbor Village
Pedro Bay Village
Native Village of Perryville
Petersburg Indian Association
Native Village of Pilot Point
Pilot Station Traditional Village
Native Village of Pitka's Point
Platinum Traditional Village
Native Village of Point Hope
Native Village of Point Lay
Native Village of Port Graham
Native Village of Port Heiden
Native Village of Port Lions
Portage Creek Village (a.k.a. Ohgsenakale)
Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands
Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
Rampart Village
Village of Red Devil
Native Village of Ruby
Saint George Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands)
Native Village of Saint Michael
Saint Paul Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands)
Village of Salamatoff
Native Village of Savoonga
Organized Village of Saxman
Native Village of Scammon Bay
Native Village of Selawik
Seldovia Village Tribe
Shageluk Native Village
Native Village of Shaktoolik
Native Village of Shishmaref
Native Village of Shungnak
Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Skagway Village
Village of Sleetmute
Village of Solomon
South Naknek Village
Stebbins Community Association
Native Village of Stevens
Village of Stony River
Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak (formerly the Shoonaq' Tribe of Kodiak)
Takotna Village
Native Village of Tanacross
Native Village of Tanana
Tangirnaq Native Village
Native Village of Tatitlek
Native Village of Tazlina
Telida Village
Native Village of Teller
Native Village of Tetlin
Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes
Traditional Village of Togiak
Tuluksak Native Community
Native Village of Tuntutuliak
Native Village of Tununak
Twin Hills Village
Native Village of Tyonek
Ugashik Village
Umkumiute Native Village
Native Village of Unalakleet
Native Village of Unga
Village of Venetie (See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government)
Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (Arctic Village and Village of Venetie)
Village of Wainwright
Native Village of Wales
Native Village of White Mountain
Wrangell Cooperative Association
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
As Always, we thank you ever so much for your continued interest, contributions and most importantly of all, your continued support as we strive to help make the positive difference for the web of life here on this globe by shining the wisdom of enlightenment deep into your conscious minds maintaining faith that it will somehow make a positive difference for the whole of our delicate and sacred hoop. We hope you found this article to be enlightening if nothing else, just know that such lists are Not ever complete according to the dictation and will of Creator, but we are doing the Best we can to get the tribes of our land better known with the rest of our Rainbow nation! Blessings to all, tread lightly and please always go in a good medicine way!