A season of love, and sadness
We feel that though today is a day that many celebrate love and family, it's important that people remember that not Everyone has that luxury... and so today we want to take some time first to send our loving blessings to all, especially those who struggle to find the happiness they deserve, and second, to send our hearts to those struggling.
Today, we feel it's important that we again Remember Mark Sanchez, the young man who was killed at the Sugarleaf Rasta Church shooting in Yuba county, California August first, because we know that his family needs answers to start their healing and closure. This is not an unreasonable request, and too, it's a goal we intend on seeing is attained them.

We look closely at the autopsy and toxicology report given them by police, and now there's even deeper wounds inflicted them. The first thing that stands out in our minds, is the fact that police insist that Mark Sanchez engaged in a shooting with them.
According to the autopsy, officials did take special care in Sanchez hands BUT what we find highly questionable is in that the autopsy revealed and confirmed what many suspected all along... there was no residuals Anywhere on his hands Or his body!
How can this be if Sanchez shot a pistol and is said to hit police? Our experts, including forensic experts in Washington DC have confirmed that the autopsy report clearly notes that Mark Sanchez had no gun powder on his hands. IF someone shot a gun, there would be residue Somewhere on One of his hands. Another point made is that the caliber of weapon Sanchez was allegedly said to have been shooting police with has Yet to be noted or revealed to any.
Another point to be had in this aspect of the investigation, is in that the police report itself noted that there were No Weapons involved on the side of Mark Sanchez, meaning they did not note a weapon being retrieved from he or near his body. This really leaves people wondering Who actually shot the police officers that day because clearly it was Not Mark Sanchez! Given the fact that the sheriff of the officers shot actually performed the autopsy, many are starting to fear that these answers may never come to light to be revealed, including to the family left today with an emptiness in their hearts that can never be refilled.
Another disturbing facts revealed in the autopsy encompass Mark Sanchez that led to his death. The first point we noticed that caused great concern is in the angle of the bullets he was shot with. The autopsy states that he was 5'4 inches in height but it has been confirmed that in all actuality Mark Sanchez was in fact 6'3 inches. Though this might seem trivial to many, it Does open up room for question in regards to the trajectory in which he was struck with the bullets that ultimately killed him.
The first and most alarming to us was the gunshot wound to the back of his head. What alarmed us was that the wound reveals that the bullet entered him from the Downward angle, meaning that whoever shot him had to be behind and yet above him! How could this be you ask, well according to the experts who have thus far been asked by family to look at the reports... Mark Sanchez was Not on his feet when the bullet went into his head... meaning he had to either be face down on the ground, but likely they conclude, he was actually on his Knee's when the bullet went into his head. This we put with the fact that officials reported having "removed the handcuffs" as they took his body to the morgue from the scene of the shooting. When was Mark handcuffed? We believe it was BEFORE he was shot to death by Yuba County police!
According to one expert, Mark Sanchez was additionally shot in a questionable manner, but this concern is Not about the gunshot wound to his head. The alarm comes in the report that Mark Sanchez was additionally "Shot while he was laying down in the back!" the question then asked by professionals is "What projectile 22 or 45 or 9mm? No mention of weight size. 1x 2x." Experts point out that Sanchez was shot a total of 12 times in his back, most indicating he was down either on his knees or laying completely down when the bullets struck him. One indicates he might have tried to turn and run away from those shooting him as one bullet shows he was struck on the lower part of his side.
Something else bothering us greatly, is that there is notation from the coroner as well that rodents were actually feeding on his body, something that should Not have been possible and leaving family seeking answers. For your convenience we are going to attach photographs of the coroners reports surrounding Mark Sanchez death. We hope that you will review them and also too, that you share them with any expert you know in the medical field able to maybe shed some light and bring forth answers.
Another very upsetting conclusion came from the officials in DC is found in the toxicology report which indicates an extremely high amount of meth in his system and alcohol on top of it. Experts say that had Sanchez consumed what the tests reveal, he "Would not have been conscious." This raises another serious question as to whether or not the autopsy and toxicology wasn't somehow altered or mis-reported by the officials who shouldn't have even been in the position to touch much less be the Only ones to touch the remains of Mark Sanchez. The family need Justice, and as we continue to vow, we as Kautantowit's Mecautea are going to do Everything we can to make damn sure they get it at the end of this nightmare! Below we are including SOME of the autopsy information for Your review:
What we know is that the whole thing is shady from the word go. We know that Mark Sanchez had no gun nor shot any gun that day, and yet he lay dead with the tale of a shootout which left police shot and him dead. So as everyone is enjoying their holiday's, WE are calling for the initiation of obtaining JUSTICE for the Sanchez family and we would Appreciate any additional media sources willing to help us get the necessary light shining into this shameful situation. Also too and again, we put out a call for an Attorney WILLING to help this family obtain the justice they need and we all deserve to have happen. Please reach out to us if you can help, we're happy to connect you!
As always, we Thank you ever-so-much for your continued interest, contributions and support and we hope you stick with us as we are certain things will be proving to be much more promising in the new year to come. Blessings to all, may we journey in Good Medicine way!