Our Christmas Gift to All
It is with such extreme amount of honor that we are able to come to you this day and actually bear a gift of such magnitude for so many, especially in the times where we and our rights have been trampled in the name of exploitation, profiteering and selfish gain. But before we do, we would like to take this opportunity to explain to you Why it is such an honor to and for us before we gift it, and then from there we will talk a bit about what it means and where and how we all can move forward in a good medicine way from here.
As many of you know, our church was established in the summer of 2013 with the goal of aiding in the complete liberation of ALL of our indigenous earth-based healing sacrament medicines, especially and specifically one that we have been at the front lines battling since way before establishing as a church... Cannabis. Our Sachem, Hawkeye Graves has Personally stood willingly at the front lines of this battle for more than a quarter of a century thus far, especially along the entire western states of Turtle Island.
Some, but not all of you may know that Graves had spent over 14 years under the personal wing and council of legendary cannabis icon Mr. Jack Herer, best known as "The founding father of the GLOBAL Hemp and Cannabis Liberation movement." Truth be known, he was a second father-figure to Graves, and because of that as well as a promise (actually a Multitude of promises) that he personally made her make to him in regaards to the best interest of our plant and living species who need it and access to it. The main pact he made her vow to him was the very same pact he himself had made 49 Years ago this very coming year.. that she "Will work every single day until she's dead, turns 84 Or we get cannabis completely liberated once and for all from the Federal governments greed geared hands."
What most of you Might not know, one of the instructions Herer gave to Graves, was that she utilize our liberties and Religious Freedom to accomplish liberation for cannabis, an instruction Graves was extremely hesitant to consider much less attempt to persue... until that is in 2010 when Jack Herer was murdered out of the fear of him changing gears a little bit and insisting that too, Graves again make a promise to him, but this time, it was NOT a promise to do with cannabis, though too, he emphasized that the new promise and direction wouldn't cancel out or excuse her from the previous ones. This new direction Herer instructed Graves to take, was in the defense, preservation and liberation of what he described to many as being "even more important than cannabis liberation"...a shocking phrase to come from the mouth of "The Emperor of Hemp" for many indeed. So what is it... Fungus!
Long story short if it, and much to do with his DNA lineage, Herer had spent over 25 years of his extremely busy life reserching and too decoding the bible the importance of the sacred enthogenic Mushrooms. Herer Insists empathetically that the mushrooms are in fact "The true manna substances to commune with God." This proclaimation of coarse did not disregard the importance of our beloved mother medicine sacrament cannabis, in fact, quite the contrary - Herer said All are needed Daily to remain in communication with Great Creator. In 2010 Hraveswas ordained by the church in which Herer himself was a treasured member... "The United Cannabis Ministries" located in central California. Not only was Graves ordained, but too, she was gifted her own independent branch off of the church to flourish throughout the pacific northwest.
But as we say, graves instruction from Herer didn't stop there, nor did her effort to keep her promises to him even though daily she wishes he was still here to help lead and guide she and the global community who willingly listened to him more than any other. "It's been an uphill battle even when he was here to speak and be heard, without him, it's a path that seemed impossible, especially knowing and actually watching his worst fear prove to be fulfilling right before all of our eyes and most not even knowing it." What Graves is referring to is his last publicly announced prophecy regarding the future of the cannabis liberation movement's effort. "They're gonna use the patients to get there foot into the door of law, and once they get about half the states, then they're gonna shift gears, throw the patients to the wolves and then begin cannibalizing one another until they've completely Destroyed all the foothold we've been out here gaining for the last 50 plus years... they're gonna drive the train right off the cliff and we're gonna end up back at square one, meaning many are going to suffer and die that shouldn't have to, all in the name of their fame and fortune."
Graves says that since Herer's death, his worst fear has been playing out to be true under the "sell out" guise of Tax and regulation. According to Graves his worst fear for our community and plant has been coming to pass, and she says she feels even More disgusted in the devastation that has befallen our plant and people just within the last Year, at the hand of a man who continues to insist to the world he was actually Herer's "Friend". Who Graves is referring to is none other than the self-proclaimed "Reverend Charles "Eddy" Lepp. According to Graves as well as many who personally knew Herer insist that though Jack was seen traveling about the country with Lepp, that Herer's last months were spent emphasizing to his community that he had just confirmed Lepp to be a "Disease to our plant and community." Sources aside from Graves report that Herer "Insisted Eddy Lepp be Removed from the global cannabis community" and they say it's because Lepp was nothing more than a conman intentionally exploiting both the plant and the ill who need and depend upon it.
For those of you unaware, Lepp was busted in Lake county California back in 2008 for cultivating more than 20,000 cannabis plants in the open public view, but they say the true reason Lepp was arrested and subsequently convicted was because Lepp himself personally Chose to poke the stick at law enforcement egging them on and even calling them out for Not having the balls to bust him. He was wrong, and for it, he was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison... but, he only served just over 8 before he was released back onto the streets of the state of California. Although Lepp was milking the cannabis community while insisting he was a canna-hero, his pace quickly picked up steam upon his release from prison, especially with a second pea from the same pod named Heidi Grossman, another greedy profiteer and rip-off queen lurking about the cannabis community after literally crewing over the porn industry which fed her needs for more than 10 Years.
"When these two came together we Knew there would be trouble, but we never fathomed there would come so Much trouble, nor so much Shame and pain in our cannabis community." Before Lepp's parole was even granted, Grossman per the pointing of former Civil rights attorney Matthew Pappas pointed her into the direction of James Mooney, co-founder of Oklevueha Native American Church. Grossman sought membership in the church despite having no regard or respect for the churches culture and time and again declaring herself an atheist. So why would she want to join a church you ask. well, the answer is simple, she saw an opportunity to exploit cannabis and it's users with endless multitude of fame and fortune to be had, especially with her partner in scam Lepp about to be paroled.
The team wasted no time in setting there new-found scam into motion. Lepp was released from prison in December and by February the pair would be blessed with the entrusted position of spiritual leaders of a newly established branch of Oklevueha Native American Church named "ONAC of Sugarleaf." As soon as the couple received Mooney's trust, they immediately modified the name as given in the blessing and set out turning Sugarleaf into an endless financial empire, ripping off multitudes within the cannabis community to the tune ranging from hundereds to literally tens of thousands of dollars in a single shot, and many shots per day they fired! Blessings to cultivate "ganja gardens" sold for a minimum of $10,000.00 a pop but the big money maker was in their sales of what they called "wellness Centers" which went for more than $35,000.00 each, and according to the snake-oil duo, they had sold almost 200 of each in less than 5 months time entrusted in operation of a claimed "Church."
People who knew and watched Lapp in his pre-Sugarleaf days say that Sugarleaf did the exact same thing eddy had when he was busted in Lake county, but insist that the big difference they noted was that Lepp himself would not return to sit himself onto the bullseye of the legal eyes on cannabis. Instead Lepp and Grossman would sell blessings, placing unsuspecting and Trusting human beings instead on the seat of the legal bullseye, and this far more than 29 people have suffered a legal fate because of they and their lies and false promises of "Bulletproof protection from legal prosecution." Even Grossman herself, who claims to be Mrs. Eddy Lepp now has found herself arrested and facing felony charges which remain pending against her to date, but most are upset in that Lepp himself has not had his parole revoked and placed back into the correctional system. "He's Yet to get any sort of job, including even scrubbing toliets at McDonalds, and yet he's done nothing but spend spend spend since he's been out, first buying gold jewelry for he and his dog, then expanding his purchases to include a Mercades Benz for more than $10,000.00 that the team used to harass and literally stalk innocent people, and most recently his talk of possibly repurchasing the home and land in Lake county that was seized because of his bust and conviction... which Lepp himself said is $428,000.00 and finally in his price range to consider it.
In between all of that, Lepp and Grossman set out leasing land and buildings like crazy, setting up so called churches and illegal cultivation and distribution centers. Currently Lepp, Grossman and even their dog remain in a 4 Trillion dollar lawsuit against everyone ranging from canna-business they saw as a threat to their profits, including dead presidents as defendants. Many remain upset that the federal court are entertaining her complete mockery of the criminal justice system, but yet her frivolous case Is proceeding forward in the federal court of California. In addition to making the spectacle that they have, and in addition to all the damage in their scheme itself, they have additionally caused 2 police officers to be shot and a former employee they had ripped off literally Murdered for nothing more than wanting what was owed so he could walk away and leave the Sugarleaf scheme far behind him.
Although as if yet Lepp has had to take Zero accountability nor even be spanked on the wrist for any of it, Grossman's arrest has seemed to slow them down even if just a little, which is why many say Lepp chose to risk his parole last month by attending the Emerald Cup Awards in Santa Rosa, California despite not being legally allowed around cannabis whiile actively on parole. We have received a photograph showing Lepp at the Emerald Cup, with a cannabis flower in his hand no less, but still he and Grossman run free, traveling to Vegas multiple times and snubbing their noses at the view from there several hundred dollar per night hotel rooms. Lepp has received multiple awards declaring him a hero to cannabis which dumps gallons of salt into true cannabis defenders already deepening wounds thanks, or should e say No Thanks to Lepp and Grossman. "They continue to blaze the way for the predator wolves to come about the cannabis chicken coop and cause mass destruction."
Ultimately just literally days before Sugarleaf had their fatal shooting in central California at one of their many illegal cultivation farms, ONAC had disassociated and excommunicated the blessing to them from Oklevueha, it had little if any effect at all of slowing them down or even making them re-think their agenda... the scams and fake blessings continued. Many we spoke with in California state that had ONAC not trusted the pair of thieves with the position of authority as spiritual leaders and heads of a church, none of the harm, arrests, bloodshed and literal death's wouldn't have happened, Because it has, officials of the state of california say that come January 1st of 2018 the state intends to spank all including completely innocent and honorable churches, using Sugarleaf as their excuse to do it. "Should they do it and get away with it, All other states will likely and quickly follow as the states are only laxing on cannabis because they themselves want their piece of the cannabis exploitation profit pie, something many insist cannot be allowed to happen.
Those that look back to Oklevueha in the hopes of some just action to prevent and right it, say that they see little if any hope of help from ONAC to fend back the state from infringing on the rights of legitimate churches healing people with our beloved medicine. Because Graves who has repped ONAC for more than 5 years and was a respected front line activist for so many years, is fairly well known and respected in the community REFUSED to sit idly by and watch it happen, and those of you fortunate enough to know her should now understand that's why we are and remain here, but too, it's because of her determination too that we have this wonderful gift to share with you now today, and what better of a day then the holiday in which gifts from the heart are to be freely given.
Ladeis and gentlemen, without further adue, we are Honored to officially publicly present to you... the gift that Graves believes will finally lead to the liberation of cannabis once and for all, and too, that will secure religious rights of freedom once and for all as well, and so we humbly and yet Proudly present to you The Native American Church of the Morning Star and Half Moon. Here is their website although Graves says that the site itself is still currently under construction from the NAC who honorably operate it: http://nativeamericanchurchmorningstar.org/
In this gift we find many aspects of history in the literal making, first in that an "Indisputable" Native American Church is stepping not only up but forward in the defense and preservation of everything Herer wanted protected (our cannabis plants and people who need it) which has Yet to have been done in fact presenting as an impossibility in itself, and second in the fact that this NAC is also willingly stepping forward in the defense and preservation of ALL indigenous earth-based sacraments across the board... including the mushrooms Herer wanted next protected! According to the signatory chief whose authority the church is vested "It's time to get it done" and according to Graves there's literally no one else who can and is willing to do it.

What's likely going to prove interesting to most, is from what tribe is this church and chief from... the answer is "The Tuscarora Nation." For those of you who don't know of them, we Highly encourage you to take a few minutes of your free time and google search them, you can take your pick from a great many reputable source and quickly you will learn tht the name Tuscarora actually literally and historically has translated into "The Gatherer's of Hemp tribe." Yes you heard that right, this tribe has been noted in recorded history for being among the very first actual farmers of cannabis in today's United States of America! "If that's not sign enough for you to see Jack is leading us from beyond his grave, maybe this will convince you" says Graves "The Tuscarora chief in which we are being offered this option and opportunity from was passed down from Chief Blunt!"
According to the Medicine Person of the Tuscarora Nation, the blessing to their tribe in fact did come through the one of two tribal chief's of the tribe whose name truly was "Chief Blunt" and Driggers went on to confirm that in fact the tribe was renown as cannabis farmers. "Back in those times, long before even the 1500's, our tribe was known as being the cannabis farmers." The Medicine Person points to a historic document noting that it was his tribe who in fact supplied all the territory from Canada and New York down through the Carolina's and says "and we were especially respected for our skill by the what's now called "Virginia" specifically. For those who get to see the original cannabis made document authorizing the Tuscarora Nation as being among the tribes entrusted and respected as honorably functioning in a spiritually honorable way to be a "Native American Church." then surely the Wampum belts and other sacred and historic artifacts including books of writings confirming their being the ones Creator has obligated to defend cannabis especially specifically while honoring mother globe and the web of life for all Creator's creation.
When you take a little bit of time and really start looking deeper into the Tuscarora Nation and their connection to cannabis, it's mind-blowing, literally mind- Blowing! "And the more you discover it, the more you can feel the warmth of Jack's smile shining down onto the path bringing cannabis liberation to it's potentially full fruition" explains Graves, "If anyone froup of peoples upon our earth Could and Should be making this scale-tipping stand, it's the Tuscarora Nation, and Just as Jack instructed he wanted, it's this of all groups of peoples... tribal people whom he absolutely Adored for their pure spirit, they are the one who can Achieve this victorious honorable goal once and for all, literally Freeing we and cannabis from unjust abuse and victimization from our common oppressor, our tyrannous government," Graves points out that the intended strike coming at the churches in California as they activate there taxed regulatory system expected to generate the state millions if not Billions of dollars in taxes annually, that it's time the people Creator instructed to guardian the plant targeted for dollars and says "What can they do, oppressor already said that all the tribes have right to and over cannabis without their interference, what can they say when the tribe personally given it by Sky Woman to be theirs specifically and explicitly, especially those who know of and Respect the pipe brought by White Buffalo Calf Woman to our Siouan brothers and sisters!"
According to chief, he was aware of and impressed by Graves relentless efforts in protecting cannabis in what he said "Very Honorable Way" and had his tribes Medicine Person to go "wait where the 7th fire was sparked by Bears Ears terrain and wait, that soon-after with the flaming eagle, bear medicine woman would come. That was in the year that the Emperor of our plant among their people would fall." According to the Medicine Person "We All Want the eagle to fly, even our brothers from the south of the turtle have come affirming eagle is very sick from all the greedy consumption, they say he can't fly... our concern is, that if we get the eagle to fly, in what context do we want the eagle Flaming, that's the question... if anything We want the eagle soaring at lightening speed to Creator to let it be known that we Know and honor that it's now the right time."
As most of our readers know, we ourselves have had to take a step back from Oklevueha and encourage some intense cleansing which the seasons themselves confirm is the appropriate time for All to do so If they've been paying attention to Creator's foretold signs and wonders in the skies, and we do await to see the signs in their efforts to for their own sake do so, but while we wait, Graves says she highly encourages us all to take a look and actuallly consider joining she, our and the Tuscaroroa's efforts in liberating not just cannabis, but our rights to All the earth based indigenous medicines and suggests the nation prepare for our and cannabis liberation. "This is the gift we've received from Jack and Creator, I hope this time our people take heed and actually pay attention to and follow his instruction."
As always we thank you all for your continued interest, contribution and support and we hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season and that you stay tuned. Blessings to you all, go in a good way!