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Ah Hell Nah Yuba County, no you Don't!

I do not think that we have heard of more upsetting news Needing you the peoples attention than what Just came into the newsroom moments ago. We are Outraged at the INSULT that the Yuba County California Sheriff's Department would Display than what we have just learned in their "Territorial Dispatch" which we are gonna provide you with the link to here for your own personal review, but too, we're also gonna be Quoting from them directly as well for those who don't want to click over there for whatever your reason.

So, here is the link:

Now, let's LOOK at what in the Hell is going on!

Some of you (likely MOST of you) aren't Aware, that "On Wednesday December 6, 2017 the Yuba County Sheriff had a special awards ceremony." According to thier report, this "Ceremony" was held for "Three deputies, Sgt. Brandon Spear, Deputy Nathan Byrom and Deputy Andrew Thomas." Now, the odds Are that NONE of our readers are Familiar with these three officers names as we have never HAD them to Include them in an article before now. These three deputies are the three that were involved in the Sugarleaf "Church" shooting in Yuba County California August 1st 2017 in which 2 of these officers were shot, and the third is accredited for having Saved the two from the "dangerous situation" at that "Yuba Trees Church Farm."

If your not Familiar with our past articles about this shooting, we Highly Encourage you to review our archives from that date forward as there are many, and too, ours are more factual than the main stream media's regarding the overall of the incident... ESPECIALLY in regards to Mark Sanchez's role in it. THEN you should understand Clearly why it is We are so damned Upset by this... it's a complete SHAME and MOCKERY on the entire nation of the United States Justice System, and salt in a Deep Unjustifiable wound already inflicted on the family of Mark Sanchez! We Will NOT Stand For This without our voices being heard and all Hell being raised and justice Attained!!!

These three "Deputies" at this ceremony, in Their "Honor"... "were presented with special commendations for exemplary performance in their efforts related to the illegal cultivation of Marijuana." This report goes on to state Specifically: "The incident happened on August 1, 2017. Two deputies Phillip Bronson and Andrew Everhart responded to a Marijuana related disturbance call in Oregon House. Upon arrival the two deputies responding pursued a suspect, matching the description they were given, into a mobile home. As they were clearing the home they were met with gunfire, both were hit twice, and returned gunfire. While unknown at the time it was believed that they hit the suspect. Both deputies were laying wounded in the mobile home. A third officer, Daniel Harris, had been watching the back of the home. He entered the home twice and pulled the two deputies to safety.The two deputies were flown to Sutter Roseville where they underwent extensive surgery."

We will come back to that "Extensive Surgery" poof up later, right now we are gonna stay on point, which is that these three officers are being declared "HEROES" when we know Damned good and well they are FAR FROM IT, at least in regards to their actions August 1st 2017 at the command of Sugarleaf Church! We Know the truth and we have access To the Proof, and it's about time that the people of this land, Especially in California and more-so those in Yuba County take note of and demand just action because for us this is the Last Straw of their corruption! Mark Sanchez was HANDCUFFED, hands Behind his back and ON HIS KNEES when he was murdered by these police "officers" of the so called law around Yuba County California. Last WE checked, that don't make you no hero, if anything it Proves you a COWARD... Especially when you Then note that Mark Sanchez was then shot in and from the BACK While Handcuffed and on his literal Knees - There's you're damned "Heroes" ladies and gentlemen... Take a GOOD long and hard look at them and HOPE you don't ever find yourselves facing Them as your protective servants!

Pictured w/Flag Left to right: Phillip Bronson,14 years with (YCSO), Andrew Everhart, 10 years with (YCSO) and Daniel Harris, 22 years with (YCSO)

You DO KNOW that Mark Sanchez Never Had nor SHOT Any kind of a Firearm... DON'T You! Look back in out most recent article on this before this one and look at the Autopsy Records first hand for yourself and you will SEE that it's clearly noted "No Weapon" and ALSO TOO you will see where it's Clearly Noted "NO RESIDUALS" meaning No Gun Powder Anywhere on Mark Sanchez body Especially and Specifically on his Hands!!! Now, look Again at those "Heroes" and ask yourselves HOW.. Why... and What in the F**K are these CLOWNS doing... and WHY?? What the Hell would be the purpose other than they THINK they've gotten away with it - Not on OUR Watch they won't!

This is not Only insulting to the family of Mark Sanchez, and all those who knew and love and are forever missing him now, but this is a MOCKERY to any sort of "Justice System" on the part of the entire state of California to allow this kind of a SHOW to go on Officially! What in the Hell are they Thinking, and who spiked the water with aluminum and GMO for heaven's sake that they would Honor these men when in all actuality there should be a Federal Investigation into that whole day's incident and start getting to the bottom of it, Especially if they're gonna play their sherades in those Uniforms of there's that represent Truth Justice and Public SAFETY! The more they get away, not only with cover-up's like this, but the added BOASTING as they do... the more of a lost hope we have for the safety and well being of All of our descendants... it's time people Really understand and fathom that... because time IS of the essence!

"Three deputies, Phillip Bronson, Andrew Everhart, and Daniel Harris were presented with the Gold Medal of Valor." Are the justice officials of the state of California completely Out of their Minds! Sachem Graves says it must unfortunately be so and adds "For these deputies to receive THIS honor for This Incident... it Desecrates the honor and integrity of every past award recipient who ever Honorably Earned it!"

If the description given in this article source is accurate, we would quickly disagree with them and concur with sachem Graves too, this is how They describe the award as symbolizing: "The Gold Medal of Valor is the highest decoration for bravery exhibited by public safety officers in the United States, comparable to the military's Medal of Honor. Previously there were only two recipients of the Gold Medal of Valor in Yuba County, Yuba County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian E. Meilbeck was awarded posthumously and Sergeant Kenny Smith. Smith still works with search and rescue."

Review the documents for yourself, and research the history, not only of this case but of other "incidents" in their county. Call the Coroner's office and he will answer announcing himself as "Sheriff" - why - because they are one in the same. If Mark Sanchez was Your family member, your Son, brother, father, cousin, etc. wouldn't That alone make you wonder at the conflict of interest?! Why was the sheriff the coroner? Were the state not in position to have another coroner do the autopsy, two police WERE shot after all and even the FEDS came racing to the scene and situation - could no one ELSE have done it? Maybe it's good though, because without the sheriff/coroner noting Mark Sanchez was HANDCUFFED, face down we Might not have ever Known something was fishy, least as far as Justifying suspicion!

What do you do when your "entrusted officials" prove un-trustable? The cops involved are highly suspicious to say the Least, the sheriff over them would be questionable to oversee Anything involving his officers, one would Think! With ALL the official agencies on scene. why is the investigation being done by the sheriff and department in question? Why is it that the sheriff over the officers the one entrusted to do the Autopsy? Why does the autopsy Conflict with the police "Official" statements? Why do the police statements to media conflict with the statements they are saying to the family of their victim? With NO Internal Affairs in Yuba County, who is to be trusted to Get the answers needed? Now, with this, we wonder if Any agency within the state of California's government should be turned to or trusted.

Experts from DC Have Looked at the reports and also call foul insisting all the points we've thus far made ARE in fact justifiable to Prove conclusion that something isn't Right in the death of Mark Sanchez. Thanks to Yuba County we may never know the real truth as to what went on that morning because these three wolves in sheep's clothing and peace uniforms Obviously aren't gonna fess up and do the honorable thing, there gonna roll with the lies and the cover-up and get patted on the backs with undeserved awards and praise and raises in benefits and paychecks. If allowed to continue they and those like them WILL continue the pattern, right through the innocent lives of many, including our own relations who happen to unfortunately cross there paths.

We as KM call on EVERY LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEING to Prepare to rise up and be counted in that we will NOT Tolerate this Tyrannous Behavior and Disgusting Conduct from our Paid Officials Anymore! Now is the time, this is the place... if you're sincere in your right of Justice, Safety and Freedom - Join with us now!

Now the question comes... Who shot these "Hero" police? It Wasn't Mark Sanchez! Where is the gun that was Used to shoot the two police, or ANY notations of a gun found that was believed to have been used to shoot them with? Did the two police deputies shoot each other? Did the tall cop shoot them? Which cop shot Mark Sanchez how many times and where? Was there ANOTHER shooter?These are questions that Likely will Never be made Publicly known - but to say a shoulder wound and a leg wound are Hardly a Serious enough wound and describing it as needing "Extensive Surgery" is a bit extreme as far as embellishing it - though it probably Did Add revenue to their Topless Car Wash fundraising event though! Maybe the pelvis wound is somewhat serious, but again. look at the picture and see if You can tell which one is suffering from it... We can't!

These "Heroes" are the only living eye witnesses left who KNOW the truth of what went on that day, and obviously they have no truth to share. Other eye witnesses who object to the lies told officially are silenced, the most trustable one literally disappearing and then reappearing weeks later with new lies to add to the pile. No COMPLETE official accounting has Yet to be made or presented to anyone. They say now that the District Attorney's Office are the one's "Holding it up."

Meanwhile the most Extensively SHOT Victim here is Mark Sanchez, and the proof is in that he is Dead. So many lies POUR from these so declared "Officials" - who cannot even measure a corpse right and who can't even get their own stories right among each-other, not to mention a sheriff'coroner who exposes their dirty deeds rather than having Sense enough to try and cover them up in official reports for heaven's sake... lie after lie. We've about had our FILL of their lies! JUSTICE WILL BE ATTAINED for the family of Mark Sanchez!!!

Since the photograph of his Dog at his Graveside wasn't quite Enough to have Motivated the California Community as we had hoped, perhaps THIS photograph will... perhaps one of you can Justifiably EXPLAIN to these two Beautiful little girls Why it is they're holding their Daddy in the only way they have left to, or why it is his reputation is Wrongfully tarnished with Shame undeserving of him. He did NOT and we Repeat He did NOT Shoot any gun Nor did he Shoot ANY police officers.

The Man... Mr. Mark Sanchez, was Cooperating from the looks of it... on his knees when he was Shot multiple times including in the head from Behind While on his Knees (if not maybe face down at that point - they Did take the Carpet from the house which has yet to be noted).

These girls are the Biggest VICTIMS of the Sugarleaf shooting August 1st 2017 at their "Yuba Trees Ganja Farm" and we think it's a gross Injustice that ALL of society continue to overlook that... because They CAN'T overlook it - this is their reality now... This is what's left of their Father!

We BELIEVE that our fellow human beings are Humanitarian and Compassionate Enough to see that these girls futures are forever changed for the worse because of all this - because their father was used and lied to and then set up when he realized and confronted the fact he was being played and ripped off and Now... the shooters are praised and awarded and declared Heroes - this don't just stink, this Wreaks, and we want it known that it is NOT going to be swept under the carpet until Justice and Repreations are given these children and their families and loved ones, and we continue to VOW our support to them until their justice is attained from ALL accountable - from the Cause to the killers!

As always, we Thank you ever so much for your continued interest, contribution and most importantly your Support, because all of our effort is for the best interest of WE the web of Creator's Creation! Blessings to all, go in a good medicine way! 2018 IS Our Year!


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