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Abused baby in New Mexico foster system

It is with great upset that we find ourselves having to tell you of such horrifying news as the overlooked abuse of a child at the hands of a state protective service agency, but this little boy and his family needs us too and wants everyone to know what's going on in the New Mexico child service division because it ain't pretty nor tolerable to any who love and respect the beautiful innocence of a child.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to familiarize you with a precious 4 year old little boy named Jason Erick Salazar, and when we say little please understand that Is one of our reasons for alarm and concern for his well-being... one of many.

Jason was raised by his father's mother since he was 3 weeks , in fact, she had and still has power of attorney over him, which is one of the reasons it was not understood why grandma was disregarded from the baby's picture.

2 years ago, baby Jason was out with his father, who ultimately was arrested and taken to jail for a misdemeanor warrant he was unaware he even had. Baby Jason was taken to state child services and when grandma found out, she was told to Not go pick up the baby by officials. when grandma was then told she had no rights to see the baby under law, grandma spoke up declaring that under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) she absolutely did and she then demanded to see her baby grandson.

Baby Jason, who was 24 months old when state officials took him away from his family, was wearing 24 month old children's clothes as well he should have, but now two years later, he comfortably wears clothes for an 18 month old, which family feel is more than enough proof that there's grounds for the families concern... but they don't stop there, there's many more things triggering red lights and sirens in the minds of those aware and who care about the well-being of children. When toys and snacks were given with baby Jason to take home, all were promptly thrown away by the foster parents before they'd even get him back to the foster home from the visit.

According to the family, in addition to the two years of malnutrition baby Jason has Obviously Continued to endured the family literally have journals noting issues ranging from mild concerns to out-right fear.

One of the more scary of times the family share, is that when they learned by no help of officials that baby Jason was in a local hospital being treated for bronchitis and that when they walked into the room, he was about to be administered medications that the poor baby was deathly allergic too. What could have happened had the family only been a few short minutes later still brings tears to Jason's grandmother and auntie's eyes, one could only hopefully Try to Imagine all the thoughts and fears to manifest off a situation like that, and still being told that your own flesh and blood is better off in the care of such ignorant strangers.

One of the more disturbing recollections shared was short after the hospital incident, after baby Jason had been released home to his two "New mothers" which are in all actuality two gay men entrusted to be foster parents, was when baby Jason arrived for a visitation with his family at a local McDonald's while he was still considered highly contagious, and he wasn't wearing anything but short thin summer shorts, but nothing including underwear or a diaper when he and his "Case Worker" strolled in as if there was absolutely nothing wrong to any being done. When grandma confronted the men, the response was casual in that Jason had "an accident" while he was at the "daycare" and that's why he was without any Warm clothes on as sick as he was being brought into a public restaurant without any regard for any including most of all baby Jason's condition.

If he was Too "contagious" to have his visit at the Children's Services department as he had always had before, then how much more-so should he NOT have been having a visit at a public place like McDonald's for heaven's sake - especially when it was Pouring down rain! Why did he not have pants or sweats on, or even a sweater or a coat or anything? Shouldn't a Case Worker whose specialty is the care, safety and well-being for the child KNOW BETTER than to trot a young child who doesn't know any better for himself, I mean, they take children away from there homes and parents for Less declared "Abuse" than that, but suddenly it's ok and the family seeing it are over-exaggerating because they get upset?!

According to grandma she and the family were only allowed to see the baby briefly one time per month, but she notes that baby Jason wouldn't always be brought to visits nor would she be told he wasn't going to show up, she would literally we left hanging with worry and concern as any good parent would. When he would be brought, more often than not when he was dressed, it was in questionable clothes Jason's aunt describes as being "Tight, girly and raggedy", but more alarming to them was when they started noticing cuts, bruises and even Burns on baby Jason that despite their questions would never justifiably be accounted for by the foster parents. When the family expressed their concerns to the state officials, they were told that they were just being over-emotional and that there was nothing wrong in the foster home of baby Jason.

Alarm further began to escalate when baby Jason started displaying questionable behaviors, such as sticking his butt out while announcing "I'm a freak" and licking people and things in a questionably appropriate manner for a young child his age. Though the family insist that overall they do not judge anyone based on their own personal moral decisions, they admit it is becoming harder and harder to not find themselves feeling rather judgmental of the two foster "Mom's" as they prefer to be called because of their personal choices to be homosexual, especially after the past doctor appointment baby Jason revealed to his doctor that his older foster brother "was being touched in his privates" by the foster brothers "because he's protecting me from them." The state's response to this was simply that they would "Have camera's installed in the home" and it would be safe and baby Jason was again returned into the care of these highly questionable people. Baby Jason told family "They said they can buy me new brothers if those ones keep hurting me." After this was addressed, baby Jason later told family "I'm not allowed to tell you what happens at poppa John's anymore" the place where the incident with foster brothers had allegedly touched him. Why would a 4 year old say it if there's not something to it.

When baby Jason's biological father heard This, and already carrying all the Guilt for what abuse aside from this had already been suffered and endured by his son all because he had a misdemeanor warrant... he reacted as Most A-Typical MEN and good father's would... he snapped, and wound up finding himself back in jail where he's apparently being illegally held without any option of bail. As a result, the state has stopped the visits with baby Jason and his grandma and aunt and have stated that the state are now in the process of initiating TERMINATION of all parental rights from baby Jason's father's side of the family. It has been more than three weeks now since any of baby Jason's family have sat eyes on him, and all are fearing the worst as well as quickly losing hope in finding any justice at the end of baby Jason's rainbow, at least to do with his own best interest.

For two years while all this and more has been going on, being reported and then written off as nothing of interest or concern, baby Jason't grandmother has been desperately doing all she can think of to safely get her only grand-cub home, including insisting time and again that because their bloodlines are tribal, none of this should be going on and that her grand-baby should be back at her side as her "Hip" as he had been since he was a mere few weeks old. "The baby was always right at his grandmothers side and had to be involved in everything she was doing, including housework and washing dishes" said his aunt fighting back tears, "for Christmas they barely even let her watch him open his two presents before she was told it was time to go, it's not right to either of them, or to our family." Baby Jason's grandmothers grandmother was Clan Mother for the Tao Pueblo tribal nation. Problem is, her claim has been completely disregarded without a second thought by the Bureau of Indian Affairs who insist her ancestor is not known or never heard of by the government officials.

Baby Jason's biological mother has been for the most part out of the picture by her own choice as well as doing for practically all of his life thus far, in fact, we're told that she has attempted to actually see him only 4 times in over four years of his life and maybe 2 times since he was put into this situation. When baby Jason was just 2 Days Old, his mother was arrested and kept in jail for reasons we are not going to get into as they really don't pertain. We understand she also has older children by another father but that she has nothing to do with or sees them either, is perhaps it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that this situation has been left to go on for so long without a direct maternal voice, only a grandmother's whose voice is disregarded and overlooked.

It bothers the father's family who have only been allowed a single short visit per month that they have never missed by their decision... until now whole the whole time the baby's mother has been told time and again she could have weekly visits if she so chose, which she hasn't. "The baby's grandmother was the mother to him growing up so she should at least be the one given that option of weekly visits if nothing else, and truthful as far as justice as well as the best interest of the child... grandma should be the one to have him... what New Mexico has chosen to do by separating them and exposing her only grandson to since, is reprehensible as well as criminal and it needs to be promptly rectified Now and those foster parents immediately removed if not completely expelled from the foster care program all together as clearly they do not understand what raising a Child is all about."

Baby Jason's father remains in jail with no option of bail given him. He is charged with "Felon in Possession of a Firearm" BUT this is not Legally a charge that would justify him being Denied the option of bail. His attorney has stated that if he was released he would have "Half a Chance" at retaining some sort of parental right, but if he does Not get out, he will lose all rights come his hearing scheduled for early February, and family say the letter from the court also states the same result could come as well.

As of now, the grandmother of baby Jason continues to insist that the court has broken the law and endangered her grandson unnecessarily and wants him promptly returned home to she and his family where he rightfully belongs. In addition to asserting her power of attorney, she continues to insist that the Indian Child Welfare Act does apply and Should be honored by New Mexico court officials, and the sooner the better when it comes to the sake of baby Jason Salazar. "If they were going to let my son come live with me with the baby in April, why won't they let just the baby be here now, it doesn't make any sense other than they want my grandson but he's not their's, he's ours and we want him home now."

Also too, it's important to note that despite what the state of New Mexico Children's Services would have you all and especially grandma believe... Grandparents DO in fact Have "Grandparent's Right's" so we feel that for either of these two factors Need to be factored in and at God Speed as come February 9th 2018 the state is going to try to terminate baby Jason't father's parental rights while continuing to disregard his grandmothers love, concern and willingness to raise her only grandson as she had for the first half of his life without issue.

Please stay tuned as we continue to keep a close eye on this situation as we may need to put out an official Call to Action on this situation very soon. As always we Thank you for your continued interest, contributions and support and we wish an abundance of blessings to you all, especially baby Jason and his loving and yet terrified family.


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