Eddy Lepp's back-peddling too hard to resist
As you've likely noticed, we've been a bit busy around Kautantowit's Mecautea lately, and we know there's many inquiries as to why and what we're up to, and too, why the newsroom has slowed down on our reports. Please bare with us as soon enough in it's proper timing all Will be revealed, however, some things need a quick time-out from responsibility to be addressed and made known, and this morning proves to be one of those times, so here we are.
Word came in that there's an organization outta Southern California who are doing their jobs as front-line cannabis warriors in continuing to weed out the trash from our beloved cannabis family and we want them to know we are proud of their courageous efforts. We cannot have a healthy garden until we first rid it and us from the mites. And so we share with you their noble efforts:
What is seen is the San Diego Herb calling out Eddy Lepp to face his deeds, something MOST of us don't hold our breath's on, I mean, he Still claims his bust in Lake County makes him a Hero when he was the same villain to a lesser degree of destruction to the cannabis community than this go round we had with him in 2017. Many wonder why it is he and his bride walk free, and even those who don't agree that it seems as though perhaps they have some special favor arrangement with the LEO's that somehow put them above the law of accountability and proper justice for the people especially those suffering because of their hands wrongfully around the cookie bowl.
Here is the text from the San Diego Herb feed so you can see exactly what we're gonna be talking a little bit about:
"Murder is murder Creator Of All Universes So what happened with the lawsuits Heidi filed against the government? What is the status of her arrest and prosecution? Eddy Lepp you owe us some answers. Heidi was LOUD & Proud TIL your church farm was turned Into a murder scene with two cops being Shot. Unless and until YOU come clean, your & her actions continue to heap shame on all woke beings, not just herb lovers. She is hiding out, but not forgotten, this violent gun toting bullshit is bogus Eddy Lepp you let a lot of people down. Are we clear? Herbfolks.org we On it "
In response to the post, the so called "Reverend " Eddy Lepp had This to say: "Sadly you are misinformed as to where Heidis court issues are they are all a matter of public record she is still loud and proud and the church Was Not a murder site get your facts and the truth straight instill you do please quit spreading lies and null shit feel free to call me anytime you wish to blessings Ps exactly why do you feel I OWE you anything your posting things that aren’t true do your research get the facts before you spread shit that is false"
We cannot help but to absolutely AGREE with the San Diego Herb in their response back to the lying Leppy: "Facts are facts Eddy. Name one thing here that is false. You can’t cause you and Heidi are frauds. Guns were used at your fucking church which killed and wounded people own it or be quiet you are an embarrassment."
Now, some might interpret this article here to be "Drama" or being some sort of a "Trouble Maker", but we see it as being vigilante justice reassuring that all that is owed to these Lepps duly comes. Who ARE these two that they can so blatantly and half-assed LIE right to the masses faces, especially about such things when Sooo many people are left suffering because of them while they not only walk free but openly flaunt the fact that somehow they've become above the justice depended upon to be in the state of California's criminal justice system of government.
We also especially LOVE it that the San Diego Herb went ahead and pointed out the fact that it's Believed that the church recently raided for being an illegal dispensary under the guise of being a "Church"
in Laguna Beach according to the police departments facebook page as well as multiple media sources ranging from CBS News to the Los Angeles Times Was the Lepp's number 1 cannabis sidekick Kelley, aka "Kevai" Floyd whom many of you might know better as "Reverend Spray Tan" the woman who performed the Lepp's tacky and tasteless wedding ceremony last June. We wonder if it is in fact her "Church" how smug and confident she is now, or if the Lepp's will make exception to their pattern of self-centeredness and help her try to avoid conviction and prosecution.
But back to the focal of Our article in regards to this issue... and that is that We Love the way he lies so thoughtlessly, it makes it Easy to see the truth. As ANYONE can quickly see from a 2 second search on google by simply typing in "Lepp's Church Shooting California" it was he and his wife to quickly jump into the media limelight taking credit for the days event, declaring the property among their great many "church ganja farms" boasted of being spread out across our golden state... more than 200 if WE remember correctly. So how is it right out the gate, Eddy Lepp is going to say their call out on his ass is based on "Misinformation" and then to go on and DENY that the shooting happened at Their "Churches" farms? Was that not him and his wife sitting on their thrones being interviewed by KCRA news Sacramento SAYING it WAS their churches garden?!
What was Lepp THINKING when he said "The church was Not a murder site" - uh, Excuse us, but just because the murder spilled over onto the Neighbors land DOES NOT MEAN that the MURDER of Mark Sanchez wasn't on the hands of You and your "church" and THAT in particular of your illegal "ganja garden", no no no Mr. Lepp, there will be no slithering away from the seat of accountability in this one, in fact you'd better start Betting on some justice on your ass soon coming as far as Legal Accountability is concerned, especially since your Wife there caused the murder of an Unarmed Man when all she Had to do was simply pay him what he was owed so he could leave and return home to his Family. You Mr. Lepp and that woman you call your wife ARE LIABLE for Wrongful death and MANY feel it's High Time you own up to it and actually start showing some integrity and work on changing your heartless and disconnected humanitarianism "Reverend" because for the family of Mark Sanchez, it's long over-due... and You KNOW it if your any kind of spiritual leader at All, or do you not know How to put yourself in Their shoes- it's kinda part of the JOB to be able to do that ya know, just sayin'.
And as far as Queen Heidi over there, she has not been publicly "Loud and Proud" since her visit to the jail where she was seen in her fancy orange jumpsuit sobbing Hysterically to local media... member, you Remember, Right Mr. Lepp, and we
Thank You for
Finally Quieting her DOWN
as obviously she's been since you bailed Her out with those other members money who ya didn't... it's been nice having peace enough to allow the sheeple to hopefully start clearing the fog from their minds and see somethings Really FISHY about you and your wife, and how it is that you both continue to walk free... especially you personally Mr. Lepp, or how it is you got out early without that option in the first place.
As rumors float around at your being a confidential informant as being the reason for the more than 2 dozen arrested you put a cardboard bulls-eye on while swearing it was telethon to Them who've held it all the way to their jail cells because of you with felony charges over their heads now thanks to your all mighty stand as a "Church" it almost kinda makes it all make some sort of sense because anyone Other than a LEO would have long been cuffed and stuffed by now, especially someone on Federal Parole for being in the EXACT same position you were back in the day in Lake County, just the only difference is that you had Chose to hold that cardboard bulls-eye Knowingly whereas the ones you've duped to hold it now truly didn't seem to KNOW it was made of cardboard, same as your entire reputation and standing within the Global Cannabis Community as far as the masses are and should damn-well Agree to be the decision.
If this were Standing Rock, you would be stripped of your "Crown" and other undeserved honors and you would be walked out of the cannabis community Thankful if you didn't get the Major ass beating you so obviously deserve and have coming by so many of your victims from this and your Lake County victims, and this should BE your last breaths of freedom if there were any form of true and proper justice for them. Time will tell and we shall see, but hopefully it becomes clear... Reverend Charles Eddy Lepp is NOT a hero to cannabis or our community, nor is his "Wife" and neither one of them seem to show any sort of integrity or honor at all... they are con artists, lairs and thieves and any who can't see that are a damned fool, in Our opinion anyway.
(Fancy diggs for 2 people with no job... oh yeah, they sell CHURCH BLESSINGS & FAKE LEGAL PROTECTION!)
Thanks for all your support. We hope you stay tuned cause we all KNOW there will come More of this circus show.