KM Fed Up with the lies & threats of ONAC
So, we have been getting lit up with great concern and upset regarding a post that was made less than 24 hours ago from Oklevueha Native American Church. Although we no longer stand with ONAC as many of you know, because we did for so long and with such protective force, we feel a bit obligated to address they and their position so to help people understand what's Really going on. Let's begin with the post they made which seems to be confusing to their members and supporters:
Since its inception, Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC), has come under the scrutiny of the federal and local government officials / authorities, other Native American Churches (NAC), Native tribal councils as well as its members. This scrutiny has come, and will likely continue to come, as a result of a blatant and/or inadvertent misunderstanding of ONAC’s intent, differences in opinion and/or the ill-intentions of individuals who seek to intentionally cause a sentiment of malaise.
WOW, it almost brings a tear of pitty to your eye for them Don't it? Many may wonder WHY it is that so many have been hating on ONAC for so long, especially when they claim to have done so much Good for the planet and people, but when you poke around a little on the internet, it quickly becomes apparent that they are Well Deserving of all the scrutiny they have and continue to be under by the masses, and too, that they bring it upon THEMSELVES ladies and gentlemen, by choosing to run their church in a bad medicine way - Lying, Cheating, Stealing, scamming and Desecrating the cultural history in which their church claims to honorably represent.
Unfortunately, the latter seems to have become more prevalent stemming from recent, inaccurate, dishonest, malicious and quite frankly hurtful publications from individuals ONAC once called family.
Unfortunately, the latter seems to have become more prevalent stemming from recent, inaccurate, dishonest, malicious and quite frankly hurtful publications from individuals ONAC once called family.

Though many instinctively who read this Presumed that ONAC was referring to us as Kautantowit's Mecautea - they could not possibly be... who they're describing here is James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney if anyone - hence why we and others have and are in process of putting he personally on official DISTRUST! Here is a link to Our Notice against him for your convenience:
It has been, and will continue to be the position of the church, to refrain from perpetuating and exasperating the personally make have absolute Merit when WE speak of Oklevueha, and we DO maintain proof of that! that malicious publications create by reaching out directly and attempting to resolve the root of any issue with whomever is necessary. Unfortunately for ONAC, the magnitude of recent malicious and slanderous publications and false accusations has reached a point that even ONAC cannot take a silent defense.
Do we REALLY NEED to point out to you that it's been Mr. Mooney who has Publicly been Maliciously Attacking people publicly, or do you need to take a few minutes of youtr time looking on facebook for yourself? If you do, don't bother to check his personal page as it's been Wiped completely CLEAN for a year's time now so to cover up all his postings of church ceremonies going on that people are being charged anywhere from $200-$1,000 bucks a person to attend. No ladies and gentlemen, you will have to actually look on the pages and posts of Others including ours to see whose running their mouth's about who, but rest assured, you'll also run across proof that any and all allegations WE have personally presented are in fact absolute Truth, not to mention almost as detrimental to ONAC as is the physical proof we have backing our statements!
As a reminder to all…
• OUR MISSION is to enlighten, encourage and empower the spirituality and somatic benefits of the sacred, earth-based-healing traditions and ceremonies of the indigenous American natives for the benefit of all indigenous to our Mother Earth.
• OUR VISION is for all to understand and benefit from the amazing and natural power of Mother Earth and Father Sky, ensuring sustainability for future generations by educating, celebrating and responsibly practicing ancient healing traditions of the human race.
• Our primary sacrament and medicine is, and always has been Peyotè. Legally speaking, this is the only medicine they have authorization to administer to their members... Period.
• ONAC does NOT believe in mixing medicines in ceremony but does have a deep and genuine respect for the medicinal bounty that Mother Earth provides for her children and embraces all earth-based medicines in our doctrine, regardless of other NAC religious practices Despite what is seeming to be popular opinion, ONAC is a meagerly resourced church, currently receiving little to no monetary contributions from any branch. This is Absolutely Not the Truth at ALL ladies and gentlemen and it's Very Important that You - Especially those of you who still sincerely Believe that it and you are SAFE because of the promises that YOU have bought and paid for from them. Inside sources have revealed that James Mooney has openly Admitted to the "Mother Church" putting out $10,000.00 per MONTH in what is called the "Salary for the Core" that they say help keep Oklevueha "Operational."
Now let's look at That for just a moment shall we - what keeps ONAC "Operational"? Well, processing the membership applications and too, processing the church charters Bought would be the primary "operational" function that would keep Oklevueha functioning. From what we're told from within, is that that $10,000.00 a month actually is divided between a total of 4 people... Shaun MacClausland, Linda Mooney's daughter "Little Otter", and then James and Linda Mooney themselves (what a Surprise, right).
It's Also interesting to note that they state they are getting "little to no monetary contributions from ANY BRANCH" - this ladies and gentlemen is yet but Another LIE on their part as there are MANY Independent Church leaders as well as members who have Confirmed to be giving Oklevueha both money and sacrament as "Tithing" - some claim to give Weekly while others claim to be giving Monthly. In another article to come proceeding this one, we will be Sharing with you some very important PROOF of this being an out-right intentional Lie because they continue to carry on about striving to be honorable and regain their integrity, and it's truthfully Not proving to be the case when things like this are said by them knowing it's not the truth. It's important that you KNOW BETTER before you get or continue to get taken by this scheme. We also have proof that will not be shared due to the obvious future litigation's that will be commencing between Oklevueha and Many of the victims they've swindled as it will be damning for them come court as far as their fraud, breech of contract, money laundering and racketeering and Other charges soon to come against them.
In spite of ONACs limited finances, ONAC has on numerous occasions provided considerably large amounts (given the financial standing of the church) monetary support for the protection of the constitutional rights of our members.
ONAC has been a simply operated organization with what has recently been recognized as an overly abundant (and somewhat detrimental) amount of freedom, and admittedly a lack of appropriate guidance, for the branches to operate as they saw fit. ONAC’s recent acknowledgement and recognition of the need for a reassertion of ONAC’s intent as a result of the bad intentions, greed and ill-will of some individuals has kindled the enormous effort of strengthening and fortifying the ONAC family and repairing and rebuilding the integrity and honor of ONAC. We are committed to doing this by better understanding the magnitude and embracing the responsibility of the Mother Church to establish and provide guidance and spiritual and operational support to its branches and members. This translates into ONAC Mother Church’s commitment to:
• Provide guidance and support in the protection of the integrity, intent and sovereign rights of the Mother Church, its branches and its cultivation centers
(Photo from Google Image Search Result: James Mooney Scam)

Does this mean they will STOP SELLING Churches, Blessings, Sacraments and Ceremonies? Does this mean they will "Provide the Support and PROTECT the Integrity and Honor of ONAC as they are claiming and Actually Secure the Attorney needed to honorably Protect their members and see the "PDX Injunction"through to it's victory as they promise and SWEAR they will as their taking your hard earned money?
Well, let us clue you all in - according to ONAC as seen in James Mooney's own public post, ONAC is back-dooring OUT of the Injunction. What this means is that James nor Oklevueha Will be continuing forward, they Claim because of lack of Any Money. Allow us to Elaborate a little - we Kautantowit's Mecautea have done Everything to get this case prepared, filed, and NOW TOO We have, thanks to the Tuscarora Indian Nation Have also in fact Secured an Attorney for the case.
Make NO MISTAKE, Oklevueha HAS BEEN TOLD of this miracle and even offered a payment plan agreement for installments, but they said point blank "The Elder Council (aka James Mooney) has Decided that Oklevueha will not have any money to put toward the defense of the Oregon case." It's important that you guys KNOW cause if you look on Most of James posts publicly, he's singing it's praise, claiming ONAC members have protections that have not even been activated, and calling for everyone's prayers and support for us and the case! He's even gone so far to coerce others to be giving Him money for the attorney. We Know many have, just apparently the case or attorney will Not be seeing any of it given to him, meaning We will have to figure out a way to fit the bill, keep our land out of foreclosure at the same time, and figure out how to get all our basic bills covered. Gawd we would sure LOVE to be ONAC's kind of "Broke", wouldn't you!
Here's the thing though... the attorney asked for his TRAVEL EXPENSES to be financially covered - he does NOT want any Salary for representing the case, nor any of any settlement that may come... he Just wants his travel expenses covered so he can physically appear and represent it in court... but guess what folks... Oklevueha Continues to LIE saying they have no money, not a single red cent to contribute toward helping us secure the protections that they have been promising in their Sales of both Memberships as well as Church Blessings for YEARS - promises that are completely HOLLOW... they Cannot give something they themselves do Not Have!
• Establish, monitor and ensure compliance of ONAC operations policies and procedures (including training, communications and continuous improvement) Isn't it NICE of the "Mother Church" to Finally start working toward "Training" it's spiritual leaders about how to actually BE Native american Spiritual Leaders? They've only been declaring people spiritual leaders since what, 1997! Another beneficial step they now claim to be making is that they are actually going to encourage "Communication" between the independent "Branches" - up until NOW many can attest be they church Leaders of even their Members have all but been Begging for that opportunity for DECADES and always they would reply "That's confidential as not all church leaders want to be known or have their locations known."
• Seek to foster and nurture every opportunity to unite Native American churches and people in the stand for the freedom to practice, share and empower all that subscribe and believe in the healing powers of earth-based-medicine and Native American traditions
• Establish, encourage and empower the ONAC community of branch and cultivation center leadership teams These are blessed as church grow operations, just so everyone knows and understands because what these people grow, they have to contribute "Tithings" to ONAC for, financially for the blessing, in product AND Too a percentage of whatever money They get for selling the difference of the product. You will see proof of this soon, stay tuned for the upcoming atrtcicle that will cover it.
• Develop curriculum and establish programs for the training and official recognition of medicine men / women
• Maintain accurate member records THIS would be NICE to actually SEE happen, wouldn't it!
• Manage ONAC website and social media content Ah yes, the new "Rule" is that No ONE, not a member OR an "Independent Branch" of their church are allowed to publicly Speak about Oklevueha WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION anymore, or else they are threatened with distrust and disassociation - how convenient is That? They do not Want people in their organization speaking about their organization because apparently it confuses people between the Truth and Oklevueha's Version of the truth... god Forbid any who have information be allowed to Speak publicly about it right?
You see ladies and gentlemen, ONAC has been going in on ALL their web pages and adding all sorts of new Rules and regulations as well as threatening consequences for any who do not comply with them, though technically all who have charters and memberships BEFORE these implementations are legally Grandfather Claused from all of it - this is why they are doing so without ANY TRACE of notation as to when what text is implemented into their policies. This is Another act of FRAUD on Oklevueha's part that they Think will prevent them any consequences as they continue to defraud and breech contracts intentionally with they and their members.
Be AWARE of this deviousness because it's long gone on, and we know, we've seen MANY of their actions against people literally Back-Dated in effort of covering their own asses when member get caught up in the lies of legal protections they bought from Mooney that have no merit or standing... kinda like the "Tithing Requirements" and too, the whole "Distrust/Disassociation Mirage they convince people with Charters that they have and can do. Let it be known that IF you have purchased a blessing of a church and your charter notes their being a CEO issued that ONAC CANNOT Dissolve nor denounce your charter! READ IT CLEARLY - there is No "Except" ANYWHERE in the charter you bought else you Likely wouldn't have agreed to Buy it without question and clarification!
• Develop, manage and maintain the centralized operations systems (i.e. ONAC member app, database, etc.)
In closing, given the current political state of the world, ONAC is a firm believer in embracing the responsibility and uniting with all that share the same goal of being effective stewards in the protection of Mother Earth, honoring her, our hearths and our homes. If we want to heal the world, we must heal nations. To heal nations, we must heal communities. To heal communities we must heal individuals and families. That is the work we are engaged in. Anyone who puts personal power or profit ahead of that intention is not well-suited to be part of our work.
This is really rather pathetic of a pity attempt in our personal opinion, especially having been as close with their "Mother Church" for as long and until as recent as we were. If you remember our article from January 22nd 2018 where we announced that James Mooney had asked us if he could represent the current federal injunction pending in the Oregon federal court which as of now still reflects both he and Oklevueha as plaintiff's in the case along with KM. What you likely Didn't know was that he and other ONAC officials had been notified it was the court's instruction to be done weeks Before he asked if he could rep ONAC's aspect in the case that All Plaintiff's HAD TO sign on as council until an attorney was in place to rep it.
What we have learned by speaking personally with the court as of yesterday that the truth is James has NOT actually signed onto the case as we were assured he had done several weeks ago per the courts instruction IF Oklevueha was going to be remaining on the case. Fact is, we were told he had done so BEFORE he publicly announced he was going to "Sign off" from the case. That announcement came after two things were brought to his personal attention, first being that the temporary restraining order was NOT currently in effect, and second, that KM has in fact joined forces with multiple other Native American Churches which have a legitimate standing when it comes to the defense of our beloved cannabis sacrament.
Word we received within moments of his rant and decision to remove he and ONAC from the case from verbal heads of Oklevueha that we were not to Worry about his threats to both sign off on the case as well as to be preparing a "Letter if Distrust" on us for absolutely No Justifiable reason once-so-ever and we were told point blank "James does not have the Authority" to do so. We were told that his wife "Has taken full control of ONAC" and that the "Elder Council" was not appreciating him "Putting our heads onto the chopping block Anymore." When asked WHY James came out like he had in that threatening post, the source quickly responded by saying that "He doesn't want the competition" which ultimately it was explained that he felt our association and support for and from the Other NAC's were about to cause for ONAC especially in regards to cannabis sacrament, which is absolutely ridiculous in Our opinion as both ONAC as well as KM are Supposed to be standing publicly As CHURCHES. It was quickly replied to the source that there should Be NO room for competition nor Ego, to which they agreed and too, they stopped Short of APOLOGIZING but did continued to reassure us that "James is not in his right mind" and again, that he does not have the authority to wheel such threats toward any... that he is officially "in the background only as being among the churches "Elder Council."
Please stay tuned for an update on this situation as KM is holding an Emergency Council Meeting this afternoon specifically to address this infuriating situation. Until then, blessings to all and may we All go in good medicine way~
As Always, we Thank you ever-so-much for your continued interest, contribution and support. If YOU or ANYONE you know has been victimized by James Mooney Or his Oklevueha Native american Church you are Highly Encouraged to reach out to us by contacting: as our Attorney is Eager to hear from you!