A Year of Sugarleaf too Much for America

Well ladies and gentlemen, it has been a year to date since James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney and his beloved wife Linda 'Brite Hawk' Mooney made the fatal mistake that would inflict us all... the day they officially blessed and officiated ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church into the short lived existence it would have. We felt it fitting that we take this day to reflect back into the church that revealed Oklevueha as a highly questionable religious organization.
Against our better judgement, and in blatant disregard of our heeds of warning, James and his wife made a trip to central California on the tail end of the month of love, and on this day one year ago, Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) extended a blessing to Ms. Heidi Grossman on the 26th day of February 2017 in Sacramento, California. Though as you can see in the photo, there were other ONAC churches given the Mooney's blessing as an Oklevueha church, it would be this one that would stand out above all others.
Though you can see Charles "Eddy" Lepp in the background, ONAC leaders insist he was never anything more than a background player in this. Here nor there, those familiar with the shadow know well he is among the most devastating plagues to ever encompass the cannabis community. and this is but his second round causing havoc, especially within the golden state of California!
According to Sugarleaf, this is what a $50 thousand dollar ceremonial blessing looks like, though rumors continue floating that Sugarleaf paid much more... like to the tune of $1 Million dollars of other peoples money!
(James & Linda Mooney, Charles "Eddy" Lepp in background)
And so it was born... first of it's kind... "ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church",meaning "Oklevueha Native American Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church."

If only any knew the bad medicine it would bring. n Within a few months, ONA Sugarleaf had sold sub-blessings of their bought blessing from ONAC by the dozens, which quickly spanned into hundreds of so called churches within under six months time.
Those who were interested in simply growing unlimited amounts of cannabis without any rules or regulations to aheed to, including state or federal law enforcement they promised, all they had to do was to pay hundreds of dollars for a "Consultation" by a fancy big banner for an additional half a thousand bucks, and then pay the fee of just $10,000.00... oh yeah, and sign a contract promising to give another percentage of your plants to them too, don't wanna forget That little tid-bit.
If it was the selling of the "Spiritual Sacrament" you were wanting to do, well the same process would need to be done, though a bit longer of a consultation which is "By the Hour" by the way, and the bottom-line cost for the "Blessing" of as ONAC always says "Bulletproof protection from legal prosecution for utilizing your sacraments" does increase to a whopping $35 thousand dollars a pop, But, you do get to by a little bit smaller of a banner with a little reduction in the cost... of coarse, your "tithing" percentage is in cash instead of plant, and too, product! The "Wellness Center" as they called them were obligated to Monthly tithing opposed to the "Ganja Farm Churches" whom only had to tithe their percentage upon harvest.

Believe it or not folks, a few Hundred of each of these options were sold throughout the state of California within a half a year, and too, began expanding well beyond the state of California as well. According to sources, man were sold along the east coast from Maryland through New York and on down into the state of Florida. They also tried spreading up the west coast at the same time but were quickly halted in Oregon and as far as we know, never made it into Washington state either, but they quickly set roots in the state of "Sin City" establishing but a block off the main strip in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada.

(Grossman original membership card in ONAC) (Grossman ONA Sugarleaf membership card)
During this time period, the Sugarleaf dramatic duo began flaunting themselves throughout the cannabis community as a friend of the tribal people in the guise of a Native American Church. For those of you interested in a more detailed accounting, we highly encourage you to review our archives section as there we have many detailed accountings of the things Sugarleaf were brewing throughout their reign of false glory and undeserved fame. But here are a few pictures that should give you an idea of what we're talking about when we say Sugarleaf got all the attention "As only They could" or would want to one with a logical intelligent mind would want to if in their position:

(ONA Sugarleaf "Queen" Heidi Grossman Lepp) ( ONAC Spiritual Leaders: Heidi Grossman Lepp & (and Sidney Newton (Dine) Nation "Medicine Man")
As if this show wasn't enough of an "Over the Top" display of everything a Native American Church spiritual leader should be or reflect and publicly present themselves as, which she did plaster across her social media "Representing ONAC" and our tribal nations as she did but she even went to public city and county counsel meetings dressed like this, one time even wearing a chief's headdress that draped to the ground while she gave her public speech which had absolutely nothing to do with Native Americans or the Native American Churches, unless you consider the mocking of coarse.

How the Lepp's began living it up quick with all their money rolling in... and publicly flaunting it as if they were some sort of royalty or something. Aside from leasing buildings and purchasing their Mercedes Benz in which was used to immediately begin stalking people declared personal enemies of their new-forming church mafia circus show, and by all means that is clearly what they set out to do was put on a clown show indeed, look for yourself- they put it all over social media!:
It seemed as if their never-quenched thirst of fancy furnishings and eye-catching glimmer including matching gold jewelry for their pet boy pooch in pink dresses and matching storoller would never end or even slow, especially when they began getting "Red Carpet Treatment" as well as receiving Awards as if they were heroes to our cause. Indeed one would wonder what would come next from this "Heddy Show" thinking it surely couldn't Top the last stunt, but of coarse coming from beyond left field, they always would. All the cannabis community got quite the laughs as filing after filing would come against state officials threatening legal action if their churches were messed with, this was what we call "The Height" of the Sugarleaf sherade because That's when people began seeing the true colors of these pretendians seeping thru the cloth of transparency, even if only a little.
It was at this time that the Lepp trio (4 Legged individual included) would then filed a multi-trillion dollar lawsuit against dead presidents and cannabis entrepreneurs who were seen as an obvious threat to the Sugarleaf empire goal, which was to completely dominate cannabis as best they could themselves. As this concept would continue to boil and brew in the minds of these drunk and twacked out team, never quite being Enough, they also began visiting as well as contacting other ONAC blessed churches demanding "tithings" from them too, wheeling threats that if they Didn't cough up the cash and products they'd Strip them of their blessing and get them sequentially shut down, which they did actively do in Hayward, San Jose and Modesto just to name a few that jump to mind and also documented within our archives for your convenience.
Benefit of the doubt was continued to be given them, especially from those seeing coattail riding potential to come of it from within the cannabis community, especially the like-minded self-declared "VIP's" jumping and hoarding the microphones hanging onto what little youthful gleam of stardom remains in their brains from what they were gonna become in this from over 30 plus years ago... until the day their brew boiled over and began seriously hurting innocent people, and literally killing one... Mr. Mark Anthony Sanchez.

Mark Sanchez was a cannabis cultivator yes, but it doesn't mean he deserved to be executed that warm summer morning of August 1st 2017 but yet thanks to Sugarleaf and the command of "Queen Lepp" personally herself, that's exactly what his loved ones and children are left with because of them.
He had worked tending the garden for Sugarleaf since their blessing as a church, with the promise of room, board, and PAY, pay he got at first, but hadn't seen in several months. Upon learning Sugarleaf was not a legitimate Native American Church, Sanchez demanded his pay upon his announcement the night before he was quitting.
All of this is detailed greatly in our archives and those interested are highly encouraged to take a little bit of your time checking it out, but needless to say ole Sugarleaf has been crumbling apart since, as well they should. Everything they have done in the guise of a church is beyond morally reprehensible to keep it mildly. Since this day, more than 12 of their bogus churches have been raided and shut down, including their main headquarters in Sacramento. Their Las Vegas Church has since converted over to directly being an ONAC sanctioned church and continue on their tithing schedule as the more than 300 ONAC churches spread across the nation are now being made to start doing so as well.
Though ONAC had officially pulled their credentials from Sugarleaf mere Days at Many of our demands before the shooting death of Mark Sanchez, many of us feel that the young man's blood also remains staining their ONAC church's hands as well, after all, Oklevueha is and maintains to be the ONLY official credential as a "Church" either Grossman, Lepp or Sugarleaf has yet to ever obtain. Had it not been for the blessing sold them by the Mooney's, more than 24 people wouldn't have been arrested after having been ripped off in the purchasing of a church blessing and Mark Sanchez would likely still be alive and well enjoying life with his parents and children. Besides, it's not lie it's slowed ONAC church sales any really from what's been seen thus far, in fact quite the contrary as many of the Sugarleaf clientele continue to seek the sale of an ONAC blessing to they and their business as a Native American Church.
Though the Sugarleaf Show does continue onward, just far more quietly since the official arrest of their queen herself, this is where This articles focus does end, as our goal was to simply re-cap the harm that the since known "Sugarleaf Rasta Church" has caused and thus far gotten away with with nothing more than a little slap on the queen's wrist. We Hope that each of you Keep in mind... nothing so far has seemed to Ever demanded the need for either to get a legitimate job mind you as they continue spending along riding the cannabis circuit selling themselves as honorable people. Interesting indeed with her on a felony release and her partner in this crime on federal probation and parole for a very similar scam he pulled more than a decade ago. Yes it's interesting indeed how with no job or income yet they continue to self-sustain, and travel, and spend, and even get attorney's court appointed at tax payers expense while shopping for his old home which there contemplating purchasing now for $428 grand as of last time we payed them any mind.
We know many of you are interested in hearing updates on these people, and we do intend on keepingup on them... we just don't want it to be all-consuming as it got there for a minute or two. Any interested in jumping in and tackling the task please reach out and let us know, we'd love to work it out with ya... just know, it's all voluntary if ya do, we have no money to offer for your effort. Thank you all for your continued interest, contribution and support in our efforts of keeping you as current as we can to the topics we know are of interest to you. Blessings to all, go in good way, treading lightly and making good medicine for our globe!