Guardian's of the Sacraments Responds to ONAC and their notice of "Disassociation"
Here ye... Here ye... all persons in or around the environment of Oklevueha Native American Church... we would appreciate your complete and undivided attention NOW to this important and informative testimony and response against the church of Guardian's of the Sacraments Native American Church by Oklevueha Native American church, better known as ONAC.
Those of you who follow us fairly reguliarly might have caught our article Yesterday regarding a "Disassociation" notification that had been told and shared with us by one of our adopted child churches that we Shared parenthood wise with ONAC... "ONAC Guardian's of the Sacraments". This notice was wrongfully presented upon this child church of ours by ONC for flimsy reason excuses on their part, and we were Furious in their selfish motivations reaching such levels, and the outright ROBBERY so grossly continuing as we had suspected recently it was.
But rather than Our summarization of what shameful atrocities that ONAC has initiated against this church ourselves, we are Always HAPPY as well as PROUD to see our child BOLD ENOUGH to give you their testimony for themselves as to what wrongs have been done against them, so ladies and gentlemen, we now Quote the bulk of The Guardian's of Sacraments official response To ONAC regarding the letter we presented you in yesterday's article calling for an immediate Disassociation from them firsthand:
"To ONAC and whomever sent the branch dissolution to Guardians of the Sacraments and followup comments,You are the ones mistaken, I do not misunderstand anything other than this recent ONAC action. No contact from ONAC simply saying; hey we noticed you haven’t returned your branch info yet, what’s up? Can we help? Granted, I as COO of our branch didn’t officially respond as dictated by 2/16/18: Our contact was Tracie Butcher and we were never informed by anyone she no longer worked as our contact until 3/8/18, as we awaited her reply and our further funding for a card printer she knew all about. So how is it my fault your chain of command was interrupted by you and I/We were NOT informed? My $7,000 “contribution” was for a legitimate earth-based NA church, not to be treated and abandon like this, in a sense stealing the last of my disability savings without due cause!! No warning, no phone call, simply blindsided by this dissolution, with the excuse, well we send you emails. Not even who is sending this, is this you James? What a way to run a supposed honorable Native American organizational and yes it is a business the way it is being handled and monetarily charged.
Our worst fears have been realized that you Are all about the money, showing little regard and consideration for your members. You all might want to take a step back and look in the mirror at your own codes, responsibilities, accountabilities, honor and inherent integrity. Let’s go over a little of my history that ONAC is aware of through emails, texts and conversations.
I Steve Casebeer was GodMed Cannabis capsules and GodMed Synergistic Herbal corp. in 2011 until I became collateral damage of the bay-area drug-war. After my breakdown my family abandon me and I lived for years in and near the wilderness of SW Oregon living on food-stamps once a month. Through my Shaman studies, prayers and meditations I became one with it all so to speak and was giving the vision to bring Gods Whole Plant Medicines back through churches instead.
11/25/14 I 1st reach out to ONAC about an independent branch. Spoke to Shaun
12/16/14 1st contact from James ‘Flaming Eagle’ Mooney with phone number
12-18-14 James and I talk explaining all the legal protections for all earth-based Sacraments (as stated on ONAC’s membership card) provided by his NA church. It came down to if I ever have the money ($5,000) it should be all good, shipping and everything. [My feeling even then were it kinda seems like a lot about get the money first]
2015 I stepped out in Faith from the wilderness and went to Dr. William Courtney to see if he would be the president of the ONAC branch I wished to establish. Because Dr. Courtney promotes everyone eating a little raw Cannabis each day and I provided a simple means to do so he agreed, but not for a year or so because of state litigations he said. The federal court was good but waiting on state ok’s. While Dr Courtney was filling out my California recommendation he was Also speaking with James Mooney about all these state and federal legalities.
2015-16 I filed and was able to receive SS disability benefits so to finally have the funds to create the vision of a churches. Branch price now $7,000. [a little suspicious]
1/16/17 I reach out to ONAC’s Tracie Butcher. We talk and I also ask the question of all the other branch contacts and Traci said yeah sure when you’re a branch. [thinking, oh ok] I was shocked and alarmed to hear the branch price was now $35,000!! [way more suspicious]
1/31/17 Tracie verifying our 3 needed ONAC to create our branch ‘Guardians of the Sacraments’’. I find out ONAC will honor the $7,000 I was previously quoted for a branch. [sure they’ll take whatever cash I have and it still seems like the only legal way to go]
5/29/17 application and farming guidelines received from Tracie
6/26/17 Tracie questions where my check is [asking repeatedly about the list of branches and contact, sure later after you get your branch was the indication again]
7/10/17 Final $1,000 of $7,000 branch payment in route
7/12/17 Receive video branch Blessing between James, Joanne, Floyd and Myself [seemed very nice and legit]
9/29/19 Ongoing talks with Tracie on how we take this vision forward. Several talks between Tracie, Joanne and I10/6/17 Receive policy for mailing Sacraments from Tracie. {being able to mail Sacraments is critical to our mission!!!} Discussing what card printer ONAC uses and we find out if ONAC prints the cards they keep the $200 membership fee, which doesn’t work for us. [Joanne and I still asking for the promised list of branches and contact info to collaborate and better heal others]
12/6/17 Asking Tracie whens a good time to chat, many questions for ONAC. Find out we can print our own cards. Trying to find the $2,000 for card printer and software.
12/15/17 Tracie says she hurt her back really bad, apologizes, have been just out of it. This was our last direct contact with ONAC because Tracie knew everything. We had no grows, no members and were trying to raise funds for the printer to start taking on members. Tracie was to be getting back to us on exactly how to take on members; which was apparently interrupt by you removing Tracie as our contact unbeknown to us!!!I saw no more need to contact ONAC until we were able to take on members, partner with growers and get started shipping Sacraments.
Your new guidelines came but were set-aside not pertaining to us yet because of what was previously stated to Tracie .
2/16/18 Out of the blue we receive dissolution letter and I call Tracie immediately only to have Shaun answer. Says Tracie no longer uses this number, he knows nothing about church management only web stuff while I’m laughing at the absurdity of it all. I also ask Shaun about the branch contact list we’d been promised all these months and was told that would never happen; 1st we’d been told that, a huge shock and another indicator we’d been unwittingly deceived. I email a short response asking for a return phone call only to receive a short blunt email. Again I reply asking for call back, no return call or contact.
Late 2/8/18 I receive the statement I’m now finishing this response to.No contact from ONAC simply saying; hey we noticed you haven’t returned your branch info yet, what’s up? Can we help? Reasons as stated:A dissolution letter from mother church is issued for the following reason(s):1. No communication from the branch X2. Code of Ethics have been broken3. Code of Conduct responsibilities have been broken4. This branch was formed a while ago and has no members X5. We received notice that you wish to close your branch
Answers to allegations:1. False, I made last contact with Tracie Butcher and was awaiting return contact2. How?3. How?4. True, ONAC was fully aware of our funding position and lack of ability to take on members. There was never a timeframe given in which our branch had to start accumulating members. Every extra dollar I have living on disability goes to our churches creation while parking my RV domicile/church wherever I can!!!5. You received notice we wished to close our branch from whom; Joanne, Floyd or Myself? Hearsay as a reason for a no-warning branch dissolution? Why after after all this time, effort and investing the last of my disability settlement would I wish to close my branch that by ONAC’s heartless decision and actions never even got the chance to open; unless of course ONAC has actually deceived Joanne, Floyd, Myself and others for monetary gain???
OK, let’s talk about hearsay: 1. Is it true that technically ONAC’s only legal Sacrament is Peyote? Not all of what is proudly proclaimed on every members cards? 2. Is it true there are members in legal battles and even jail that ONAC is not providing legal representation for as was implied if not directly expressed to its members?3. And a huge question critical to our mission and mainly why I chose to invest $7,000 and establish a branch with ONAC : Is it true that ONAC’s refuses to provide legal council for the injunction filed by me 11/29/17 United States District Court Portland Oregon against the USPS Post Mater General and others? I understand legal council was provided by ONAC for the 1st filing but refuses to provide legal council for this 2nd filing? Also is it true ONAC wants their name removed completely turning their backs on its ethical responsibilities?Our branch was also on hold awaiting the results of ONAC’s actions; will they provide legal council to fight and win this critical case for our branch and all branches Sacrament shipping. What we were told as current legal fact along with ONAC provided shipping guidelines and labeling options [more deliberate deceptions to members and branches?].To me it seems obvious you chose to issue this dissolution letter based on hearsay, your own self interests and Not facts; Taking no consideration for our branch, how long and hard we’ve been trying to do it all just right with very limited funds.
A simply phone call would have cleared up any misunderstanding. It saddens me to see this type behavior from what I thought to be an honorable earth-based organization. Throughout my contact with ONAC it has felt it’s a lot about the money. Joanne, Floyd and I discussed this all about the money factor on more than one occasion. Not knowing better I still chose to invest the last of my disability funds towards the Vision I’d been giving many years ago in the wilderness; to provide Gods Medicines to those that needed it.Again given this recent action of dissolution and subsequent excuses by ONAC I demand my $7,000 be returned immediately before additional damages and publicity may be incurred by ONAC.Church of Common SenseAcc#: XXXXXXX RT#: XXXXXXXXXX Thank you for reviling the true nature of ONAC before our branch actually got up and going to find all this out later, threatening us, our Sacraments and our future members.Steve Casebeer COO Guardians of the SacramentsWith support of:President Floyd Cordova and CEO Joanne Matson
Love & Light Indigo Steve Make It A Great Day...
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison"
How DISGRACEFUL of Oklevueha so called Native American CHURCH to take such a below the belt shot... is it not enough that there's money being taken in exchange for "Blessings of churches" but too, to sell Card Making Machines that one could buy at a local Walmart for $450/00 to members for $2,000.00 on TOP of the thousands of dollars for the blessing itself?! This is ballsy BEYOND. Personally, we cannot help but to wonder if it might not be Retaliatory - we all Know James has issue with the fact that KM is in a position to also extend blessings upon legitimate churches such as this one which we had back in November when they showed themselves as being Honorable for the whole of our cause. Also, as noted in the letter above, Mr. Casebeer WAS the one who went in and personally ensured the PDX Injunction was refiled, which has ultimately put ONAC in the hot seat as far as there breeching contract and turning from their end of the deal, which was to provide the legal council to rep the case.
An interesting point we would like made known to you is in the timeline of when money was sent to ONAC as it was during the time they were insisting they had nor foresaw any money coming into ONAC which is why they couldn't agree to paying the attorney... the card machine purchase of $2,000.00 they took from him then gave them the Ability to put up the $200.00 Good Faith token offering ONAC co-founder Linda Mooney was asked for from the tribe arranging the attorney.... Linda said there was no money nor any coming in, but obviously Tracie was getting some in as repping ONAC "Mother Church" as she took it. KM Questioned the trustability and integrity of Ms. Butcher Several times, but Linda Mooney always INSISTED she was trustable and even got Offended when questions of Butcher/Ruthledge were raised by us.
There are many Great points to be had in this testimony if ya ask us... such as their timeline Confirming that the going price of an ONAC "Blessed" church last year WAS in fact $35,000.00, as Others also have claimed but thus far ONAC denies. There's also good questions such as will ONAC return "Contribution" monies collected in exchange for blessings they choose to no longer honor without just cause or reason? Why has Tracie Ruthledge Butcher, former co-worker of Matthew Pappas in the position within ONAC to be selling card machines for thousands of dollars, incomplete and grossly inflated from Store Prices mind you, and then her failing to communicate then used against a branch so determined to be in compliance with them? So many points to be had in their letter indeed, but we don't want to take ALL the "Where's Waldo" out of it for you so we will leave you with it to digest on for yourselves and likely will come back and speak on it again in upcoming articles for sure.
"We are PROUD that Mr. Casebeer has risen up and offered public testimony so that others are aware of what's going on behind the scenes of ONAC as we know many are wondering! We hope Other victims will also choose to step forward and let their sufferings be known as not many have meaning many more are unaware.
KM NAC want it known that we remain in Full Support of he and his church and maintain Our blessing upon he and his endeavors, and if anything to us, we personally are Glad that Guardian's of Sacraments will have no more association with ONAC as it's they who bring blemish onto Good Native American Churches and he and his church do not Deserve that upon them."
Please stay tuned for future updates about this and other Mis-Deeds going on at the hand of Oklevueha, as well as other peertinent issues you should be concerned with as well as far as we're concerned. Until then, we Thank you for your continued interest, contributions and support in our endeavors... be well and go in a good way!