ONAC Wheelman convicted Robber?!
For those of you who have not had the "behind the scenes" info as to what's going on in ONAC land, all hell is breaking loose from within and too, causing the crumbling destruction long overdue Oklevueha, and much of it is proving to be at the hand of their new wheelman Nathan Butts.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mr, Butts we were asked to share a little information about him with you here and now by some who feel it's information you need and should know. Immediately below, you will find the basic information about Nathan presented to us by a concerned ONAC member who happens to actually have been a member of the most recently formed "ONAC Council of Elders".
Now, many of you in looking at just that simple screenshot already can sense what's likely coming next, and you're right as rain... it's the Criminal Conviction record of Nathan Butts which shows multiple counts of Robbery that he WAS convicted of, some with and others Without the use of a weapon during their commission! Please take a quick moment to review the convictions for yourself, keeping in mind that this or we have in no way shape or form began "digging" for any such information about him, this was found and presented to us with the request for our publishing it, so we do not know if there's any More to be found on him or not.
Nathan Louis Butts, from our understanding, found his way into Oklevueha around November of last year when all hell was breaking loose from within and around their organization. Nathan was first presented to KM as being "a bodyguard and bounty hunter" who was recruited by James Mooney himself personally as "Security" not only for he and the church but for KM and our officials, especially sachem Graves personally. Mooney stated that "Nathan is to be the security buffer between us (meaning Graves and himself) and the rest of the Oklevueha members" but as soon as Butt's stepped in, he quickly proved to us as KM to be bringing more problems than he was doing good.
During conversations witnessed by multiple KM leaders and members, Butt's ultimately admitted that he had absolutely No knowledge or wisdom of any tribes culture, belief's of traditions, and shocking to us was when he then followed up his omission with the statement that he had No Intention of trying to learn anything of any either. Butt's then made his position Crystal clear when he stated he has a "Vested financial interest in ONAC and am going to do all I can to make sure it pays off." Butt's commented about having "dumped a bunch of money into the San Francisco ONAC" but then revealed it had collapsed, emphasizing that he was not happy at All for the financial loss he endured, but too, insisted that he was not giving up and was damned and determined to make sure it was made up with profit in his pocket!
Here is a link to the source for your convenience and personal review:
As we as KM began taking our steps back away from ONAC, Nathan Butts was then presented as being the Voice of the new "ONAC Elder Council" and ALL email correspondences that have been sent out from the ONAC Council of Elders gmail have come directly from his hand alone as he alone has the accessibility to that email. What has been coming out from that email is beyond scary to many as threats accompany demands of financial and medicinal "tithings" which if aren't met by His deadlines, come with the promise of disassociation from ONAC. Also too come new Rules and Standards constantly being created and added into the ONAC webpages as if they've always been there or applicable to current ONAC members.
Other than the concept of financial gain without limit, Why would someone want to become head of a church they obviously do not understand or respect? If it's about bringing in the money, wouldn't you Think that someone in a position like his would and should be Trying to Learn about the scam they're selling? Our issue is more deeper and personal in that this is being done in the guise of being a church, and a Native American Church at that... haven't ONAC and those like the Mooney's done Enough to harm, embarrass and Detriment the culture and the struggles of our indigenous tribal brothers and sisters, it's not like in all these years of ONAC exploiting them for money that they've ever thrown a tribe one red cent of the millions they've collected and spent!
To us having someone like Nathan Butts entrusted to pave the coarse of ONAC is absolutely inappropriate as well as Terrorfying! He is proof that ONAC is not at all about trying to be or conduct themselves as an honorable church at all, that they're goal is to in fact corrupt and shame All churches by turning ONAC into a corporate Business. If that's their goal then they should just register themselves as a business and stop bringing shame on the rest of us who are willing to be upright honorable churches.
As always, we Thank you for all your interest, support and contributions and we Hope you stay tuned!