A threat of Slander from ONAC toward KM?
Well, some interesting things are being heard from the mouthes of ONAC, but not directly to our face of coarse. Nonetheless we fel that it Should be addressed and so we thank you for taking a few moments of your time to take a listen as well as hear us out.
The first calls came from a mutual trusted source whose currently sitting in the middle of both sides of the fence. We say that because the source is a member of both Kautantowit Mecautea as well as is a member of Oklevueha. Because of his situation, we will keep his personal identity from this article because we respect him and his efforts trying to do what's right by both sides. However, what he has to say we feel Does need to be addressed, so here we go.

According to our source, both James and Linda Mooney are very upset at the article we had published addressing the ancestral lineage of James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney. According to the Mooney's the facts in the article are "Wrong". When asked for specific points in the article that are "wrong", the first point relayed was in James claim that he is a direct descendent of the famous James Mooney also addressed in the article. According to James, he is the "illegitimate Grandson" of the famous James Mooney, which any basic ancestry search on he and his direct descendants quickly reveal Mooney's claim as an impossibility.
The famous James Mooney had a total of 7 children, 3 being sons which would be the Only way any could claim the Surname (DNA) of being related to this famous James Mooney. Ancestry.com confirms that the longest living of this mans sons make it not Possible for 'Flaming Eagle' to be a grandson of him as his longest living son DIED 4 YEARS Before 'Flaming Eagle' was conceived muchness actually physically Born.
The Second point the Mooney's claim to be "wrong" in our article is in our reference to the grandparents our article emphasized as being the grandparents in which Mooney insists he gets tribal blood lineage from. Again, ancestry.com confirms that these grandparents are Not reflected as being of tribal bloodlines at all, in fact, you don't have to go back too terribly far at all to confirm they were in fact immigrants to this country. All of the records associated to these grandparents list and confirm them as being "White" and European bloodline. It is relayed that James denies the Bennet's as being his grandparents, but according to his own accounting on his church site, clearly he had long affirmed them as being his grandparents long before our article called his ancestry into any sort of question.
A story was offered to us claiming that James didn't Know his Mooney lineage, which we believe, especially now that he is denying his own previous published claims as to who they were and who He is. James has always insisted he didn't know his biological father, which is rather a key factor to be factored in, especially with his accounts contradicting themselves as they are. James claims he was raised by his grandparent Bennett's, but if that were the case, how come he doesn't seem to now remember them as being his grandparents at all?
The offerer of Mooney's voice on this was surprised at the name "Rex Mooney" being addressed. He even asked "Whose Rex". When we pointed out that Rex was in fact James biological Father, the loo of Shock spreading across his face spoke Volumes. But the root of the upset from our understanding is in that we clarified who 'Flaming Eagle's" true biological grandfather Mooney was - which was an man named James "Jamie" H. Mooney who honorably served in the defense of this nation, but who ultimately does him no good as he has nor provides not a single strand of hope binding Mooney or his church to the right of claiming themselves "Native American'.
Our most simple of solution to dispel the concerns of the person caught up in the middle of this on behalf of the voice of James and Linda Mooney was presented in the personal physical review of the entirety of the article as it actually Included a link to the Mooney's own page where James accounts and attests to who his ancestors truly are, and too confirmed quickly that our article is not thus far proving to contain any sort of error. We Encouraged the person in the middle to return to the Mooney's for further addressment on the articles content and we welcomed any and all evidence or information that they feel would confirm we have made an error in our article. This was 3 DAYS ago and all has remained completely Silent on the issue thus far as far as we know and can tell.
That is what made this morning's utterings come as a surprise... it appears that the voice of Linda Mooney has been found uttering a threat against Us for "Slandering" James by pointing out in the article that indian country is in fact completely in the right for challenging the Mooney's claims of being of Native American ancestry. You see, without Mooney's claims of first being directly related to the famous James Mooney, they question his right to declare his church a NAC at all, and then when we look to the Bennett ancestry and lineage and see no tribal bloodlines, it further confirms the doubt Mooney has justification to claim Native American anything, especially that he and his church are a representation of anything tribal, traditional or NAC connected.
Since his claims which go back to 1997 of being tribal, James and his church have remained under great scrutiny by the people of Indian country, and the more he expanded his church in questionable way, the more indian country want him GONE from the concepts of James or his church being a reflection on they or their cultures at all. There has Always been public talk of James "selling" the culture of the tribal peoples of North America, and too there has always been much upset about the Mooney's selling of "Churches, Blessings, Sacraments, and Ceremonies" which is a completely Sacrilegious thing for he or Any to try to do! The more upset that has revealed because of it, especially over the last few Years, the more the Mooney's and their church continued their coarse of operating in a Dishonorable way, and in turn the more HATE began growing from the tribes toward ONAC and the Mooney's, but it hasn't slowed them down a bit, and the sales continue on, just with higher price tags than ever before according to our sources and documents we have and are continuing to receive daily showing the intentionally continued corruption within the bounds of ONAC.
As these facts continue to reveal, combined with ONAC's lashing out attacks on upright honorable churches after picking their pockets dry, day by day more are finding themselves off the ONAC Titanic, be it willingly jumping the doomed ship or being tossed off the ship without any justifiable cause or reason once-so-ever. Either way, once they reach land and try to figure out what happened and why everything has suddenly proven to be going so Wrong, slowly they are finding gratitude they are no longer involved or associated with ONAC.
Relief can also be had in the fact that there are Multiple Attorneys as of this time willing and preparing to legally pounce on ONAC and the Mooney's for their multitude of federal law Violations. We personally have talked to as well as been welcomed to join in the many legal actions about to come against the Mooney's and their "pyramid Scheme Church" operation, but as of this moment, KM has Not officially signed onto Any of them though our council IS in the process of considering we do. Whether we do or don't we want all to know that we Are here and willing to do all we can to support those who do pursuit holding ONAC and the Mooney's accountable for their shameful deeds, and from what evidence we've had shared with us thus far, a Very STRONG defense shield against ONAC and the Mooney's and with it appears a Clear case of compensation for ONAC victims is sure to come.
Any and all who have been victimized by ONAC be it by just purchasing a membership with the promise of "Bulletproof legal protection" or you'd paid for a blessing, ceremony sacrament, etc. and Especially so if you Bought a church be it for a few thousand or for tens of thousands, YOU are highly encouraged to reach out so to be connected with fellow victims and their attorneys as preparations are made to stop ONAC on the criminal level and to make them pay on the Civil level. Please reach out to us for that option and encourage others to consider the same, else more victims Will suffer and those who don't rise up with honorable intention trying to stop it, the blood Will splatter onto Your hands as well, and NONE of us deserve ONAC's negative Karma!
Again we Thank you for your continued interest, contributions and support, it and you are greatly appreciated. Go in a good way, tread lightly, and stay tuned~