A year to this day and No Justice for the family of Mark Sanchez, WTF!?!
Surely we hope that no one has forgotten about the insane Murder of Mark Anthony Sanchez, especially our California cannabis community, but it's been a year today, and nothing has been done to hold accountability to those responsible for his death. This is and should be Unacceptable, especially with all we know thus far about what happened.

For those of you unaware, Mark Anthony Sanchez was a member turned victim of the so claimed "Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church" that rooted itself in central California at the beginning of 2017 under a blessing purchased by them from Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC). The leaders of Sugarleaf set out full boar to make themselves rich off their newly purchased blessings and immediately began selling promises of "legally bulletproof protection" against legal prosecution and big talk of all who buy in having free range to exploit the hell out of our plant at the expense of our people.
Mark Sanchez didn't find his way into association with Sugarleaf for that though, he was an honest hard worker who agreed to WORK for Sugarleaf on one of their many hundreds of "ganja Farms" quickly spreading in and beyond he state of California like wildfire... people just didn't realize there was a pandemic disease emitting from their smoke is all, including cannabis grown with toxic deadly chemicals as well as the plague we all know now as "The Lepp Disease" which ultimately intentionally caused the death of Mark Sanchez.

In exchange for Mark's work in the ganga garden, he was to earn a set amount of pay, which at first he did get but too in time stopped coming all together as it was supposed to. Then when it became publicly known that Sugarleaf was NOT a protected Church Mark let it be immediately known he wanted out, only asking for what he was owed for his work up to that point. Apparently that was not an acceptable option to his church "leaders" who instead boast about having called in the local law enforcement insisting they "bring a swat team" and kill young Mark Anthony Sanchez, which they did, and according to the autopsy report, in a highly questionable way.
Look at their plants, could they NOT have afforded to give him the little bit of money they Owed him, come on now, and this isn't even factoring in the $10,00 a pop "farm blessings" they sold hundreds of Nor the $35,000.00 "church dispensary blessings" they sold hundreds of either. Do we have to show you the pictures of all the money they blew through before as well as immediately After having Mark killed to get you to understand his death was not Necessary but one of their own personal Convenience? Man,, how many trips o Vegas do they have to take, or 24 carat gold jewelry they shower their DOG with while these guys are left to decorate a Grave.

Mark Sanchez was a tall young man, taller than any officer who was reportedly at the scene, so him having the gunshot wounds, especially the one going from the Top of the back of his head in a Downward trajectory really raises valid question as to what the hell went on, but finding out rigamortis had set in on his hands and wrists alone BECAUSE HE WAS HANDCUFFED BEHIND HIS BACK at he time he was shot and killed really sends chills up and down your backs, or at least, it Should. The fact that most every bullet that hit Mark Sanchez impacted his BACK really does paint an accurate picture of how our law enforcers operate in this day and age, but for them to be AWARDED Medals of Honor for what they did to Mark is just flat a willful slap in the face of every Californian as well too as for every American because it's not just here in this instance, but in many spread all across the country as well as the globe.

According to police, they're Still Investigating the shooting, but they didn't waste any time painting to the public via media on how bad of a person Mark was or how he Deserved to be killed that day. They Even went so far as to say that HE Shot two police officers before being killed but the autopsy and coroner's report prove different, and given that the coroner is also the Sheriff of the department whose officers killed Mark, again, it's almost an intentional slap in our faces, especially Mark's family and close friends. Maybe they Know his family won't get any justice, lord knows they haven't seen a glimpse of any thus far!
You see, Mark not only Didn't have a gun that day, but too, according to the autopsy he didn't have ANY GUN RESIDUALS Anywhere on his body either, especially not on or anywhere NEAR his hands, which is generally what people have to use to shoot a gun even if only once. The fact they claim he shot 2 cops means they're saying he fired at least 2 shots from a gun he didn't have. Not a fleck of gun powder means he Didn't shoot a gun, and then too, the coroner's report indicates Clearly that there was no Weapon retrieved from Mark or anywhere Near his now dead body.
After killing Mark, they then deployed several canisters of Gas into the house where only his body and some of the property owners birds were at. We know this despite them first admitting and then quickly denying deploying the canisters because they left behind 2 that didn't deploy during the situation! In our archives we have published a shit-ton of facts including pertinent portions of the autopsy and coroners report. We highly encourage you to take a little time and review them for yourselves so to be brought up to proper speed regarding this whole situation.
Our concern is this - statue of limitations as far as accountability is concerned. Now we understand that according to the law enforcement of Yuba County California, their officers shooting and killing a handcuffed person from behind while he was down obviously on his knees and complying is "Heroism" to your department, meaning that likely none of the officers involved in the shooting will be helped in any way shape or form legally accountable for their cowardice, But, what we want to know is whether or not you're going to do anything about the Lepp Virus that has and continues to be pandemic throughout and beyond the state of California? Thus far they continue to roam free, scamming people out of tens of thousands of dollars a shot promising legal protection they don't have to offer or provide.
We understand that you want cannabis eradicated from your state, but letting the Lepp's be the disease to do it is proving more danger and harm to the community than anything else you've yet to do to try to eliminate it. We ask you to stop allowing this threat and that you hold them accountable as well as put a Stop to their scamming BS as many others Are trying to follow suit and that's the Last thing our state or country needs to have let happen.
We ask you to think about the ones Mark was forced to leave behind, his mother, his father, his sister and his brother, and most of all his two beautiful young daughters and his beloved companion, his german shepherd. What about the suffering caused upon them because of the Lepp's greed and the so called "Church" they claim to lead allowing them to be so greedy and reckless?

His family need your HELP. They need an attorney with Balls who is willing to help them in any and every way possible gain some justice out of all this. The Lepp's and their church Should be somehow held accountable, criminally as well as financially, but we need someone who Knows how to apply that position on their behalf in law. Mark was owed money which Should be promptly re-payed to his daughters at MINIMUM - he worked for their church so to provide an honorable living for them after all! Then we should be looking at civil liability and accountability as well as what Criminal accountability can be applied to them in our opinion as well. Do these kids NOT deserve at least Tat much if not the APOLOGIES owed by the media who wrongfully smeared his name and reputation, saying he was a convicted felon and an ex-convict when he had Never Ever been convicted of any felony Nor served a single day in prison for any crime.
​Marks family deserve Justice and with that they deserve Truthful Answers as well as the compassion and support that we as human beings are Supposed to be extending to one another especially in times of need and tragedy such as these. They have not asked for a single penny - all they'v asked for is truthful answers which still a year later they wai while being fed BS and lies from officials.
And so we are calling on YOU. We are asking that you Please spread this around to people you know, especially to any attorney that you think might be willing to jump in and help these people - this family Deserves your support, especially by those of you still thinking he had actually done something to deserve having to go through all the pain they are.
As always we Thank you for your continued attention and support and we especially thank those of you who make an effort of helping this family get Some form of justice for the unjustified loss of their loved one. Please stay tuned and too, do what you can to become productively involved, this is your globe too and it could one day be someone You care about or love in this kind of tragic situation - it's up to All of us to make effort at curbing it!