Remembering warrior member and front line cannabis activist, Melissa "Michigan Missy" Grig

Today being among the sacred days of which we give thanks and love to our beloved mother medicine cannabis, we want to take this opportunity to expand our readers focus so that it's beter known and understood the losses and sacrafices we also continually endure so long as this delusional "War" on cannabis continues as we share some very Sad news which spread across the canna-vine on the morning of Mother's Day 2018.
Melissa Griggs, better known as "Michigan Missy" had passed away Mother's Day morning at the age of 51. The cause is yet unknown but as soon as we get word we will do all we can to promptly let you know.
Missy had become known as among the state of Michigan's frontline cannabis defenders and patient advocates
She was also a writer for Michigan Cannabis News.
Missy became even more impassioned when her now 71 year old mother fell ill and found cannabis alone to benefit her ailment... Cancer whom in addition to, she leaves behind a son and daughter.
Missy was always smiling a big beautiful and welcoming smile that countless people found great comfort in. She would welcome you by giving you a big hug and did not get into the whole concept of "social clicks", to her we were all equal and in cannabis, we were all Family. Missy was dedicated to the idea of cannabis becoming legal and all non-violent and non-exploiting cannabis prisoners liberated along with the entire cannabis plant family wrongfully under legal fire and costing so many people unnecessary suffering and even literal dying. Missy was a human being who loved and truly cared for her fellow human being, she didn't want Anyone suffering, and with cannabis she helped spare many from suffering as well as dying.Michigan Missy became known and treasured across and even beyond our nation. She got her nickname from her friends in Ohio and embraced as well as soared with it!
Make no mistake in that Missy had was a true warrior at heart and spirit and had a very confident and no nonsense, in your face and tell it like it is attitude. She didn't kiss ass nor did she like her ass fakly kissed! It was but one of the many sincerely based qualities that made her so effective as a frontline activist as well as a devoted voice of he people, especially the patients. Unlike most, Missy is proudly noted by her friends to have not been afraid to 'tell it like it is', and to 'lay it all out there'. Those fortunate to have known her are all proud to say that she was their friend and we who remain at the shallowest of the trenches out here on the front lines are damned proud and honored to be able o say we stood and fought With her.
A special memorial for Michigan Missy will be held at Cannabis Counsel on Friday, May 18 from 4pm until 11pm. Everyone who knew her is welcome to attend. At this time we ask that you take a moment of silence and make smoke and prayers in honor of our beloved sister and fellow canna-warrior and that you remember she and all of our other fallen brothers and sisters at-arms in this insane battle with gratitude for their part in helping us get as close to cannabis liberation as we are - without them it wouldn't now be in our visible sights!
As always, we thank you for your continued interest and support in our efforts to try to keep you apprised to things which matter. Fly high with our canna-warriors in he sky Missy, see you on the other side.