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The Memorial of Michigan Missy Griggs

By the will and decision of Great Creator, our sachem was fortunate to find herself in the position to be able to attend the memorial held last night in honor of the life and activism of KM member Melissa Griggs, best known as Michigan Missy. Missy passed over on Mother's Day morning devastating patients and activists from coast to coast.

Here we would like to share some of the photos sachem Graves was able to take at the memorial for those of you who would like to take a few moments and check them out, there not the best but they're better than nothing, especially when it comes to our frontline warriors like Missy who deserve so much More appreciation we could possibly think to give including in remembrance. Photographs and collages were placed around the gathering.

As the fragrant smells of lilacs , roses and cannabis filled the air, especially as our sacred time 4:20 rolled around, many commented on how honored and proud Missy would be seeing those she fought so hard to help protect took the time to come together and celebrate the amazing life she lived and how much of a positive difference she made in the lives of so many.

Overall the memorial was very nice spirited with people from all walks of life gathering together and sharing stories about their memories of and with Missy out on the frontlines fighting the cannabis liberation battle, as well too as her adventures while following the Dead and too her days of driving the Magic Bus. Missy lived life more than many who live far longer than she did, and as she went, she lifted others who were struggling and gave them the support, encouragement and Hope they needed to tighten up their bootstraps and continue onward. For those, this day is a hard impossibility they never thought would come, and with the smiles of happy memories, many tears flowed in the eyes of most everyone there, some far more than others.

Missy knew and was a firm believer in the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and perspective. To that logic she applied very insightful and sound wisdom topped with just enough advice to let you know she cared but not to the degree she overstepped her bounds, even if it was for your own good. Missy believed in live and let live, and too, she believed in justice and all which so many warriors before her fought and died in effort of protecting and preserving for our sake, such as our rights as flesh, blood and bone human beings to pursue a healthy life, assured liberty, and true happiness. Missy knew and tried her damndest to teach that the earth is our mother, her gifts our inheritance, and that any who oppose that reality is a willfully chosen enemy to both she and all of us including all living species roaming, swimming, flying and or jus flat derived from the earth. She knew and respected the entirety of the web of earthly creation and too, she did all she could to encourage as well as actively attempt to defend and preserve it all including we and our rights specifically.

It was truly a wonderful thing seeing so many people come together out of sincere love and admiration of a freedom fighter such as Missy, so many are too quickly forgotten... it's nice to know that such a deep impact is made in the hearts and minds of so many.

As you can see, one of Missy's dear friends had these shirts made for a select few for the memorial service for those closest to her. She also had coca-cola bottles made up too that also say Fly High Missy- it was so awesome and brought smiles along with vivid memories to the hearts of many. Then you will see the cake that was made for Missy, covered in pictures of her life and of coarse too, coca-cola! For those of you who didn't get to know her - coca-cola was Her Drink man and it was very rare that you'd catch her without one!

In addition to the good energies and wonderful people along with all of the pictures and flowers of sorts, there was also a very nice food buffet put together which as you can see from the next few photos was really nice, well rounded and healthy..

A memorial page has been made in honor of Missy on Facebook. All especially who knew her are encouraged to please take a few minutes and check it out when you get a chance - those who knew and have memories of her your willing to share, this would likely be the best place to do so.:

Also too, in effort of helping her mother afford the cost of her internment, a site has been created in which those of you who can and are willing can please go to and donate whatever you can, big or small, any and every cent counts.

And another angle in which we are very proud of her posse for thinking to do is the option of getting one of the t-shirts made by a dear friend of hers in effort of helping to raise money to help cover Missy's final expenses. As soon as it's designed we will share it with you along with the options as to how you can go about obtaining one or a few for yourself and others who knew her.

As always, we Thank you ever-so-much for your continued interest, supports and contributions. Please if you would, take a moment of silence in remembrance of Missy Griggs as well as all of our other canna-warriors who have fallen before her... may they all find peace and love while we make them proud by LIBERATING our plant and people once and for all - godspeed!


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