Lepp's Still reflecting as an ONAC - WTH?

Many of our supporters are reaching out and asking the question, why is Heidi Lepp still publicly reflecting herself as being involved with Oklevueha Native American church when more than a year ago now, ONAC Claimed to have cut all ties to her and insist she is not to be reflecting as being involved with their church at all. Well ladies and gentlemen, we believe that it's likely for the same reason she still reflects as being an active chapter leader of The Human Solutions International, and that's because she is still trying to mislead members of the Cannabis community as being a person of trust and integrity when it comes to our plant and people when in all actuality we KNOW it's the farthest thing from the truth at all.
What was sent to us is the following screenshots of Heidi Lepp's social media account via Facebook. Please take a quick look and you will see why their questions regarding this are valid indeed:

Now, for those of you who haven't been aware of it, Heidi Lepp as well as her so called husband and "church" were officially severed from Oklevueha since July 27th 2017. At that time, not only were they completely Excommunicated from ONAC but too, their so called church "Sugarleaf Rasta Church" was completely denounced and Dissolved of the only valid authority and credential that it had, which was Oklevueha. Then they were TOLD by ONAC officials that they were to immediately cease and desist from publicly reflecting themselves as having any form of relationship or associationship with ONAC once-so-ever. As you can see over one year later, not to mention one shooting death later, Lepp still misrepresents herself as being "Executive Director" of ONAC and too she Still claims the position of "Secretary" within THSI too, which hasn't been true since they too stopped her from reflecting as their organization while she does illegal and dishonorable things such as she is lying here on her social media.
We should probably ALSO point out while we're on the subject of her claims that her "Sugrleaf Church" was NOT officially blessed as a credentialled church until February of 2017 and that prior to that, there WAS NO Sugarleaf "Church" nor did Heidi Lepp have any sign of desire to establish herself as a church at all, in fact, this was but a new angle for her to try to make quick fame and fortune off the reputation of the California state cannabis community that has proven to have done far more Harm than it was ever intended to do good for the state or our people, and ultimately has only expanded into victimizing cannabis along with everyone associated with it.
Personally to us it is really rather pathetic that she and her "partner" in the crime as well as in life have so little true credential that they have to LIE and cling onto claims they know they don't have and have forever burned their bridges to, but apparently in their position it's the only thing they obviously can think to do.
We are waiting from an official (or even unofficial at this point) response to ONAC who we Know have sent at least a few notices to Lepp to cease and desist from doing this. Last we had heard from ONAC on the Lepp's and Sugarleaf upon this request, they received a response of "SUE ME" via electronic communication from Heidi Lepp which as you can see above, she still continues to claim them anyway as substantiating their credentials at least as being a church is concerned. We KNOW from the official Rasta church that they were never blessed or rusted by them in any way including even a basic member but much-less as being spiritual leaders of any Rasta church.
So, until we get new news on this, we will go ahead and close this article here. When we hear anything of pertinence we will do our best to promptly forward the news to you here, so we hope you stay tuned and as always, we Thank you for your continued interest, support and contributions.