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Can ICWA be bought for non-tribal children?

So, our question to all of you our readers is, can the right of protection of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICQA) be bought and used in effort of keeping non-tribal children from the state children's services division? According to self-proclaimed "Chief" of the Beaver Clan of the Tuscarora Indian Nation Mr. Evan Patrick Holley, apparently it can, at least by him anyway, for whatever His word and position of authority is worth.

Given Holley's history of lies and sams as a tribal official who has long been selling fake "official documentation" which turned out to prove as worthless as a used piece of toilet paper, we're going ahead and laying our odds on that this latest scam attempt to claim rights of authority over drug traffickers Jacob and Mary Hughes children. This should NOT be found possible or legitimae in any way, especially given that the children nor either parent have a single DROP of tribal bloodline which they know and boast about.

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was put into law in effort of protecting TRIBAL CHILDREN and ensuring heir connection to there culture remained preserved, not for low-life scumbags like the Hughes to be able to buy in effort of keeping access to their children whom the state of Michigan have already deemed them a "Level 2" THREAT to!

This is what is wrong with our country, one of many problems that we the people are left to contend with, and people like these Hughes and this Holley character only make things worse and more damned for everyone when realistically they should be owning up to their crimes. IF the Hughes truly believed they were above the law when it came to their churches Drug Trafficking then why buy their way into a tribal adoption? If they truly cared about the well-being of their children then why include a man like Holley who has already had foster children REMOVED from his care for endangerment issues as well?

Listening to the video released of Jacob Jay Hughes declaring that once his case is over, and won like he seems to think it will be, that he has Full intention of resuming his illegal operations and this time, plans on taking his two minor children "to the street" to his drug deals and too, to the many other illegal trap houses he and his wife continue to maintain while on their felony conditional release for drug trafficking. What a society we live in when people like this are more about money than the safety and well-being of small young and truly innocent children.For those interested in hearing for yourselves first hand Jacob's words and statements, please review our archives as it is in there somewhere. If you cannot find it but would like to hear it anyway, please reach out privately and we will send the link to the video to you. Off hand at he moment, we're not entirely sure which article we included it in, but we Will find i if you can't because it IS important that people know and hear for themselves his intentional blatant Disregard for his children's safety first-hand!

Here is a picture of the Native American Tuscarora claiming Hughes for your awareness, please remember them, especially if your a Michigianian in case you find yourselves among the garbage that is them, in our opinion and disposition anyway.

Of coarse YOU are encouraged to decide for yourselves what you think about people like this. Reach out, we'd Love to hear from and even quote ya, especially the elders and respected officials of Indian Country!

We HOPE that if no one else, that "Indian Country" will get up off their rumps and handle their business with this holley character and ensure that this is not tolerated by the state of Michigan's government. If they don't and they allow this aspect of law for their benefit to be corrupted then don't come crying publicly later about how it is that the government and ICWA law is failing you and your ability to protect your tribal children. It WILL prove to be so in the end if You let these people get away with this, we warn and tell you now, and it's Your place as tribe to handle and Do something about it Before it corrupts your children's protection. Now it the time for you to provet to the world that you are sincere in your efforts to be idle and victims no more, we're doing all we can to, but this does befall you as Indian Country more now as not only are they trying to corrupt your ICWA but Also too, they believe and are claiming to have Bought their way into Indian Country. Is this POSSIBLE tribal people, are you Allowing your culture to be bought and sold knowing it is only destined to be corrupted by people like this?

We put it to you the people, and too, we HOPE that indian country will prove to be sincere in their desire to preserve their culture - time Is going to tell especially as the Hughes case continues onward. It has been suggested by tribal chiefs in Canada that people start by reaching out to Terry Jamieson and See if he even Knows his name has been attached to this as an officiating authority as the Tuscarora Indian Nation. We are told that it wouldn't be the First time Holley has "cut and pasted" someone's signature to official documents without their Knowledge afterall. We are also reminded by they and many others including both countries governments not to mention the tribe itself that their is NO CHIEF to the Beaver Clan of he Tuscarora Nation and too, that Holley is only claimed as a basic Member of the Tuscarora, not a chief in any capacity! Here is a picture of Holley how he presents himself to the facebook social community, just so you can see for yourself how determined he is that people believe he is a chief of 6 nations:

For the record, the Hughes have agreed and began giving Holley money (tens of thousands of dollars in CASH) which he says he is planning to use to get his eldest daughter appointed by the tribe as a Clan Mother. According to Holley's own words, once she is approved, then She Will have the authority via the tribe to declare him a chief. Something just really seems not only fishy, but corrupt in this and we Hope for the sake of the entire integrity of the Tuscarora Indian Nation that it proves to be just another BS scam on Holley's part. The Thought of a tribal government being able to be this corrupt is disturbing to say the least. We continue to strive toward respecting tribal peoples but things like this really make it hard, not to mention a bit embarrassing especially when indian country themselves seem to not care of show any sincere interest in preserving their own cultural integrity. If they Did then people like the Hughes would not be allowed to stand in a courtroom and declare their drug dealing ok because they are spiritual leaders of a "Native American Church" and Now too that their kids should be protected under ICWA when thus far the Only proven threat to their kids is they themselves.

Holley has also recenly signed business contracts with the Hughes as well in exchange for tens of thousands of More dollars of coarse which include them being business partners in both a Vape Shoppe in Michigan as well as a Casino Holley is trying to build in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of the state in which they believe will be tax-free because of his claim of being an indian chief. We Saw similar recently happen in South Carolina with some other tuscarora tribal members who opened and operated a casino claimed to be protected by the tribe. The Tuscarora quickly Denounce the operation and to date the people who did it remain subject to criminal prosecution as Holley Should here, though likely it won't happen until he actually opens the doors and starts operating it. It's a real SHAME to see actual legitimate tribal members desecrating their own culture, selling it out for a handful of paper money. Once upon a time the tribes acted with integrity, but maybe now what we're forced to realize is that those days have long since passed and now it's every man's personal profit for himself - screw tribal culture. Disgraceful!

We know given Holley's own statements over the months we were actually associated with him that when it comes to kids, it's all about the money to him. We know that he and his wife continually search the internet for tribal children in the foster systems of American who are eligible for adoption. Holley says the state pays foster parents top dollar for housing tribal children, and he says he so far has 2 others he and his wife recently obtained that are tribal. Should Holley be able to SELL tribal memberships? Should he be able to declare a non-tribal bloodline child as being tribal as he attempts to assert jurisdiction over them? if successful, does this mean that Holley will get top dollar pay from the state as if those kids were actually of tribal bloodline? I guess time is going to tell, but again, we know this is not his first attempt at this type of scam involving children. Holley has also recently declared another non-tribal person by the name of Tyler Chillson as being tribal bloodline under his authority and in turn Immediately interjected himself into a custody battle over Chillson's young "white" son in Virginia state which is still an ongoing case to date from our understanding.

Children should not be viewed as being for sale, first of all, and second, they should not be looked at as an easy income for those too Fat and lazy to actually put in a hard days work such as Holley in our opinion and perspective. People should NOT be able to buy their way into an indian tribe either in our opinion, being found Worthy is one thing, but situations like this corrupt it all and too, demean those who have been adopted into tribes who were done so based on their merit. And too as you know, we do NOT agree with the "selling" of churches anymore than we do the selling of children - there is no Honor in it and in the end as we continue to see in their west coast role-models it only causes harm, no good comes from people like this for any at all.

These people again are among the main reasons we no longer reflect as being a native american church or even as a church in our official title - look at the shame these people bring to the honor that once was had in such titles! it's disgusting and too reprehensible and we continue to hope and make smoke and prayers that officials dealing with it will rise up and instill some swift affirmative action o put an end to it. Upon their excommunication from the Oklevueha Native American Church (which is a questionable church already as far as indian country is concerned) they Now claim themselves as "SpiritKeepers Native American Church" and too that via Holley's blessing for dollars, the Native American Church of the Morning Star via NAC Morning Star and half Moon are now valid credentials for them as they stand trial for crimes they committed on the reputation of indian country short before even meeting Holley. Yes, so you know, Holley is very aware of their crimes and dishonor upon tribal country, many have reached out to him from within indian country expressing upset for his involvement with the Hughes, but Money talks and it's the only voice Holley hears in his mind, that and Power. It's a real shame to watch him intentionally drag all tribal people under the bus and threw the mud for these people, historically after all all tribal ancestors emphasized the importance of their integrity and culture over "paper money" - we guess Holley missed those wise elders quotes and teachings eh'? So much for respecting his Mother and his People huh!

People of Michigan please Be Aware of these people, and if they slither anywhere around you, run far far away as their titanic will soon be sinking down to the bottom of the Michigan correctional system, If there is any Justice to be found in Michigan anyway. But too, something Should be done about Holley, and in our opinion it should come from either Indian Country themselves or else the government, but this kind of BS should NOT be allowed to continue to plague our society and clog our court systems!

As always, we Thank you for your attention to this matter as well as your support and continued contributions. We hope you stay tuned, and too, that you take action and prove yourselves Idle no more. We could sure use your help trying to preserve the integrity of your culture.


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