Douglas County Strikes KM Again, this time with Intent to Kill

In the dark of the evening, the KM South Valley Oregon Sanctuary was once again Illegally as far as we're concerned, manipulated their way onto the property and then of course inside, but this time was truly like none prior, and quite frankly Well beyond obviously when it comes to Desecrating our sanctuary land leaving multitudes of members Terrified to even visit the sanctuary out of fear for personal safety. We can't blame them.
While our sachem herself lay sicker than a dog, too weak to arise to the sudden multitude of flashlights suddenly lighting up the bay window in her room, a small army of police officers surrounded every building on the land. Little did she know they were already roughing up one member, over tightening handcuff's on his wrists to the point they bled, slamming his body though trying to smash his head into one of the many police SUV's in the driveway, right in front of our Sign noting the multitudes of Federal Laws they willingly violated by disregarding it and coming up onto the flat of the land where they found our president and alpha of our Wolf Band at the final gate that would separate they from our sachem is where the serious issues began - initiated physically of coarse by police.
Of course they weren't interested in trying to explain why they would "claim" to be there to our president, but the approach they came in told Wolf Brother Minter Real Quick "it was like a warlike simulation" he says, and describes as a swat team going in on a hostage situation in a tv movie. The flashlights were the first thing he too would see before he got a bad feeling as no one was expected to be at the church that night, but according to Minter there would prove to be at Least a dozen law enforcement officers. One of the points that sticks out in our mind after hearing the whole outcome but should be made here for first time hearer's, is that among them were everything shy of Oregon State Police notably armed and ready for combat in the mix from a 40 mile radius encompassing the sanctuary land creating this very traumatic incident and now fear in All of our church members as it becomes known. The police agencies included the Douglas County sheriff's department (the only true local jurisdiction and noted by the rest as "lead") along with Roseburg city police (which is 39 miles south on the freeway from our land But inside the county of Douglas) and then there was the Lane County Sheriff's department (on legal record for having victimized our member brutally which we've covered before in previous articles) and Eugene City police (which is in Lane County but is 39 miles North on the freeway from our land). We remain unsure as to other agencies that May have been involved, these are just the ones who stand out in the traumatized members minds who were there and about to have their constitutional rights as well as civil liberties grossly violated. Also at this point we'll go ahead and tell you they also claimed to have a "robot over half way here."
Right about now you're probably wondering Why would so many from so far be coming to a churches land, as were our president, but unlike with them, we're not going to keep you in suspense. Once the physical attacks on members and threats of shooting 4 of our service animals just to instill further trauma, deputies from the Douglas County sheriff's office (DCSO) CLAIMED that they had come to to a neighbors "call of a domestic arguement" having been heard on the sanctuary land. Now not to say such couldn't happen at a church, but all there assure to us and Insisted to them that no such incident had happened on the land they were aware of that would have warranted such a call to be put in, and so, their story grew even better, listen to this. Next the DCSO deputies claimed that when just two of their officers had responded and physically arrived to the land "while at the bottom of the driveway we heard some yelling" and so apparently they called for a swarm of backup. We guess all those police officers were just that BORED that they all just charged at our church for something to do. Seems EXTREME for just a simple Domestic Response don't it, a Robot still coming as the confrontation's half way point?
When this was questioned, and assured unnecessary and highly excessive DCSO officials would next add that they had Also "received a 911 call from this address" as they were waiting for their back up before coming upto the flat where our president would first be presented with their physical presence, but those are the "Reasons" they gave for all these police otherwise Illegally entering onto church grounds.
Interestingly are the comments being made throughout their encountering of Wolf Brother, while aggressively handling and over-cuffing him, jerking and whipping him down 200 feet of gravel driveway in the dark of night, some of which included saying they didn't know why they were there (Eugene Police) "other than to back up DCSO" while DCSO officials were saying things like they "didn't know whose property it is" and yet asking by name for a long dead church member AND stating that they "Knew" it was a church and Acknowledged having had "Issues" with the church "in the past" claiming "That is why we called for outside re-enforcement's" we feel thinking and Hoping that the variation would somehow justify their forthcoming Illegal actions and Inappropriate conduct on such the Major scale against our church land and members.
But the BEST of evidence we Finally were able to obtain proving their malicious HATE being profiled targeted upon us, was when MULTIPLE TIMES police actually let their true feelings and colors shine through with comments such as it actually being All guided toward one specific member, DCSO's Favorite of our members to target and victimize, Timothy "Talq Talq' Timm, who was actually the President of our church when we were known as "ONAC KM" and now remains "Vice President" of KM as our whole, hoping That would have lightened them up on their targeting of him, but apparently to no avail. This same run around of Mickey Mouse excuses would later again be re-played by DCSO to our sachem, once they would demand her out of her sick bed, which took time and literally a Walker to do, but under 4-5 heavily armed officers in riot gear behind shields other than their guns pointed at her, finally she was taken to where the third and last church member had already been thrown down and handcuffed and situated.
We mentioned that we had Only the THREE church members physically Present, right - key important to note because the member they were there in such force to get "talq-Talq" was NOT even there!
All the different agencies made statements that they Knew they were there to encounter Mr. Timm, it was clear to Wolf Brother as soon as they got him to their cars at the bottom entry of the churches driveway when they asked him if Timm was there, and when our president Told them he wasn't, unbelieving they continued to ask Wolf Brother Where he was "Hiding, because we know he Is somewhere up there" and a pair of (Eugene Police) openly told Minter "We HATE Tim Timm." Again we assure as did he that he wasn't, and so, the victimization would proceed on. Inside the sanctuary under multiple heavily armed militants eager to find Timm, our sachem And our elder member both were also assuring police that Timm was NOT on the sanctuary land, nor had Any reason to be or considered to have been there on this cold dark and otherwise uneventful night at the KM church. Never were Any asked where else aside from this land might he be at any point either At one point when a DCSO deputy could not open a closet door, he began insisting that he Knew "Mr. Timm's hiding in this closet" and yet our sachem was So confident that even-though having been in bed sick that he wasn't, actually Permissioned the deputy to "Go ahead and Shoot through that door if you think someone's in there" stating that she did have others outside the church who had been putting threats on her life. Sachem Graves assures us that she said such "because I knew if someone Was in that closet there with intent to hurt me, it wouldn't have been Tim or Any Other Member, so if it were the case let them do their job and shoot the bastard down, right!"
While the one continued working on opening the closet door, which ultimately even with prying never Did get opened due to a broken handle, another cop was asking about the ability to climb under the main building. A pair of cops asked about how to get inside the two story structure which was encircled outside by more cops and several more were surrounding the storage trailer and would short later ask how to get inside and underneath it as well, this process would go on for almost an hour. What KM are EXTREMELY Concerned about having been repetitively said by DCSO deputies was what sent literal chills up our members minds was when they continued to state "AS SOON AS WE LAY EYES ON MR. TIMM, WE ARE GOING TO SHOOT TO KILL" and would add a few of those times "YOU DO UNDERSTAND THAT, RIGHT, WE ARE GOING TO SHOOT HIM AS SOON AS WE SEE HIM"

So now we're going to pause here and account for why our church feels that it was no coincidence as to why Lane County and also Eugene City police were called by DCSO to be backup for those new to the issues between our church and specifically this church member in which they want so bad to Kill because we Have other accounting stories on it in our archive and it had been claimed then that what had gone on was in fact by the request of Douglas County too be done, we're referring to the .... severe physical beating of Mr. Timm, as you can see by the mugshot photo.
What was said immediately after Timm came conscious of this beating and asked "Why are you doing this to me" was told by those police (Lane County & Eugene City Police) to him that it was "Requested" of them to do so "BY DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE(rs)"Followed by "Because of that Weed Church" - these points are Essential because they are in fact violations of Federal LAW as well as clearly an Abuse of Authority entrusted to them As "PEACE OFFICERS" paid to "Protect and SERVE the People!" Never have we seen it in law where they're told or authorized to "Serve" THIS TYPE of ABUSE to we the people they took an oath to "Protect!"
Now the question comes, what are we able to Do to both STOP these types of federal crimes being wheeled among our church and members? That's a good question, because at this point we feel beyond Exausted in our efforts. As a Church we have already tried going beyond the normal church handlings because we've filed formal complaints for years with them before climbing up the ladder of justice, and since have climbed endlessly to the Oregon government including the governor, to no Avail of coarse Obviously, but too, we've gone to the state department of Justice, Senators, which are Supposed to be the ultimate power of the state, right - and we've even gone as far up the ladder to the Federal Bureau of Investigations filing formal complaints - what's left? We've filed for injunctions for the church in federal court against them even, this last one including a $20 Million Dollar Lawsuit, but as our members know, we were let down on the promise of having legal council in place to represent it, so now we turn to YOU our supporters for suggestions - the only thing left We can think of is Publicly lighting them up, and if they continue Bet and Believe that we WILL - whatever it takes to get this Stopped and preferably before Douglas County Sheriffs Department and their whole county stopped once and for all because THIS degree of HATE by someone entrusted to wear a peace officers uniform Needs to be Corrected PERIOD, it is Beyond unprofessional!
The audio might just make a difference, but at this time we do Not feel it would be wise on our part to put it into any sort of Justice employees hands, so give us your insight so we can contemplate it! As soon as we make a decision please know that we will let you know and if we do put it public then we will get those of you interested a link so you can hear for yourself and See the mentality of those who we the people pay to go out and be this kind of "above the law" type of Bullies. And too of coarse, do All we can to keep our members, especially our officer members as safe as is possible, so wherever Mr. Timm might be, smoke and prayers in abundance that he stays safe and far from Douglas County Oregon's reach.
Thank you for your interest and continued support, we Hope to bring true enlightenment and awareness with articles such as this and we Hope that you stay tuned for future updates on it and other pertinent news we feel you our viewers might hopefully appreciate. Blessings to all,, may you all stay safe and clear from warped mentalities like this. Go in a good way and keep on making that Good medicine for the globe and all who populate it!