A plea for mercy on the Boutin's from Michigan resident to Trump
To those of you who are helping us to keep an eye on beloved KM members and frontline cannabis warriors Michael & Tawni Boutin we cannot thank You enough. It is very heart breaking for us to see them locked up and facing federal prosecution for cannabis knowing first hand how much Good they have done for both plant and people but unfortunately as we know that so long as the US federal government remains in a hypocritical position regarding cannabis, there's nothing that can really be done but to go along with their circus show against it while good and honorable people like Mike & Tawni Boutin continue to suffer under the guise of "Justice" at the hand of the criminal justice system, a system long broken because of their insane position against our Harmless plant!

We are grateful to see and know that the cannabis community are not only paying attention to their situation but too that Some are willing to reach out and actually do what they can to try and be supportive of them and their legal situation, such as the letter written on their behalf to president Donald Trump. We hope that you will take a few minutes reading it and that Maybe you will consider writing one of your own on their behalf:
"November 25, 2018
Dear Honorable President Trump,
My name is Mary Jane Bunker and I am from Michigan. I have a special needs child who suffers from early onset schizophrenia. Over the years Dr.’s have tried many medications but the only one that has worked causes terrible dyskinesia. This is a side effect of many antipsychotics. Dyskenesia causes uncontrollable muscle movement and is thought to be irreversible. As a responsible person & mother I’ve had to make a choice: the safety of my child and the general population versus the medical safety of my child and any adverse side effect of medication that quells the psychosis to a degree, but robs him of his health and comfort. In my search for a cure I came across cannabis. I watched a show called “Weed Country”. I was drawn to a character on The Show by the name of Tawni Boutin. Tawni counseled me via private messages on how to secure CBD for my son. It has been a Blessing beyond my wildest expectations. I'm a prayerful woman President Trump and I felt led to both pray for and contact this amazing woman and her husband Mike Boutin. She was receptive to my messages on social media and I asked her to do Bible study with me. This began a relationship that has lasted for years. I would share daily Bible Study with her and I watched from afar as God made some astounding changes in her life and the life of her husband. I learned so much from that show, President Trump, not the least of which was the fact that CBD is Curative for psychosis and that the U.S.government actually has a patent on it as a neuroprotectant and nerve regenerator.
Mike and Tawni Boutin reached out to me when they came to Michigan for the High Times cup. We spent two days together. In that time I came to know them to be wonderful Christian activists who are trying to get cannabis to people as medicine. There have been a lot of kids that they have helped through other activists. They've donated medicine for sick kids. I know Senators have done the same thing: traveled across state lines and brought medicine for sick kids. President Trump Mike Boutin found it hard to secure employment after the show. He was labeled as a “bad hire” because of his fame and stance on Cannabis as medicine. A downward spiral ensued as they lost homes and possessions until Mike finally decided to secure his licensing to be a storm assessor. They were contacted by a Facebook friend and were lured down to Tennessee under the guise of a job offering and opportunity as Tennessee is a central location to tornado alley and historically sits amidst the most hard hit states. Mike and Tawni had an RV they lived out of going from friend to friend to park and access power eventually arriving in Tennessee with their own medicine. BAD DECISION. Mike Boutin had studied for months to become certified as an insurance assessor for storm damage. When he arrives in Tennessee he finds that there is no job and that in fact he's been lured down to a man's property who has illegal activity going on. There was a raid on the property and the police found in the man's house A cannabis grow operation and multiple firearms. Mike and Tawni Boutin were parked in their RV accessing power from the man's house for a fee and somehow were caught up in this raid. They subsequently were locked up in jail in Tennessee facing both state and federal charges because in their RV was found a substantial amount of cannabis that they themselves used as medicine. The man who owns the property was bonded out almost immediately. Mike and Tawni had no money to make bond or hire an attorney. They were eventually offered a deal by the federal government to plead guilty to the charges and give up a significant amount of their property and possessions in exchange for them reducing the amount of time they would have to serve in jail. This decision would ruin any chances of Mike using his newly acquired storm assessor knowledge and licensing as he would now be prohibited from acquiring the necessary licensure to continue in this field. President Trump I come before you and ask that you pardon Mike and Tawni Boutin of all charges so that Mike can retain his insurance Assessor's status and go on to bless many. I’m told since Mike's been in jail he has started a prison ministry, repeneted of his anger issues, and has become as The Word tells us A New Creation in Christ Jesus.
I know you are a fair and just man who believes in second chances. I ask that you pardon Mike and Tawni Boutin so that Mike can support his family as a storm assessor.
President Trump your leadership brings to mind in the Bible the book of Esther who although there were many reasons not to do what her uncle had asked her to do for him and the Jews, God put on her heart to answer her people in the affirmative.
Esther 4:14
14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
President Trump I'm asking that you answer us in the affirmative: I'm asking that you end Federal cannabis prohibition and please help so many of God’s precious people. I believe that you President Donald Trump have been raised up for "such a time as this." For it is God who appoints people to positions of power and speaks to their hearts in the watches of the night.
Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Warm regards, Mary Jane Bunker"
THANK YOU MARY JANE BUNKER for writing such a beautiful letter on behalf of them! You don't know how appreciated it is for all of us who care about this very special couple - they truly have helped So many people who were in dire straights need of obtaining quality medicine including our own sachem personally herself. Words cannot express how much it means to us and surely to the Boutin's as well to see people actively stepping forward on their behalf, especially during such trying times as this.
Again, if You are willing to do the same, please do, and ifi you would, please let us know and share with us what you say and do on their behalf. Please also review our previous as well as future posts for updates and also for contact information should you want to reach out with a letter of support and encouragement to the Boutin's directly. Mail is the only real highlight of the day for those who are locked up in jail and prison cells and even just a simple post card with well wishes really does make a major positive difference in morale.