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For those needing to know...

This information was publicly posted by a wise elder who was attempting to "Call out" the lies and scams of a proclaimed "Tuscarora Signatory Chief" by the name of Evan Patrick "Pat" Holley of Onaway, Michigan earlier today because apparently he continues failing to realize that he is bringing more SHAME on the Tuscarora and all tribes of North America) than he is Good Medicine.

Please note that this man's claims of title and authority are completely FALSE according to both the true Chief of the Tuscarora Indian Tribe as well as the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) which govern them.

Here is the actual text of the gentleman's post for your own personal review:

"I [indian]. Statement of Exclusive Jurisdiction Citizens or members of Indian Nations, Tribes, and Reservations cannot assume to have obligations to, or be under the protection of a Nation other than their own, because Canadian citizenship and Indian exclusive jurisdiction control are in direct conflict due to Indian Sovereign land base rights. The courts have no right(s) to assume this jurisdiction when it cannot prove that any existing tribal relations or affiliations have terminated or dissolved because the Indian has left Indian Sovereign Territories, exercising the Right of Occupancy. The question of jurisdiction or the lack of it is the exclusive right of the Tribal Government and can only be dealt with at the International level. We cannot, as Tribal people, present an enrollment number to this or any other court showing that we are citizens of our Nation. The burden of proof is on the judge of your court to prove we are citizens of Canada. The procedure is clearly defined in that the judge must prove that we have a: Certificate of Tribal Abandonment

Certificate of Competency and Eligibility

Certificate of Citizenship

In conclusion, for this or any other court to continue assuming jurisdiction over Indians, constitutes the crime of Treason.

ACTS classified as TREASON 1. Rebellion or Insurrection against INDIAN NATIONS. 2. Seditious Conspiracy against INDIAN NATIONS. 3. Advocating the Overthrow of INDIAN GOVERNMENTS. 4. Registration of Certain Organizations. 5. Activities affecting Police Forces generally. 6. Activities affecting Police Forces during Wars. 7. Recruiting for services against INDIAN NATIONS. 8. Enlisting of services against INDIAN NATIONS. 9. Giving aid and comfort to Indian or non-Indians committing these crimes. in further conclusion all attorneys and judges in the profession of law and its practices, are classified as persons that belong to the concepts and beliefs for the Government of Canada and not Indian Nations, Tribes or Reservations, and no government agency, attorney or judge, corporation (profit or non-profit) or anyone owing allegiance to the Government of Canada can relate these facts to the Indian, because it would be prejudicial to the interests of Canada, and its provinces"

You see, Mr. Holley has committed what this man clearly points out as being "Acts of TREASON" upon the Tuscarora Indian Nation, and again we emphasize "SHAME" upon all of the Indian Country of North America. This is NOT an over-exxageration by ANY MEANS, and we will explain how he has violated EACH of the above 7 points.:

1. Mr. Holley has admitted to having committed acts of Treason upon the true "Chief" of the Tuscarora peoples including the literal burning down of Chief Leo Henry's personal home on the reservation a few years back ago.

2. Mr. Holley has on Multiple occasions within the last decade (and likely for far longer) been caught proclaiming rights of authority to Sell illegal documents including "Tribal" Adoptions, Birth Records,Identification cards, Driver's licenses, Border Crossing Documentations, Gaming (Hunting & Fishing licenses, etc. to which he knows well he does NOT have the Legal Authority to be selling.

It is important to note at this time, that Mr. Holley has NOT done such under his claims of being "Tucarora Chief" alone, but also too has been victimizing the Metis Tribes of Canada in these same ways as well. You see, in addition to claiming the "Chief" title within the Tuscarora Indian Nation, Mr. Holley ALSO calls and declares himself "Chief" of the "Algonquin Woodland Metis Annishinabeck Tribe (AWMAT) of Canada as well, though anyone other than he himself has Yet to be found in any Legal documentation of such a "tribe" for attempted confirmation, but, the ONLY documentation of such a "tribe" to be found is in the Canadian Business Registry system, which declares that this "Business" was "Incorporated" into legal existence as of ____ By Mr. Holley himself. IF this actually somehow makes it a "Legal tribe" OR Mr. Holley among it's "Chief's" then it's a fair conclusion to feel the instinct of Questioning it's INTEGRITY for sure!

Here is a link to just One source that we have quickly found in a basic google search, we Hope you will take a few moments to quickly review it for your own personal knowledge and information. :

3. Mr. Holley on numerous occasions and to many people has and continues to strategize what we would describe as being "Plots" to corrupt the Tuscarora Indian Nation's tribal government in both seemingly "honorable" as well as out-right Dishonorable ways. In one aspect, Mr. Holley speaks about hosting a "Condolence Ceremony" as and on behalf of the Tuscarora Indian Nation (to which he Continues trying to raise more than $50k to accomplish) at which time he states that his "Aunt" who he says is "Keeping the seat warm" for his own mother who passed away over a decade ago and who Was honored as being a "Clan Mother" of the Tuscarora tribal people that He intends to have confirm Holley's eldest daughter into her grandmother's seat thereby officiating Her as a new Clan Mother of the Tuscarora Indian Nation of New York. Once affirmed, Mr. Holley insists that his daughter could and would then appoint Him as an official "Chief" of the Tuscarora Indian Nation (interesting indeed beings he already claims himself as such being the only begotten child of his mother) thereby making him an undisputable "Chief" of the Tuscarora peoples.

Another "plot" Mr. Holley has stated to many is to have the official chief, Leo Henry presented with "Black Wampum" which he insists immediately and automatically Renounces Chief Henry's official position as chief to which at that point Mr. Holley says that he himself would "Automatically be declared Tuscarora chief because otherwise the tribe would not have a chief, and that because of his Mother's previous position as Clan Mother, it's his "hereditary right" to be Tuscarora Chief whereas he insists Chief Henry "Never Has been a Tuscarora Chief because traditionally he can't ever be."

But the most worrysome "plot" or should we say "Plot's" plural as they are, involve either Mr. Holley or Others on his behalf and by his instruction, proceed down to the state of Florida where Holley insist's he knows "Right where Leo lives" and literally executes the 80+ year old man, which again Holley assures would make him "Automatically recognized as chief of the Tuscarora Nation. Now, at this time, we feel it's important that in addition to pointing out the obvious thus far, such as Mr. holley's DETERMINATION TO BECOME a or thee "Chief" of the Tuscarora peoples(that he's presently NOT nor has ever Officially been), or get into the depth of "Threat" level that We believe Mr. Holley could well be to Chief Henry as well as the entire Tuscarora populous, that instead we point out what may still be a bit less obvious to those only now familiariating yourselves with our newsroom, which is to throw a direct link or two showing you what efforts Mr. Holley has Already set into motion in regards to "Being Chief", so take a moment or two and check these out if you would so to gain a bit more clarity as to where this leads if you would please, we'd appreciate it:

This link will show you All of the official "Business Licenses" that Mr. Holley has and or has had listed just at his residence in Onaway, Michigan which he declares to many as being HIS Reservation land he inherited from his mother, one of the tribes trusted Clan Mothers:


This link will show you official business licenses that Mr. Holley has and or has had listed throughout the time period he has had all of the American businesses licensed as just provided in the link above:

For the record, we of coarse also Highly Suggest that if you're becomming intrigued and want to know More detail about Mr. Holley's "doings and dealings" so to speak that we have exposed thus far, that you review our article archives, specifically from 2018 as much information not here is there to be had for those seeking it.

4. In addition to what's just been shown to you in those last few links regarding Mr. Holley's authorizing/establishing his own "Tribes" and their "Organizations" for his own personal benefits and gains, at this time, we would like to focus your attention to a few of those business licenses Mr. Holley has and maintains, particularly real quick, his ones as "Native American Church" (NAC's). The first and longest of them is "The Morning Star & Half Moon Native American Church" which is the one Mr. Holley established in the United States. Correct us if we're Wrong, but don't the United States Government define a "Church" as being "A Religious ORGANIZATION" - and not only that, if you saw our article just a few days back ago, did we not provide you with screenshot Proof that Mr. Holley himself in said post Stated that "4. NAC is NOT practiced by Tuscarora but merely accepted."

Then ask yourself why in that post Mr. Holley went on to attack and chastise Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) in #5 as he did all the while utilizing and in turn victimizing members and former members Of the ONAC including his own proclaimed cousin whom we've also been doing some public service awareness reports about over the last year as well who has publicly time and again claimed blessings and authoritive positions as a NAC by his cousin Mr. Holley's vested positions as both "Chief" of the Tuscarora, Metis and his own made up tribes as well as being the official business owner of 2 NAC's, one in the United States and too, the second one he established as "the sovran Tuscarora Nation AND Native American Church." And we go the step farther in having already shown in previous articles Proof that Mr. Holley had just in 2018 listed his cousin as a "Director" of that Canadian Tuscarora nation & NAC creation, to which the cousin Has and Continues to publicly declare himself a Spiritual Leader & "Medicine Man" of "The Healing Rose of the Tuscarora" presented as being a NAC that has been blessed into it's existence by Mr. Holley to which in all fairness, Mr. Holley CONTINUES to deny as well as to Denounce it as well as his cousins integrity and LACK of lineage and therefore "Untraine" by the Tuscarora such as that post described in his #7 for those of you who go back to personally review it for yourselves in our other article.

Now returning our main focus back to This List above, we can go ahead and combind #5 & 6 together in that Mr. Holley has is and believed to continuing to violate these "Classified acts of TREASON" according to his elders Warning to him publicly that he's Doing, as seen in that we've already addressed above, the Un-Official "Documents" that Mr. Holley is selling to people without ANY Authority to do. Mr. Holley has no legal right to sell Tribal Adoptions, Indian Child Welfare Act Protection rights, Birth Records, Tribal Identification cards, Tribal Driver's licenses, Hunting, Fishing or any Other kind of licencing to ANYONE, yet he has for More than a decade of being told time and again he is Not Authorized to be doing so and he continues to this date, and as we've said before we know and have proof First Hand and In Hand that he not only has been continuing to do this through the year of 2018, but that he has knowingly and willingly done so to be used as "Legal Alias's" meaning Mr. Holley intended on providing official fake identities, and doing so as well as creating all the supporting "official documentation" that accompany one, specifically sell pointing it will give clear path through International "Border Crossing" check points, we personally cannot see a Better Example as to how it is Mr. Holley has and continues to knowingly commit these acts of TREASON upon the people as he is, other than for the personal gain he's accumulating along his way.

Moving along to warnings #7 & #8 which again can be addressed together as they're both being committed hand in hand together by Mr. Holley which we think just in what you've already learned about this here should be sufficient in that by creating his own "tribes" and declaring himself their "Chief" and then turning around and proceeding to develop them in such to include departments of Treasury, Commerce, and so forth as well as securing all Other directions encompassing commerce that a Tribe would and should have is in itself PROOF that Mr. Holley's intent is not nor has ever been to be Chief of the Tuscarora or any other actually OFFICIAL tribe for the sake or good of the tribe off of their traditional ways of goverance, else he wouldn't be establishing all that he is how he's been establishing them - him being the sole one in control over them, and his impossibly adopted members ignorantly comforting, coddling and enabling him to continue. Again here we refer you back to the Many 2018 archives for more proof and detailed information already provided to you for your awareness.

And finally, the last and easiest one, #9. Clearly here Mr. Holey cannot help but to Be proven convictable for this just in all the very little to be had of this pile here in this article if not even reflecting your attention back through our 2018 archived articles regarding Mr. Holley and what he's been doing to and for the people around him, such as his cousin mentioned here and more intense depth of concern and question in previous articles. You see, it doesn't even Matter that the Tuscarora Indian Nation officially do NOT recognize his cousin as an official tribal member OR that Mr. Holley himself continues to insist to all inquiries regarding his cousins "tribal lineage" that he "Does Not have a claim, he lacks any substantial quantum to calm any tribe, especially the Tuscarora" because according to his cousins own personal public claims that he Is a blessed spiritual leader of an NAC bearing the name "Tuscarora" in it and declaring and publicly presenting himself as such as well as being a "Medicine Man" and "Shaman" while telling multitudes of inquirers that his "chief cousin has declared him so OF THE ENTIRE Tuscarora Indian Nation" as he in turns continues to recruit new victims for this scam of theirs - whether Mr. Holley denounces and denies him or not, his own actions and the proof being in his licensing, specifically in the licensing of his "sovran Tuscarora Nation & Native American Church" and having had listed this same cousin during his timeline of public claims We Feel should suffice as far as Mr. Holleys guilt here indeed - and this is the END of the elders warning list to him - so now it's up to Your perception of reality as to whether or Not Mr. Holley Should himself be brought up on official TREASON charges under and now knowing this IS a valid coarse to put an official END to it and at the least he and his threat especially upon the Tuscarora Indian Nation as a whole once and for all.

As always, we Thank you for your time and attention on this matter - the New Year is quickly approaching now and it's Time for Positive Changes for the greater good across the Entire board, don't you agree~

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