A Look into the "Sugarleaf" Snake-oil "Church"
So, the question before the California Superior Court is whether or not Heidi Grossman-Lepp made financial profit off of illegal activities encompassing cannabis aka "Marijuana" under the guise of being a legitimate "Church" or not.

We are Concerned with the fact that the prosecutor for the Yuba County, California's District Attorney's Office Mr. Vacek has full intent of securing prosecution on Grossman-Lepp for these criminal charges or not as we Know that he has Not seemed to make any effort at attempting to investigate these allegations with any who would be able and willing to provide him with damning evidence that would surely guarantee a conviction including the only church that she ever had obtained formal credentials to claiming, the Oklevueha Native American Church of Spanish fork, Utah back in February of 2017.
After obtaining her blessing as Sugarleaf, Grossman-Lepp then began making a complete Spectacle out of not only her but all churches associated with the Oklevueha Native American Church organization. Among these embarrassments, Grossman-Lepp Intentionally Mocked the entire tribal cultures history and belief systems, for which she was warned for many times, but the more her "mother church" would attempt to correct her misconduct the more Grossman-Lepp would go out of her way to push her ass even more in the Wrong direction.
As Sugarleaf Heidi Grossman-Lepp along with her newest claimed "husband" proclaimed "Reverend" Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp, another long proven snake-oil scam artist in both the cannabis and spirituality worlds together set out selling not only memberships into their Sugarleaf church, but actually created a Price list to which the members could purchase "Blessings" which the couple presented as being "Legal Exemption from Criminal Prosecution" empowered blessings. These blessings specifically encompassed the cultivation and distribution of cannabis under the claim of it being a "Sacrament" of the church.
Please take a quick moment to review her price list first hand for yourself if you would please:

In addition to the blessings for sale as you will see, are other listed services too, with their own pricing as well. Some of these "extra options" are MANDITORY for those willing to buy certain Other blessings of coarse, such as manditory minimum consultations and banner signs which depend on the specifically sought blessings. For example, a banner such as the one seen in the photo immediately below was an additional Manditory purchase for those buying a blessing of a "Ganja Farm". It was sold with the assurance that the illegally cultivating farms would NOT be infultrated by police nor anyone harmed or arrested.
Please note right quick if you would before we proceed that on the price list there is a $500.00 fee for the "Legal Fund" that is in ADDITION to the other blessing costs. For this cost members were promised that Should something happen legally to their blessed operation that Sugarleaf would provide for them their "Legal Dream Team" which was said to be led by attorney Joseph Tully though as member after member got busted and arrested, the only sound heard from Sugarleaf or Tully were crickets, except for Grossman-Lepp herself who was quickly bailed out with CASH by her recently federally paroled husband obviously with church gathered funds of coarse because otherwise Neither of them had any job or other means of income between the two of them!

What we clearly saw first hand on August 1st, 2017 in Oregon House, California as well as a few Dozen times after in other locations and multiple counties was that this was a complete LIE as raid after raid transpired and individual after individual were arrested and criminally charged for illegal cultivation, if not worse such as Mark Anthony Sanchez who ultimately at Sugarleaf's command was Murdered in cold blood under this very banner, may his soul be in peace after justice and repreations are attained by his family!
Mark Sanchez was hired onto the ganja farm Before Sugarleaf became "blessed" as a church. You see Grossman, before she became Lepp had a lease agreement on the Oregon House property for well over a Year with it's owner as well as a partnership in an illegal grow to which they were fined for by the county in 2015 for maintaining. According to county officials all fines were paid in full prior to the 2016 illegal garden and never was the 2015 garden dispute by Grossman nor her partner as being an illegal operation NOR attempted to be proclaimed as being a "Church" garden or anything else. However this year and especially as a result of the shooting and murder of Mark Sanchez, it is sworn as being nothing less than a "Church Garden" meant to provide "sacrament" exclusively to church members.
On the 31st of July, 2016, Mark Sanchez became aware that the church which was assured to be protecting his efforts at the ganja garden had publicly Denounced and Dissolved Sugarleaf as well as officially Excommunicated both Grossman-Lepp and her husband from the church organization, Mark like many went inquiring as to the legal status of this position in the operation as the demand was publicly spreading around that all Sugarleaf "churches" were to Immediately take DOWN such banners as the one shown above because they were invalid and only made people legal target for infringement and possible criminal prosecution for functioning as an unauthorized and illigimate church. On the morning of August 1st, 2016 once again Mark attempted to inquire about the legality of the grow and once confirmed it was no longer considered legally protected by ONAC as promised, Mark Sanchez asked for the pay he was owed an informed them that he would then be walking away from the operation and returning home to his family.

(Photograph: Mark Anthony Sanchez tending to the garden)
Apparently this was unacceptable to Grossman-Lepp who was heard by many eye witnesses to smugly insisting that Sanchez was Not to be paid. In addition to the work, Mark also had a vested interest in plants that were currently in the ground being grown at the time meaning that so many of them were to be his come harvest. When told he would Not be paid for the work he had done and was owed for Mark told farm supervisors to then advise Grossman-Lepp that "for every half hour" he was Not paid what he was owed, that he would be pulling "five plants out of the ground." To this Grossman-Lepp Laughed, until farm staff advised her that he had in fact just pulled 5 plants out of the ground - this Infuriated Grossman-Lepp who according to eye witness accounts then said "I'll deal with Him" with a sadistic laugh and then proceeded to call 911 and report Mark Sanchez as some sort of unknown vagrant who she described as being highly intoxicated and extremely dangerous and told police that he was "trespassing" on the farm and "destroying private property" - not telling them of coarse he was an employee or that the plants he was pulling out of the ground were actually his own!
Grossman-Lepp apparently put on quite a show, which of coarse she at the same time was posting about doing on her social media as she did it. Grossman-Lepp is reported to have called for All local law enforcement, "including the National Guard" stating that Mark Sanchez was "waiving a gun around" at other of her members/workers and she feared he might kill someone. What transpired from this point forward remains unclear and encompassed with lie after lie from source after source publicly commenting on it ranging from LEO to media to Grossman-Lepp and her "members husband and attorney" but long story short of it is that in the end of this situation, Mark Anthony Sanchez lay dead on the property next door to that farm with a body full of bullets and many unexplained questions.
This is when Heidi Grossman-Lepp says that she Voluntarily, without being Asked, chose to willingly GIVE local LEO a List of names of individuals as well as the locations of Their illegal yet "blessed by Sugarleaf" cannabis grow operations. It's important that you know that NONE of these other grows had a Thing to do with Mark Sanchez in any sort of way, meaning that theree was No Reason for there names or locations to be given to LEO especially by the "church" who sold them a PROMISE of legal sanction in the form of a blessing. As the tribal elders quickly say "If you have to PAY to Pray then you should run Far Away" because a blessing is Not optioned to be SOLD when it's honorable it's freely Given
Apparently it wasn't Realized that Mark Sanchez would keep detailed journal logs of EVERYTHING going on at the "Sugarleaf Ganja Farm" he lived and was employed at. Thanks to those journal notes, law enforcement officers (LEO) were able to track interstate drug trafficking activities directly from the Oregon House farm clear across the nation to at least Two separate locations in New york State which subsequently were raided because of the Sugarleaf connection. Not only did these two raids directly link the "sacrament" from Sugarleaf to their locations but additionally netted tens of thousands of dollars dozens of firearms, large quantities of cocaine an other substances but also put the Sugarleaf sacrament directly into the hands of gang affiliated dealers,, some of who actually had taken over an entire apartment complex in Brooklyn for trafficking activities! Those two busts combined with Sanchez journal entries were then able to help New York LEO to "trace" payments through Walmart's Moneygram service back to the Oregon House farm in California. Keep in mind that these were Not locations that Grossman-Lepp willingly gave to police unlike the other two dozen plus places that were busted because of her, these were two she didn't want made known to LEO!
As all of this "Heddy Show" continued to publicly play out, gradually more and more began seeing into the shadiness of they and their Sugarleaf deeds and dealings. As Oklevueha continued distancing themselves and denouncing the creditability of it and it's leaders, Grossman-Lepp began shifting her athiest gears yet again this time putting emphasis on their church being "Rastifarian" which was quickly denied and denounced from the main Rasta church in New York state with the assurance that neither Grossman-Lepp of her self-proclaimed "Rasta Minister Reverend Eddy Lepp" were offocial Rasta anything including ever even petitioned Members of the Rasta church or faith based organization! Of coarse this has yet to stop their claims of being a Rasta church unlike the Oklevueha public denouncement of them did - to this day these people still insist their church and belief systems are legitimate hence the problem and too the continued threat by them upon the safety of the public.
There is so much More to be said and revealed regarding this church and it's so called Reverends, most of which we've covered in more detail in previous articles which are tagged in our archives for your convenience... we Highly Encourage you to take a little bit of time when you have it to check them out so that you are aware of who they are and what they've been pulling. We hope that not only will our efforts of apprising you to them in same way protects you and your loved ones but too, we hope and ask that you Please consider spreading the word and sharing the articles with Any you feel might end up harmed or taken advantage of by them.
We know just by their own admissions thus far that at Least 2 dozen duped victims of theirs who had been already taken for tens of thousands of dollars plus Each were Purposly handed over to police by Grossman-Leppp As Sugarleaf Church for criminal prosecution and that literally Hundreds of More people were also taken for tens of thousands of dollars a pop by them as well all within less than a 6 month span of time in this snake-oil church blessing scam. By their account, they sold more than 200 blessings for ganja gardens which were over $10k a pop and also 300 or more "wellness Center" blessings which went for over $35k a pop, who Knows how many others were also financially taken for ever how much as well.
You see, to us as well as a great many other upright spiritual organizations as well as to the entire native American "Indian" culture, the Sugarleaf Rasta Church is nothing more than a front for illegal exploitation, illegal rug trafficking and money laundering EMBARRASSMENT as well as dangerous Threat and black eye among us all. Inside this hallow church is nothing more than selfish careless and reckless Greed and based on their own conduct alone from presenting themselves as a "Church" to date the lack of sincere substance that a "Church" should have needs to be stopped at Godspeed, which right now is up to Mr. Vacek to ensure happens by the end of this trial.