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Lepp get's "Hung Jury" in Yuba County?!

It comes with great upset that we find ourselves having to report that the California state Superior Court seems to be either ignorant or corrupt one of the two... how else would the so called "Reverend Heidi Grossman- Lepp" have received word of their being a "Hung Jury" in regards to her church scam, especially considering the prosecuting attorney opened with her accountability in the murder of former member/employee Mark Anthony Sanchez.

For those of you only now becoming aware of this disease, we Highly encourage you to please review our archives,, especially if you want to see what we mean and why it is we're so upset with the golden state of sunny California right about now... such a gross lack of Justice indeed.

Long story short of it is that Heidi Grossman-Lepp was charged with Two Felony Counts of Conspiracy charges... one for cultivating cannabis illegally and the other for selling cannabis illegally. For five days the court deliberated the trial of Grossman-Lepp and yet Somehow ended up with a Hung Jury verdict of 7-5.

When looking even at just the many great points to be found and had in Our archives you will quickly see that not only should Grossman-Lepp have EASILY been convicted by the court for having exploited cannabis for her own personal enormous gain but her husband/partner in crime Charles "eddy" Lepp seen here with she and Tully should too have been not only charged but convicted for being her profiting partner as well, and many remain wondering Why it is he's not been legally spanked nor had his parole or probation Revoked by now... anyone Else would have!

Here is a BRIEF list of points that for whatever reason apparently Didn't get submitted to the court for it's review knowledge and consideration:

1. Heidi Grossman-Lepp had Multiple "Churches" recorded with the Secretary of the state of California corporations division, One of which she ha alotted "One MILLION Shares" of stock. NEVER before in Any religious or spiritual entities History has STOCKS been established - stocks are common in Business entities which make PROFIT, not in a Church entity or organization for heaven's sakes - not even TV televangelist's are THAT blatant!.

2. Grossman-Lepp's "Church Blessings" came attached with a PRICE LIST, the Cheapest on the list being for a "Ganja Farm Blessing" which was listed as being $10,000.00 a pop Plus a few required extra services, materials and fees of coarse, and her most Expensive "Blessings" for what she declared "Wellness Centers" sold for more than $35,000.00 a pop due to the required "extras" which included things ranging from "consultations" to banners which were a few hundred bucks a pop each. According to her own personal public posts on social media Grossman-Lepp sold more than 200 EACH of both blessing options above And did so in less than 6 months time!

3. The "Church farm" presented before the court in Oregon House California was used and cited by the county for having had an illegal cannabis garden grown on it the previous year (2016) to which Heidi Grossman-Lepp Was (and so remained) LEASEE of the land During the coarse of the illegal grow. Grossman NEVER tried claiming the garden as being a sanctioned "Church" garden during that grow or harvest and too, she and her partner paid off All the fines for the illegal grow to the county in full without incident or being contested/objected to in Any way as being anything other than an illegal grow.

4. Neither Grossman-Lepp nor her partner in this crime/"husband" Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp had a legitimate Job or Other source of income aside from their amway sales of "church blessings" and Yet almost daily both boasted openly on social media to spending sprees ranging from new clothes, building leases tons f tacky furniture even matching 24 karat gold jewelry for they and their dog "Lucky" and multiple trips to Nevada for "relaxation and gambling," one in their fancy new Mercedes Benz too mind you - all while ONLY selling Church blessings!

5. Thanks to the journal records of her late member/employee Mark Sanchez law enforcement officials (LEO) were able to track multiple packages of Grossman-Lepp's illegal cannabis to New York state where it was confirmed as being sold for as much as Four Times the going street rate of west coast California, and from there New York LEO's were able to track multiple money orders that were sent from the two locations in New York back to the Walmart local to Oregon House California to pay for the purchase of the illegal cannabis.

Of coarse Grossman-Lepp's defense was that she Only transacted cannabis to "Licensed patients" which is obviously in just the two New York busts to NOT be true - New York didn't Have any sort of legal sanctioning on cannabis during the time in question, medical Nor recreational, nor did the state of Florida nor Maryland which LEO also tracked Grossman-Lepp's ganja to where it was being sold to Non sanctioned people for a pretty bunch of east coast shiny pennies.

The jury for Some reason was "Unable to reach a verdict" against Grossman-Lepp and ultimately "Hung" 7-5 according to the official tally. Joseph Tully, attorney for Grossman-Lepp was smooth in turning the case around to his client "Not profiting" and even went so far to insist "not a single cent" went into his client's pocket in his opening and then end his closing with the claim that his client didn't "Knowingly participate in any crime".

An interesting tid-bit that came in the testimony of a Yuba county sheriff's depiuty came in him quoting Grossman-Lepp as stating "I'm not a collective, I'm a Church now." The reason this is such a notable statement is because it provides a major thread in which Should have been used by the prosecutor to EASILY un-weave Grossman-Lepp's web of LIES presented before the courtroom - Grossman-Lepp is claiming to have been an ordained minister since the year 2002 (which isn't true).

We are also curious as to why the multiple letters from Oklevueha to Grossman-Lepp confronting as well as formally reprimanding her for exploiting and profiting off of the sale of unauthorized/ legally unprotected churches under the authority of their organization, which was the only official "Mother Church" her Sugarleaf ever officially ha as far as credentials as a "Church" is concerned, surely they would have helped Clarify to the jury that Grossman'Lepp's actions as a church leader were inappropriate beings nothing else seemed to. ONAC officials assure us that all their letters were forwarded to the states prosecutor along with the offer of testifying against Grossman-Lepp in this case but for Some reason apparently now RETIRED prosecutor John Riley Vacek didn't feel it was important Enough to present to the court nor jury. Yes, you read that right, according to local media sources Mr. Vacek RETIRE "Upon the conclusion of This Case" how Convenient is That?! Oh but please know that he's not the ONLY California state official "employee" involved in this case whose Conveniently since Retired thanks to their connection with the "Heddy Show" - the coronor/sheriff himself as well as the official spokesperson for Yuba County Sheriff's office who addressed the Lepp Disease have also Both taken "Early Retirement" as well, they upon the conclusion of the MURDER of Mark Sanchez which happened on August 1st 2017.

We personally agree with Rachel Rosenbaum reporter of the Press Democrat who saw the trial from start to end when she declares Heidi Grossman-Lepp a "Snake-oil scam artist" and far from a "Holy Woman" indeed, especially when it comes to the spiritual connections to be had in our beloved mother medicine cannabis!

Furthermore we at KM declare both she and her so called "husband" an official DISEASE within the west coast cannabis community that if not dealt with easily could turn into an international pandemic if not swiftly and sincerely dealt with! Least our communities people FORGET that Grossman-Lepp herself as well as her attorney throughout this case multiple times Admitted that she WILLINGLY an without even having it requested GAVE Law Enforcement Officers a "LIST" of illegally cultivating farms she had sold her snake-oil blessing Knowing full well they would ultimately subsequently be raided and it's operators 18 people were thanks to her! A Few of these victims testified to this but as we say apparently without the fire Mr. Vacek should have had If he were sincerely trying to appear as attempting to prosecute this case.

Now it is our understanding that the state District Attorney' office in Yuba County are face with the choice as to whether or not to try and re-try Grossman-Lepp and quite frankly we get a sneaky feeling they are ultimately going to elect to Decline to do so because it's apparent that Yuba County Sheriff's department would prefer this entire case and situation go completely away hidden under a rug somewhere instead of being addressed Honorably nor being given any of the proper Justice deserved not only the local community and the Sanchez family but the national cannabis community as a whole.

Because of this we have publicly officially drawn a firm line between our community and these people and have declare the Lepp virus as No Friend to our plant, people, community or society as a whole. Since Yuba County seem unwilling to properly do their JOB we as KM along with the Sanchez family are turning our attention and outrage to the California state Attorney General as well as their Department of Justice for due diligence in regards to this case as well too as to the Execution-style MURDER of Mark Anthony Sanchez as well, and we are Hoping that you our readers members an supporters will Join with us as we begin to publicly light them Up!

April 4th 2019 the case is schedule to be addressed one more time in the state Superior court in Marysville California as far as we know, we will double check and let you know for sure as well as the details such as time and courtroom as soon as we receive official word confirming them.

In the meantime, again we Remind you that as an act of compassion and support, KM are officially offering Exclusively t-shirts calling for "JUSTICE for Mark Sanchez" to which 100% of the proceeds going to the two young daughters of Mark Sanchez who are truly the most traumatize an forever damaged victims of the Lepp Virus thus far, they not only have forever lost their father but too are left with only the Lies spread by the Lepp's, media and the Yuba County Sheriff's department to fester deep in the open wounds left by the Senseless Murder of their father. For more information on how to get one please reach out to us privately and we will do our best to quickly get one out to you. On behalf of the family and these children we Thank you for your support in our persisting in getting Justice for Mark and the Lepp virus ridded from society once and for all.

Please stay tune for future updates in regards to this situation and these people, and Thank you for being aware and informed - knowledge is wisdom and wisdom is true Power which is in the hands of We the People... A'ho!


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