Final Day of California's "Lepp Disease" trial

Well today's the final day that the Superior Court of the State of California will hear the case of state vs. Heidi Grossman-Lepp an for many this day of reckoning could not come soon enough and hopefully not without wheeling the fist of Justice behind it in the form of an uppercut and legal "KO" so to rid this woman of both the California as well as the global cannabis communities once and for all.
Grossman-Lepp is currently charged with a felony count of Conspiracy to cultivate cannabis illegally and also a felony count of Conspiracy to distribute cannabis illegally for profit, charges which even a monkey could gain a conviction for against her without even knowing too many of the details encompassing her Snake-oil church Amway blessing sales throughout the beginning of 2017 in and beyond the golden state boundaries of California.

The case is being prosecuted by Yuba County District Attorney's office by John Riley Vacek, but the question running through many of our minds is, does he have the fire to actually seek a prosecution... so far our perspective is that there Is room for such a question.
We Know that Mr. Vacek has had contact from multiple members of the family of Mark Sanchez the member/employee of Grossman-Lepp who was Murdered by Yuba County Sheriff deputies per the instruction and demand of "Reverend" Heidi Grossman-Lepp who refused to pay Sanchez after he became aware of her claims as a legit church were bogus and that he ultimately was left cultivating an illegal cannabis cultivation operation. We know that KM as well as officials from the Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) have Also reached out to Vacek multiple times via email an have offered evidence as well as expert testimony if needed to help get Grossman-Lepp prosecuted. We know that the Sanchez family have also expressed support in the churches attempts to connect with Vacek regarding this case but thus far all efforts have gone to no avail.
KM members as well as our spiritual leader personally are at the courthouse advocating for Justice for Mark Sanchez and his family which will only be had in official accountability for his death starting with the prosecution of Grossman-Lepp in this case. Also too, KM are in process of getting t-shirts made to which 100% if all proceeds will go to the two young daughters of Mark Anthony Sanchez, the only two who haven't gotten any form of justice, compassion or community support while all with their fathers blood on their hands continue to get wrongfully rewarded.

For those of you interested in coming down and showing your support for the Sanchez family and/or who support our demand for JUSTICE beginning with the riddance of the Lepp disease, please come on down to the California Superior Court in downtown Marysville, California and unite with us... we owe it to as well as for the defense of cannabis, to the communities such as Yuba county residents who have suffered because of the selfishness and greed of this woman, to the Sanchez family and his children and other of her victims among them, and all she has ADMITS to WILLINGLY & VOLUNTARILY SNITCH out without any justifiable Reason and ONLY in effort of saving her own ass from the illegal fires she willingly created (yet couldn't Handle personally when arrested as you can see in the picture immediately above thanks to local media) in and beyond the state of California, and for all otherwise future victims we hope to spare of her gross reckless disregard for our beloved plant and people before suffering befalls you too.
Thank you in advance for all of your compassion and support, and if you can, please do consider buying a shirt whether or not you can personally attend our gathering.